• AWS Fargate announces availability of Microsoft Windows Server 2022 images for Amazon ECS

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    AWS Fargate launches support for the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 runtime platform for applications running on Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS). This adds to the list of already supported Windows Server 2019 runtime platforms for AWS Fargate, and helps customers take advantage of the latest Windows features on AWS Fargate.

  • EBS Recycle Bin is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) regions

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    EBS Recycle Bin is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 validated endpoints to protect sensitive information. 

  • AWS Step Functions adds 14 new intrinsic functions so you can process data more efficiently in workflows.

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    AWS Step Functions expands support for manipulation of your input and output data with the addition of 14 new intrinsic functions so you can simplify data processing, reduce calls to downstream services, and write less code. Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that supports integrations with over 220 AWS services, 10,000 API actions, and now 18 intrinsic functions.

  • AWS announces open-sourced credentials-fetcher to simplify Microsoft AD access from Linux containers

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    AWS announces the general availability of the credentials-fetcher open source project. As you modernize your .NET applications to Linux containers, you no longer need to worry about Microsoft Active Directory (AD) dependency. You can use credentials-fetcher to access AD from services hosted on Linux containers using the service account authentication model. This package makes it possible to create kerberos tickets specific to group managed service accounts (gMSAs) in applications running on Linux containers. As part of our launch, we have packaged credential-fetcher in RPM format and added it to Fedora Linux. You can install this package by using dnf install credentials-fetcher.

  • EBS Recycle Bin is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    EBS Recycle Bin is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. You can use Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots and EBS-backed AMIs to recover from accidental deletions to meet business continuity needs. Previously, if you accidentally deleted a snapshot, you would have to roll back to a snapshot from an earlier point in time, increasing your recovery point objective. It was also not possible to recover accidentally deregistered AMIs. With Recycle Bin, you can specify a retention time period and recover a deleted snapshot or a deregistered AMI before the expiration of the retention period. A recovered snapshot or AMI retains its attributes such as tags, permissions, and encryption status, which it had prior to deletion. Snapshots and AMIs that are not recovered from the Recycle Bin are permanently deleted upon expiration of the retention time.

  • Announcing Workload Consolidation for Karpenter

    Posted On: Aug 31, 2022

    Starting with v0.15.0, Karpenter will automatically consolidate Kubernetes cluster workloads onto new EC2 instances to help increase utilization and lower cluster compute costs. Karpenter is a flexible, high-performance Kubernetes cluster autoscaler that helps improve application availability, operational overhead, and cluster compute utilization by launching new EC2 instances that are best fit to the scale, scheduling, and resource requirements of the workloads in a cluster. Customers can use Karpenter with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or any conformant Kubernetes cluster.

  • AppFlow now supports Salesforce version 55.0 and additional AWS PrivateLink regions

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers to securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports Salesforce API version 55.0 which is the latest API in the Salesforce Summer ’22 release.

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports M6i and R6i instances in new regions

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports M6i and R6i instances in new regions. In April 2022, Amazon RDS for Oracle has already launched the support of M6i and R6i instances in some regions.

  • Announcing VMware Cloud on AWS integration with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    AWS and VMware now offer a supplemental, jointly-engineered network file system (NFS) datastore option for VMware Cloud on AWS so you can reduce costs and accelerate your migration to the cloud. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is a fully managed service that allows you to run NetApp ONTAP file systems on AWS. With this integration, you can attach scalable, high-performance storage, independent from your compute resources, to your VMware Cloud on the AWS Software Defined Data Center (SDDC).

  • Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management. Previously, the dataset management experience was a popup dialog modal with limited space and all functionality shown up in one small modal. The new dataset management user interface replaces the existing popup dialog modal with a full-page experience, providing a clearer breakdown of dataset management categories, including Summary, Refresh, Permissions and Usage. This update also lays the foundation for future enhancement and features. For further details, visit here.

  • Amazon Macie adds ability to tune findings with allow lists, and enhances machine learning models to better identify sensitive data

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    We are pleased to announce a new capability to create allow lists in Amazon Macie. You can now create and use allow lists to specify text or text patterns that you don’t want Macie to report as sensitive data. For example, an allow list might include corporate phone numbers, names of executives, or sample data that is used for testing. When you create a sensitive data discovery job, you can configure the job to use one or more of your allow lists, in addition to choosing from a growing list of Macie managed data identifiers (MDI).

  • A new sign-in experience is now generally available for Amazon QuickSight

    Posted On: Aug 30, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight is changing the way users sign in to the service with a new look and feel that aligns the sign-in experience with existing AWS application sign-in patterns. The QuickSight sign-in process is now a three-step experience: 1) the first page requires your QuickSight account name, 2) the second page asks for your user name, 3) the third page varies depending on your sign in configuration: native QuickSight or Active Directory user, AWS root user, or IAM user. This change does not affect users who use single sign on (SSO.)

  • Amazon AppFlow now supports Jira Cloud as a source

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers to securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports Jira Cloud as a source.

  • Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler accelerates onboarding with sample dataset and guided feature discovery

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler reduces the time it takes to aggregate and prepare data for machine learning (ML) from weeks to minutes in Amazon SageMaker Studio, the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for ML. With SageMaker Data Wrangler, you can simplify the process of data preparation and feature engineering, and complete each step of the data preparation workflow, including data selection, cleansing, exploration, and visualization, from a single visual interface. Customers using Data Wrangler can import data from Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Databricks Lakehouse Platform and more coming.

  • Amazon Personalize expands the number of events considered by filters to make recommendations even more relevant

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    Amazon Personalize has extended the capabilities of its filters, increasing limits and providing control over the number of interactions considered by each filter. Amazon Personalize filters improve the relevance of recommendations by removing products that users have already purchased, videos they have already watched, or other digital content they have already consumed in their recent interactions. Receiving repeated recommendations may be frustrating for users, which could lead to lower user engagement and lost revenue opportunities. Amazon Personalize now offers the option to extend the number of interactions considered by the filters to better capture users’ historical activity, particularly for use-cases where customers have a high volume of interactions. Filters now consider up to 100 interactions per user per event type.

  • Introducing AWS Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector, a new discovery tool for AWS Application Discovery Service

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    AWS Application Discovery Service now includes the Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector to support enterprise customers gathering information for their migration projects. Deployment occurs via a virtual appliance installed within the user’s on-premises data centers, allowing one install to monitor hundreds of servers.

  • Amazon Route 53 Resolver Endpoints announces 99.99% Service Level Agreement and updates its Service Level Agreement for Route 53 hosted zones

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    AWS has published a service level agreement (SLA) for Amazon Route 53 Resolver Endpoints, which provides availability guarantees for this service. AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Amazon Route 53 Multi-AZ Resolver Endpoints available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage, during any monthly billing cycle, of at least 99.99% (the “Service Commitment”). In the event Amazon Route 53 Resolver Endpoints does not meet the Service Commitment, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described in the Amazon Route 53 Resolver Endpoints Service Level Agreement.

  • AWS Security Hub launches announcements notification topic

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    AWS Security Hub now publishes announcements through Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), helping you stay up to date with the latest feature releases and announcements. To receive announcements about new AWS Security Hub features, subscribe to the AWS Security Hub SNS topic in your preferred Region.

  • Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached is now HIPAA eligible

    Posted On: Aug 29, 2022

    Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached is now a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) eligible service. You can now use ElastiCache for Memcached to store, process, and access protected health information (PHI) and power secure healthcare and life sciences applications. ElastiCache for Memcached is a fully managed, Memcached-compatible, in-memory, key-value store service that delivers sub-millisecond latency to power real-time applications.

  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    Today, we are announcing the availability of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

  • AWS Firewall Manager adds support for AWS Managed Rules for AWS Network Firewall

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    AWS Firewall Manager now allows you to centrally configure AWS Managed Rules for AWS Network Firewall policies, enabling you to stay up to date on the latest security threats without writing and maintaining your own firewall rules.

  • Announcing support for Crawler history in AWS Glue

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    AWS Glue Crawlers now provide properties and metrics associated with past crawler executions to simplify monitoring and auditing. This crawler history feature builds on AWS Glue Crawlers; customers use Crawlers to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. 

  • Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning is now available in the Europe (Milan), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Regions

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    We are excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning is now available in the Europe (Milan), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) regions.

  • AWS announces new edge locations in Vietnam

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces expansion in Vietnam by launching new edge locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. End users served by these new edge locations will see improvements in application availability, security, and performance. The new locations offer edge networking service Amazon CloudFront integrated with security service AWS Shield that includes Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Web Application Firewall (WAF), and bot protection.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports email subscription for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

    Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server now supports email subscription for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). There is no additional cost to use the email subscription feature on your Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instance.

  • Amazon QuickSight announces fine-grained visual embedding

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight now supports fine-grained visual embedding, allowing you to embed individual visuals from QuickSight dashboards in applications and portals to provide key insights to users where they’re needed most.

  • Amazon GameLift now supports AWS Local Zones

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of an update to Amazon GameLift that expands support to AWS Local Zones, which increases coverage for game developers, while providing seamless, low-latency gameplay experiences for players. With this update, game developers can tap into 8 new Local Zones in Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Phoenix.

  • Amazon CloudFront launches Origin Access Control (OAC)

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    Amazon CloudFront now offers Origin Access Control, a new feature that enables CloudFront customers to easily secure their S3 origins by permitting only designated CloudFront distributions to access their S3 buckets. Customers can now enable AWS Signature Version 4 (SigV4) on CloudFront requests to S3 buckets with the ability to set when and if CloudFront should sign requests. Additionally, customers can now use SSE-KMS when performing uploads and downloads through CloudFront.

  • Amazon Connect launches the ability to configure business operation days per week for capacity planning

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    Amazon Connect now enables you to select and manage which days the contact center is open for the purpose of capacity planning. This new feature is part of Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling (preview) that helps you predict contact volumes and average handling time, determine optimal staffing levels, and plan agent schedules to ensure you have the right agents working at the right time.

  • AWS IoT TwinMaker launches enhancements for scaling digital twins and building data connectors

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    AWS IoT TwinMaker is launching enhancements to simplify our customers’ experience as they scale their digital twins and build data connectors. AWS IoT TwinMaker makes it easier for developers to create digital twins of real-world systems such as buildings, factories, industrial equipment, and production lines. Digital twins are virtual representations of physical systems that can be regularly updated with real-world data to mimic the structure, state, and behavior of the systems they represent to drive business outcomes.

  • Announcing availability of AWS Outposts rack in Kenya and Oman

    Posted On: Aug 25, 2022

    AWS Outposts rack can now be shipped and installed at your data center and on-premises locations in Kenya and Oman.

  • Amazon EC2 X2idn and X2iedn instances now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    Starting today, memory optimized Amazon EC2 X2idn and X2iedn instances are available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region. X2idn and X2iedn instances, powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Ice Lake), are designed for memory-intensive workloads and deliver improvements in performance, price performance, and cost per GiB of memory compared to previous generation X1 instances. X2idn has a 16:1 ratio of memory to vCPU and X2iedn has a 32:1 ratio, making these instances a great fit for workloads such as in-memory databases and analytics, big data processing engines, and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) workloads. X2idn and X2iedn deliver up to 45% more SAPS than comparable X1 instances and are SAP-Certified for running Business Suite on HANA, SAP S/4HANA, Data Mart Solutions on HANA, Business Warehouse on HANA, SAP BW/4HANA, and SAP NetWeaver workloads on anyDB. You can view the certification data on the Certified and Supported SAP HANA Hardware Directory

  • Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages now generally available

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Anywhere Curated Packages, which are software packages that extend the core functionalities of Kubernetes. You can now install the Harbor package as a local container registry, the Emissary-Ingress package as the ingress controller, and the MetalLB package as the service type load balancer.

  • AWS Application Migration Service is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. With this launch, Application Migration Service is available in all commercial AWS Regions.

  • AWS Support launches support for managing cases in Slack

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    Starting today, your team can use the AWS Support App to collaborate with support agents on cases through Slack. You can use the AWS Support App to create, update, search for, and resolve support cases in Slack channels, and start a live chat session with support agents and members from your team.

  • AWS Glue is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    AWS Glue is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

  • Customers can now pay upfront or with scheduled payments using AWS IQ

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    You can now pay your experts upfront or with scheduled payments on AWS IQ. With scheduling, you pay experts based on a preset schedule that is set in the proposal. With upfront, you pay for work in advance upon accepting the proposal. You can also pay as you go with milestone payments. As a customer, you review these different payment types in the proposal and can work with your expert to select the option that best fits your project needs.

  • AWS WAF Fraud Control - Account takeover prevention for Amazon CloudFront

    Posted On: Aug 24, 2022

    AWS WAF Fraud Control - Account Takeover Prevention now supports Amazon CloudFront. AWS WAF Fraud Control - Account Takeover Prevention protects your application’s login page against credential stuffing attacks, brute force attempts, and other anomalous login activities. Account Takeover Prevention enables you to proactively stop account takeover attempts at the network edge. With Account Takeover Prevention, you can prevent unauthorized access that may lead to fraudulent activities, or you can inform affected users so that they can take preventative action.

  • Amazon Location Service now supports refined access control for geofences and tracked devices

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    Amazon Location Service now supports service specific condition keys allowing developers to set access control rules for each individual tracked device and geofence within a collection. This adds an additional layer of security and prevents unauthorized and unintended access while managing devices and geofences. 

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports managed Oracle Data Guard Switchover and Automated Backups for replicas

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle supports Oracle Data Guard Switchover and Automated Backups for replica instances (read-only and mounted) deployed within an Availability Zone, or in separate Availability Zones of a given Region, or in separate AWS Regions.

  • Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now reuses SageMaker Training instances to reduce start-up overheads by 20x

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now reduces the start-up time of each training job launched to tune your models by 20x on average (from 2.5 minutes to 8 seconds). In scenarios where you have a large number of hyperparameter evaluations, the reuse of training instances can cumulatively save 2 hours for every 50 sequential evaluations.

  • Amazon Polly now offers Neural TTS support for Mandarin Chinese

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech. Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of a neural version of Zhiyu, Polly’s Mandarin Chinese female text to speech (TTS) voice.

  • Amazon Forecast now supports what-if analyses

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    Now with Amazon Forecast, you can seamlessly conduct what-if analyses to quantify the potential impact of business scenarios on your demand forecasts. Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) algorithms to deliver highly accurate time series forecasts. Simulating hypothetical scenarios through what-if analyses is a powerful business tool to stress test your planning assumptions by capturing possible outcomes. It is a common practice to assess the impact of business decisions on revenue or profitability, quantify the risk associated with market trends, or evaluate how to respond to logistics and workforce changes to meet customer demand.

  • AWS IoT SiteWise now supports non-unique asset names under different hierarchies

    Posted On: Aug 23, 2022

    AWS IoT SiteWise now supports non-unique asset names under different hierarchies, allowing asset name reusability. The new feature simplifies scaling for companies creating asset hierarchies for more than one hierarchy tree within the same AWS account and AWS IoT SiteWise installation.

  • Amazon SageMaker is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Aug 22, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. Starting today, you can build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models in the region.

  • Amazon Connect launches API to search for security profiles by permission, description, and tags

    Posted On: Aug 22, 2022

    Amazon Connect now provides a new API to search for security profiles in your Amazon Connect instance. This new API provides a programmatic and flexible way to search for security profiles by name, description, permissions, or tags. For example, you can now use this API to search for all security profiles that have permissions to edit contact flows. To learn more about this new API, see the API documentation.

  • Amazon RDS now supports setting up connectivity between your RDS database and EC2 compute instance in 1-click

    Posted On: Aug 22, 2022

    Starting today, you have the option to automatically set up connectivity from Amazon Relational Database Services (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora  databases to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) compute instance during database creation. When provisioning a database using the Amazon RDS console, you now have the option to select an EC2 instance and with a single click establish connectivity between the database and the EC2 instance, following AWS recommended best practices. Amazon RDS automatically sets up your VPC and related network settings during database creation to enable a secure connection between the EC2 instance and the RDS database.

  • Smithy Interface Definition Language (IDL) 2.0 is now generally available

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    Smithy Interface Definition Language (IDL) 2.0 is now generally available. Smithy is Amazon’s next-generation API modeling language that is based on our experience building tens of thousands of APIs and generating SDKs. Using IDL 2.0, developers can now author Smithy models and generate code from Smithy models in a simpler, more intuitive way.

  • Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is now HIPAA eligible

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is now a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) eligible service. You can now use MemoryDB to store, process, and access protected health information (PHI) and power secure healthcare and life sciences applications. MemoryDB is a fully managed, Redis-compatible, in-memory database that provides low latency, high throughput, and durability at any scale.

  • Amazon Chime SDK now supports signaling client in C++

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    Amazon Chime SDK now supports connecting an open source signaling client implementation in C++. The Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add intelligent real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. WebRTC is a common library for video conferencing applications, and the Amazon Chime SDK provides WebRTC based media clients in JavaScript, iOS and Android. However, some customers choose to bring their own custom WebRTC library and still want to connect server side to the Amazon Chime SDK.

  • Now capture AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection logs using Amazon CloudWatch

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    Today, AWS Site-to-Site VPN enables publishing VPN connection logs to CloudWatch, providing you with deeper visibility into your VPN setup to help you quickly troubleshoot and resolve VPN connectivity issues.

  • AWS Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 C6gd instances now available in South America (São Paulo) region

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6gd instances are available in South America (Sao Paulo) region. C6gd instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, ad serving, video encoding, gaming, scientific modelling, distributed analytics, and CPU-based machine learning inference. The local SSD storage provided on these instances will benefit applications that need access to high-speed, low latency storage, as well as for temporary storage of data such as batch and log processing, and for high-speed caches and scratch files.

  • AWS Control Tower customized log retention

    Posted On: Aug 19, 2022

    AWS Control Tower now provides the ability to customize the retention policy for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets that store your AWS Control Tower CloudTrail logs. AWS Control Tower uses AWS CloudTrail to record logs of actions made by users, roles or AWS services. These logs are stored in Amazon S3 buckets, which are created in the core logging account. The Amazon S3 CloudTrail buckets have a retention policy that specifies the number of days after which the logs will get deleted. The default settings of 1-year for standard account logging and 10-years for access logging are applied if a user chooses not to customized their log retention policy.

  • AWS App Mesh is available in two additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    AWS App Mesh is now available in Asia Pacific (Osaka) and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) AWS Regions. AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking to make it easier for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure. AWS App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and options to tune for high-availability of your applications.

  • Amazon DynamoDB now supports bulk imports from Amazon S3 to new DynamoDB tables

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    Amazon DynamoDB now makes it easier for you to migrate and load data into new DynamoDB tables by supporting bulk data imports from Amazon S3. Now, you can import data directly into new tables to help you migrate data from other systems, load test data to help you build new applications, facilitate data sharing between tables and accounts, and simplify your disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

  • Amazon Personalize launches new recommender “Trending-Now” for Video on Demand domain

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    Today, Amazon Personalize is excited to announce the Trending-Now recommender for Video-on-Demand domain to highlight catalogue items that are gaining popularity at the fastest pace. Amazon Personalize is a fully managed machine learning service that makes it easy for customers to deliver personalized experiences to their users. Recommenders help reduce the time needed for you to deliver and manage these personalized experiences, and help ensure that recommendations are relevant to your users. User interests can change based on a variety of factors, such as external events or the interests of other users. It is critical to tailor recommendations to these changing interests to improve user engagement. With Trending-Now, you can surface items from your catalogue that are rising in popularity faster than other items, such as a newly released movie or show. Amazon Personalize looks for items that are rising in popularity at a faster rate than other catalogue items and highlights them to users to provide an engaging experience. Amazon Personalize automatically identifies trending items every 2 hours based on the most recent interactions data from your users.

  • Amazon Chime SDK supports video compositing and merging (concatenation) for WebRTC media capture

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    Amazon Chime SDK announces the release of concatenation that helps makes it easy to create a single file by concatenating media chunks including audio, video, content, and transcriptions created by Amazon Chime SDK media capture. Amazon Chime SDK enables multi-party video sessions by letting developers add real-time voice and video to their web and mobile apps. With concatenation, customers can create a single file from a multi-party video session that includes audio, individual or composited video, content, and transcriptions.

  • AWS PrivateLink announces integration with Amazon CloudWatch Contributor Insights

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    You can now enable CloudWatch Contributor Insights on your AWS PrivateLink-powered VPC Endpoint Services. AWS PrivateLink is a fully-managed private connectivity service that enables customers to access AWS services, third-party services or internal enterprise services hosted on AWS in a secure and scalable manner while keeping network traffic private. CloudWatch Contributor Insights analyzes time-series data to report the top contributors and number of unique contributors in a dataset.

  • Amazon Chime SDK now supports streaming to Amazon IVS and Elemental MediaLive

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    Amazon Chime SDK announces the launch of live connector pipelines that send real-time video from applications to streaming platforms such as Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) or AWS Elemental MediaLive. Amazon Chime SDK enables multi-party video sessions by letting developers add real-time voice and video to their web and mobile apps. Live connector helps to simplify the process of live streaming these sessions through a single API. Customer can send real-time video to streaming platforms such as AWS Elemental MediaLive, Amazon IVS, Twitch, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, and more.

  • AWS Cost Categories now support Out of Cycle cost categorization

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    AWS Cost Categories now support the categorization of Out-of-Cycle costs such as AWS Enterprise Support and AWS Proserve charges. Previously, cost categories bundled all Out of Cycle costs into the “Default value” grouping. With this launch, you can use cost categories dimensions to capture and categorize Out-of-Cycle costs.

  • Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark for Bottlerocket is now available

    Posted On: Aug 18, 2022

    Bottlerocket, a Linux-based operating system that is purpose built to run container workloads, now has a Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark. The CIS Benchmark is a catalog of security-focused configuration settings that help Bottlerocket customers configure or document any non-compliant configurations in a simple and efficient manner. The CIS Benchmark for Bottlerocket includes both Level 1 and Level 2 configuration profiles.

  • Amazon EKS announces cluster-level cost allocation tagging

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) now makes it easier for customers to understand how their Amazon EC2 costs are driven by individual EKS clusters. Customers who choose to use multiple EKS clusters to segment their workloads to improve their resilience and/or security posture now get breakdowns of their EC2 costs by EKS cluster using AWS Cost and Usage reporting with minimal additional effort.

  • Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels now offers the ability to copy trained computer vision models across AWS accounts

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels is an automated machine learning (AutoML) service that allows customers to build custom computer vision models to classify and identify objects in images that are specific and unique to their business. Custom Labels does not require customers to have any prior computer vision expertise or knowledge.

  • AWS Ground Station adds support for wideband Digital Intermediate Frequency in Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces expansion of wideband Digital Intermediate Frequency (DigIF) support for Software Defined Radios (SDRs) to enable customers to downlink more data in less time and reduce costs. AWS Ground Station regions Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) join the Middle East (Bahrain) region to offer customers a total of four locations where expanded support for SDRs is now available in Preview.

  • AWS Trusted Advisor Priority is now generally available for AWS Enterprise Support customers

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    AWS Trusted Advisor Priority is now generally available for AWS Enterprise Support customers, helping IT leaders focus on key cloud optimization opportunities through curated recommendations prioritized by their AWS account teams. AWS Trusted Advisor provides recommendations that help you follow AWS best practices across cost optimization, performance, security, reliability, and service quotas.

  • Announcing wildcard support in Amazon EKS Fargate Profile Selectors

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) now allows you to more easily run workloads from various Kubernetes namespaces on AWS Fargate serverless compute with a single EKS Fargate Profile. Using Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate enables you to use Kubernetes without having to worry about compute infrastructure configuration and maintenance. Previously, you had to specify all the namespaces at the time you created the EKS Fargate Profile and were limited to a total of 5 namespace selectors or label pairs.

  • AWS Well-Architected Tool now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    AWS is excited to announce that the AWS Well-Architected Tool is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. AWS GovCloud (US) is an isolated region designed to host sensitive data and regulated workloads in the cloud. The AWS Well-Architected Tool is used to help customers review the state of their applications and workloads against architectural best practices, and improve decision-making, minimize risks, and reduce costs. With this Region expansion, customers with specific regulatory and compliance requirements and AWS Partners in both the public and commercial sectors can now conduct self-service Well-Architected Reviews.

  • AWS Cost Anomaly Detection gets a simplified interface for anomaly exploration

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Starting today, customers of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection will see a new interface in the console, where they view and analyze anomalies and their root causes. AWS Cost Anomaly Detection monitors customers’ spending patterns to detect and alert on anomalous (increased) spend, and to provide root cause analyses.

  • Announcing AWS Resilience Hub support for Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    You can now use AWS Resilience Hub with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller readiness checks to help meet your application’s recovery objectives. Resilience Hub provides you with a single place to define, validate, and track the resilience of your applications so that you can avoid unnecessary downtime caused by software, infrastructure, or operational disruptions.

  • Amazon Aurora now supports Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Aurora now offers customers the option to use Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses in their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on new and existing Amazon Aurora instances. Customers moving to IPv6 can simplify their network stack by running their databases on a network that supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • Amazon Lex now supports conditional branching for simplified dialog management

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. With Amazon Lex, you can quickly and easily build conversational bots (“chatbots”), virtual agents, and interactive voice response (IVR) systems. Today, we are excited to announce support for conditional branching capability so you can easily design conversations for your users. Instead of implementing custom code, you can add simple conditions directly to your Lex bot, and manage the conversation path dynamically based on user input and business knowledge.

  • Amazon EC2 P4d Instances now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Region

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    We are excited to announce the availability of Amazon EC2 P4d instances in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region. P4d instances are optimized for applications in Machine Learning (ML) and High Performance Computing (HPC).

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now provides improved visibility into validation errors during blue/green deployments

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon OpenSearch Service now provides improved visibility into validation failures during domain updates. You can monitor the progress of a domain update, which could involve a blue/green deployment, from the OpenSearch Service console, or through the configuration APIs. OpenSearch Service will publish any validation failure events to Amazon EventBridge. You can also view these validation events in the Notifications tab of the OpenSearch Service console.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas enables faster onboarding with automatic data import from local disk

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas now enables faster onboarding allowing users to import data from their local disk automatically, without additional steps. SageMaker Canvas is a visual point-and-click interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own — without requiring any machine learning experience or having to write a single line of code. SageMaker Canvas makes it easy to access and combine data from a variety of sources, automatically clean data, and build ML models to generate accurate predictions with a few clicks.

  • Amazon EC2 High Memory instances are now available in US East (Ohio), South America (Sao Paulo) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) regions

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 High Memory instances with 12TB of memory (u-12tb1.112xlarge) are available in the US East (Ohio) region. Additionally, high memory instances with 6TB of memory (u-6tb1.56xlarge, u-6tb1.112xlarge) are now available in the South America (Sao Paulo) region and instances with 3TB of memory (u-3tb1.56xlarge) are now available in the South America (Sao Paulo) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) regions.

  • AWS Lambda now supports custom Consumer Group IDs for Amazon MSK and Self-Managed Kafka as event sources

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    AWS Lambda now supports custom Consumer Group IDs when using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) or Self-Managed Kafka as an event source. Kafka uses Consumer Group IDs to identify consumer membership and record consumer checkpoints. Using a custom Consumer Group ID is ideal for customers with workloads that require disaster recovery or fail‑over support.

  • Amazon SageMaker Pipelines now supports the testing of machine learning workflows in your local environment

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    SageMaker Pipelines is a tool that helps you build machine learning pipelines that take advantage of direct SageMaker integration. SageMaker Pipelines now supports creating and testing pipelines in your local machine (e.g. your computer). With this launch, you can test your Sagemaker Pipelines scripts and parameters compatibility locally before running them in on SageMaker in the cloud. Sagemaker Pipelines Local Mode supports the following steps: processing, training, transform, model, condition, and fail. These steps give you the flexibility to define various entities in your machine learning workflow. Using Pipelines local mode, you can quickly and efficiently debug errors in the scripts and pipeline definition. You can seamlessly switch your workflows from local mode to Sagemaker’s managed environment by updating the session.

  • Amazon Redshift announces federated SSO support with ease of use and security capabilities enhancements for Query Editor V2.

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 , a free web-based tool for data exploration and analysis using SQL, is now enhanced with additional ease of use and security capabilities. Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 simplifies the process for admins and end-users to connect Amazon Redshift clusters using their Identity Provider(IdP). As an administrator, you now can integrate your Identity Provider(IdP) with Amazon AWS console to access the Query Editor v2 as a federated user. You need to configure your identity provider (IdP) to pass in database user and (optionally) database groups by adding specific principal tags as SAML attributes.

  • AWS App Mesh introduces configurable Envoy access log format

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    AWS App Mesh introduces support for customizable Envoy access log format for Virtual Nodes and Virtual Gateways. It enables you to diagnose your services with customized logging focusing on specific aspects that are important to you. AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking to make it easier for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure. AWS App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and options to tune for high-availability of your applications.

  • AWS App Mesh adds support for multiple listeners

    Posted On: Aug 17, 2022

    AWS App Mesh adds support for multiple listeners, allowing you to run applications with several open ports in a mesh. This enables you to control and secure inbound and outbound traffic for different application ports, as well as to collect port-specific metrics for this traffic. AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking to make it easier for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure. AWS App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and options to tune for high-availability of your applications.

  • Amazon Interactive Video Service basic channels now support HD and Full HD inputs

    Posted On: Aug 16, 2022

    You can now use an Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) basic channel for HD (720p) and Full HD (1080p) quality streams, in addition to SD (480p). The expanded functionality is designed to enable streamers and viewers globally to enjoy higher video quality when using a basic channel. A basic channel will deliver only the original input video quality to viewers, whereas a standard channel provides multiple qualities of output, allowing better playback quality across a range of devices and network conditions.

  • AWS Glue Python Shell jobs now offer Python 3.9 and additional pre-loaded libraries

    Posted On: Aug 16, 2022

    AWS Glue has upgraded its serverless Python Shell jobs to add Python 3.9 support and an updated bundle of pre-loaded libraries. These jobs allow you to write complex data integration and analytics jobs in pure Python.

  • Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels now supports autoscaling of inference units

    Posted On: Aug 16, 2022

    Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels is an automated machine learning (AutoML) service that allows customers to build custom computer vision models to detect objects and scenes specific to their business without in-depth machine learning expertise. Starting today, Custom Labels can automatically scale inference units of a trained model based on customer workload. This reduces model inference cost as customers no longer need to over-provision inference units to support spiky or fluctuating image volumes.

  • Amazon MSK Serverless is now integrated with AWS CloudFormation and Terraform

    Posted On: Aug 16, 2022

    Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Serverless (Amazon MSK Serverless) is now integrated with AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp Terraform, which allows customers to describe and provision Amazon MSK Serverless clusters using code. These services make it easy to provision and configure Amazon MSK Serverless clusters in a repeatable, automated, and secure manner. 

  • AWS IoT SiteWise now supports bulk import of historical measurement data

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    AWS IoT SiteWise now supports bulk import of historical measurements from sensors with the launch of three new APIs. The new bulk import APIs help customers to ingest historical data from their operations stored in diverse systems such as historians and time series databases in AWS IoT SiteWise.

  • Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 powered by QUIC

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP version 3 (HTTP/3) requests over QUIC  for end user connections. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a user datagram protocol (UDP) based, stream-multiplexed, secure transport protocol that combines and improves upon the capabilities of existing transmission control protocol (TCP), TLS, and HTTP/2. HTTP/3 offers several benefits over previous HTTP versions, including faster response times and enhanced security.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces Web is now available in Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London) regions.

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    Amazon WorkSpaces Web is now generally available in AWS Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London) regions. Creating a WorkSpaces Web portal in a local region provides a more responsive experience for users when streaming web content. It also enables customers to meet local data residency obligations. WorkSpaces Web is now available in a total of 10 regions.

  • AWS Config now supports 20 new resource types

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    AWS Config now supports 20 new resource types including Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Route 53, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Global Accelerator, AWS Glue, and others. For the full list of newly supported resource types see [1].

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports M6i, R6i and R5b instances in additional regions

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    Amazon RDS for SQL Server expands support for M6i, R6i and R5b instances in additional AWS regions. M6i instances are available today in Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (London), Europe (Paris) and South America (Sao Paulo) regions. R6i instances are available today in Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), South America (Sao Paulo) and US West (N. California). R5b instances are available today in Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), South America (Sao Paulo).

  • Optimize resources across your organization using AWS Compute Optimizer from a designated account

    Posted On: Aug 15, 2022

    AWS Compute Optimizer is a service that recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance by using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics. Starting today, you can designate a member account in your organization to retrieve Compute Optimizer recommendations and manage Compute Optimizer preferences, giving you greater flexibility to identify resource optimization opportunities centrally.

  • The Amazon Chime SDK announces elastic channels

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    The Amazon Chime SDK enables developers to add intelligent real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. Starting today, Amazon Chime SDK messaging supports large-scale chat experiences for up to one million users with elastic channels. Use cases include watch parties for sporting events, political events, or live entertainment with create elastic channels. Elastic channels help make it easy for you to create secure, scalable, moderated chat experiences for large audiences which you can use with your built in moderation features to help enforce brand, corporate, or community guidelines.

  • AWS DeepRacer Student now offers community races and new Intel learning content with a look under the hood of the DeepRacer vehicle

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    AWS DeepRacer Student, presented by Intel, is the first global autonomous racing league for students offering free educational material and resources to get hands on with machine learning (ML) by powering a 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning. Now available are student community races and additional learning content diving into the OpenVINO™ toolkit by Intel on machine learning inference.

  • Amazon Personalize allows rule-based promotions in recommendations

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    Amazon Personalize now allows you to promote specific items in all users’ recommendations based on rules that align with your business goals. Amazon Personalize enables developers to improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations – no ML expertise required. Personalize currently recommends relevant items for each user or similar items to a given item based on interactions and metadata information. With this launch, you can define business rules to identify items that you want to promote across your user-base. You can also control the percentage of promoted content in your recommendations. For example, E-commerce customers can use this feature to fill 20% of recommendations with items marked as “on sale”. Similarly, Video-on-Demand customers can use this feature to fill 40% of their rail/carousel with linear/live TV content. Based on your business rules and definitions, Amazon Personalize finds relevant items for promotion and distributes them within user-specific recommendations.

  • AWS Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g, M6gd, C6g, and R6g are now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 M6g, M6gd, C6g, and R6g instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region. AWS Graviton2-based instances provide up to 40% better price performance over comparable x86-based instances. M6g and M6gd instances are ideal for general purpose workloads such as application servers, microservices, mid-size data stores, and caching fleets. C6g instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, ad serving, video encoding, gaming, distributed analytics, and CPU-based machine learning. The local SSD storage provided on M6gd instances is ideal for applications that need access to high-speed, low latency storage of data such as caching, logs, and scratch files. R6g instances are ideal for memory-intensive applications such as open-source databases, in-memory caches, and real time big data analytics. 

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports Scale Compute

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle now supports Scale Compute operation. With this, you can now scale your Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle instance up or down.

  • Amazon Personalize launches support for range queries on dynamic filters

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    Amazon Personalize now supports comparison operators ( =, <, <=, >, >=) for dynamic filters to provide flexibility in applying your business rules to recommendations. Amazon Personalize enables developers to improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations – no ML expertise required. Dynamic filters currently  allow you to change filter criteria at the time of getting recommendations, so that you can modify filter rules on the fly without having to create separate permutations. With this launch, you get even more control over your recommendations by having the option to use comparison operators ( =, <, <=, >, >=) with dynamic filter values. For example, video or news websites can use this feature in a “What’s New” section to only recommend items introduced in the last 7 days. Similarly, retail customers can upsell items on their checkout page by filtering for items priced higher than the item(s) currently in the shopping cart. This feature builds on existing dynamic filter functionality by providing increased flexibility in applying your individual business rules, enabling you to modify recommendations based on users’ needs, preferences, and changing behavior.

  • Amazon Personalize now supports incremental bulk dataset imports

    Posted On: Aug 12, 2022

    We are excited to announce that Amazon Personalize now supports incremental bulk dataset imports; a new option for updating your data and improving the quality of your recommendations. Amazon Personalize enables developers to improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations – no ML expertise required. Previously, Amazon Personalize supported two types of data ingestion: full bulk dataset imports for ingesting large datasets, and APIs (PutEvents, PutItems, PutUsers) for real-time ingestion. Now you can keep your existing datasets intact and add new bulk-loaded data without resupplying your entire dataset. Amazon Personalize will automatically update records with the current version if your incremental import duplicates any records found in your existing dataset, further simplifying the data ingestion process.

  • Application Insights adds AppRegistry support and faster problem reporting

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    AWS has further enhanced the monitoring set up experience through Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights' integration with AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry. With this feature, you can now easily select a registered AWS application or register a new one with AppRegistry directly from Application Insights and automatically set up monitoring for the newly registered applications. Registered applications are available for other services that make use of registered applications so you can seamlessly interact with your applications in these AWS services as well.

  • Amazon EventBridge now supports receiving events from GitHub, Stripe and Twilio using Webhooks

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Amazon EventBridge now supports integrations with GitHub, Stripe, and Twilio via webhooks using Quicks Starts. You can subscribe to events from these SaaS applications and receive them on an Amazon EventBridge event bus for further processing. With Quick Starts, you can use AWS CloudFormation templates to create HTTP endpoints for your event bus that are configured with security best practices for GitHub, Stripe, and Twilio. You can configure your GitHub, Stripe, and Twilio webhooks from the respective accounts; simply select the types of events you want to send to the newly generated endpoint and begin securely receiving events on your event bus.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics adds support for custom canary groups with group-level availability metrics

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, an outside-in monitoring capability to continually verify your customer experience even when you don’t have any customer traffic on your applications, introduced a new capability to create custom groups of canaries. By creating a group of canaries, you can track success/failure status at a group or application level yet with an easy drill down to the failing canary, making it easier to pinpoint the canary failures in the context of the group or application. When groups consist of canaries across multiple AWS regions, this new capability allows you to more easily isolate region-specific issues.

  • AWS Private 5G is now generally available

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Today, we are announcing the general availability of AWS Private 5G, a managed service that helps enterprises set up and scale private mobile networks in their facilities in days instead of months. With only a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can specify where to build a mobile network and the number of devices you want to connect. AWS then delivers and maintains the small cell radio unit, the mobile network core and radio access network (RAN) software, and subscriber identity modules (SIM cards) required to set up a private mobile network and connect devices. AWS Private 5G automates the setup and deployment of the network. No upfront fees or per-device costs are incurred with AWS Private 5G, and you pay only for the network capacity that you request.

  • Amazon Cognito enables native support for AWS WAF

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    You can now enable AWS WAF protections for Amazon Cognito, making it even easier to protect Amazon Cognito user pools and hosted UI from common web exploits. 

  • Introducing the AWS Supply Chain Competency Partner Program

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    We are excited to announce the new AWS Supply Chain Competency, featuring top AWS Partners who provide cloud-native supply chain solutions on AWS and professional services for companies of every size and segment to enhance their responsiveness to customers, increase the speed of decision making and operation through automation and AI, strengthen their resilience to disruptions and become more responsible to the environment and global community.

  • Amazon AppFlow now supports data transfers from SAP applications to AWS Services using SAP Operational Data Provisioning (ODP)

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers to securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports data transfers from SAP applications to AWS Services using SAP Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) framework. With this launch AppFlow customers can use the AppFlow SAP OData connector to perform full and incremental data transfers, including Change Data Capture using SAP Operational Delta Queue, from SAP ERP/BW applications (including ECC, BW, BW/4HANA and S/4HANA) to AWS services such as Amazon S3.

  • Amazon Location Service now supports circular geofences

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Amazon Location Service now supports circular geofences, allowing developers to draw virtual boundaries by specifying a point and a radius on a map. Developers can use Amazon Location geofencing to initiate actions when devices enter or leave a specific area of interest by evaluating positions against tens of thousands of geofences in near-real time. 

  • Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro now support Kubernetes version 1.23

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    You can now use Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro to run Kubernetes version 1.23. Highlights of Kubernetes version 1.23 release include graduation of PodSecurity and Ephemeral containers to beta, and graduation of HorizontalPodAutoscaler to GA. Additionally, Kubernetes version 1.23 turns on CSI migration feature for Amazon EBS by default. You can find more details about Kubernetes 1.23 release in the EKS blog post, EKS release notes, and in the Kubernetes project release notes. Support for version 1.23 will be available in Amazon EKS Anywhere in the next couple of weeks.

  • Amazon AppFlow now supports Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Sell as sources

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    Amazon AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that helps customers to securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in just a few clicks, now supports Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Sell as sources. 

  • AWS Console Mobile Application adds support for Cost Explorer service

    Posted On: Aug 11, 2022

    AWS Console Mobile Application users can now use AWS Cost Explorer on both the iOS and Android applications. The Console Mobile Application provides a secure on-the-go solution to visualize, understand, and manage AWS costs and usage over time. Customers can analyze total costs and usage across all regions and services for preceding eight weeks, identify trends, pinpoint cost drivers, and detect anomalies.

  • Amazon EBS adds the ability to take crash-consistent snapshots of a subset of EBS volumes attached to an Amazon EC2 instance

    Posted On: Aug 10, 2022

    In May 2019, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) launched the ability for customers to take crash-consistent snapshots of all Amazon EBS volumes attached to an Amazon EC2 instance with a single API call. Now you can choose to take crash-consistent snapshots of a subset of Amazon EBS data volumes attached to an Amazon EC2 instance. You can also use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) to automate taking crash-consistent snapshots of the same subset of Amazon EBS volumes on a retention schedule defined by DLM policies.

  • Introducing the AWS Transfer Family Delivery Program

    Posted On: Aug 10, 2022

    We are excited to announce the new AWS Transfer Family Delivery Program for AWS Partners that help customers build sophisticated Managed File Transfer (MFT) and Business-to-Business (B2B) file exchange solutions with AWS Transfer Family. AWS Transfer Family enables you to migrate, automate, and monitor your file transfer workflows into and out of Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS using the SFTP, AS2, FTPS, and FTP protocols. With your data in AWS, you can leverage a rich set of data analytics and processing services. AWS Transfer Family is the only fully managed cloud-native file transfer service currently available, enabling AWS Partners to build customized, validated solutions such as integrating the customer’s identity provider of choice, enhancing file transfer monitoring, and securing endpoints.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports the Decimal128 data type

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a database service that is purpose-built for JSON data management at scale, fully managed and integrated with AWS, and enterprise-ready with high durability.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas expands capabilities to better prepare and analyze data for machine learning

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    We’re excited to announce expanded capabilities for data preparation and analysis in Amazon SageMaker Canvas including replacing missing values, replacing outliers, and the flexibility to choose different sample sizes for your datasets. Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual point-and-click interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own — without requiring any machine learning (ML) experience or having to write a single line of code. SageMaker Canvas makes it easy to access and combine data from a variety of sources, automatically clean data, and build ML models to generate accurate predictions with a few clicks.

  • Amazon SageMaker Pipelines now supports sharing of pipeline entities across accounts

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    You can now use Amazon SageMaker Model Building Pipelines with AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to securely share pipeline entities across AWS accounts and access shared pipelines through direct API calls. A multi-account strategy helps achieve data, project, and team isolation while supporting software development lifecycle steps. Cross-account pipeline sharing can support a multi-account strategy without the added hassle of logging in and out of multiple accounts. For example, cross-account pipeline sharing can improve machine learning testing and deployment workflows by sharing resources across staging and production accounts.

  • Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 now supports PostgreSQL 11 and In-Place upgrade from PostgreSQL 10

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 now supports PostgreSQL major version 11. PostgreSQL 11 includes improvements to partitioning, parallelism, and performance enhancements such as faster column additions with a non-null default.

  • AWS Glue now supports Flex execution option

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    AWS Glue now supports a new execution option that allows customers to reduce the costs of their pre-production, test, and non-urgent data integration workloads by up to 34%. With Flex, Glue jobs run on spare capacity in AWS.

  • Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports alternate SageMaker training instance types for more robust tuning

    Posted On: Aug 9, 2022

    Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying multiple alternate SageMaker training instance types to make tuning jobs more robust when the preferred instance type is not available due to insufficient capacity.

  • AWS Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 C6g, C6gd, and M6gd are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 C6g and C6gd instances are available in Asia Pacific (Osaka) region. Additionally, M6gd instances are now available in Europe (Stockholm) region. C6g and C6gd instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, ad serving, video encoding, gaming, scientific modelling, distributed analytics, and CPU-based machine learning inference. M6gd instances are ideal for general purpose applications such as application servers, microservices, mid-size data stores, and caching fleets. C6gd and M6gd instances offer up to 50% more NVMe storage GB/vCPU over comparable x86-based instances and are ideal for applications that need high-speed, low latency local storage.

  • Amazon S3 adds a new policy condition key to require or restrict server-side encryption with customer-provided keys (SSE-C)

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    The new Amazon S3 condition key enables you to write policies that help you control the use of server-side encryption with customer-provided keys (SSE-C). Using Amazon S3 condition keys, you can specify conditions when granting permissions in the optional ‘Condition’ element of a bucket or an IAM policy. One such condition is to require server-side encryption (SSE) using your preferred encryption method.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports promotion of managed in-region read replica

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle now supports the promotion of a managed replica that was created using the replica function. When you promote a managed replica, it is converted from a physical standby database and activated as a standalone read/write primary database instance.

  • Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports DML query auditing with Amazon CloudWatch Logs

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a database service that is purpose-built for JSON data management at scale, fully managed and integrated with AWS, and enterprise-ready with high durability.

  • AWS IoT Greengrass v2 updates Stream Manager to report new telemetry metrics and more

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    AWS IoT Greengrass is an Internet of Things (IoT) edge runtime and cloud service that helps customers build, deploy, and manage device software. We are excited to announce our version 2.7 release with the following features:

    • System Telemetry Enhancements - The Stream Manager agent component now has the ability (enabled by default) to send system telemetry metrics to Amazon EventBridge. System telemetry data is diagnostic data that can help you monitor the performance of critical operations on your AWS IoT Greengrass core devices. You can create projects and applications to retrieve, analyze, transform, and report telemetry data from your edge devices. Domain experts, such as process engineers, can use these applications to gain insights into their fleet health based on device data uploaded through Stream Manager to AWS Services such as Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS IoT Analytics, AWS IoT SiteWise, and more. For more information, see Gathering System Telemetry section in the developer guide.
    • Local Deployment Improvements - The new improvements now enable AWS IoT Greengrass nucleus to send near real time deployment status updates to AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service. For instance, using the ListInstalledComponents API, customers can now observe the status of locally deployed components for a connected device.
    • Additional Support for Client Certificates - Certificate signed by a custom certificate authority (CA), where the CA isn't registered with AWS IoT, is now supported. This allows customer the flexibility to use a custom certificate authority that is not registered with AWS IoT. To use this feature, you can set the new greengrassDataPlaneEndpoint configuration option to iotdata. For more information, see Use a device certificate signed by a private CA.
  • AWS Direct Connect expands AWS Transit Gateway support at more connection speeds

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    AWS Direct Connect now supports connections to AWS Transit Gateway at speeds of 500 megabits per second (Mbps) and lower, providing more cost-effective choices for Transit Gateway users when higher speed connections are not required. With this change, customers using Direct Connect at connection speeds of 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 Mbps can now can connect to their Transit Gateway.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches redesigned dashboard experience

    Posted On: Aug 8, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight launched a new look and feel for the dashboard experience. The new interface enhances the reader experience by improving the discoverability, predictability, and the overall polish of the dashboards. The new dashboard experience includes:

    • Simplified toolbar with updated icons for key actions for better visual clarity
    • Discoverable visual menu visible on-hover to improve the discoverability of drills, export, and filter restatements
    • New controls, menu, and submenus to provide a better visual experience
    • Non-blocking right pane for secondary experiences like filters, threshold alerts, and downloads to improve focus on the content of the dashboard
  • AWS IoT SiteWise now supports payload compression for data ingestion

    Posted On: Aug 5, 2022

    AWS IoT SiteWise now supports payload compression for data ingested using the AWS IoT SiteWise data ingestion API (BatchPutAssetPropertyValue). By using payload compression industrial customers can reduce payload size and optimize network bandwidth used in order to ingest data to AWS IoT SiteWise.

  • Amazon EC2 Is4gen and Im4gn instances are now available in four additional Regions

    Posted On: Aug 5, 2022

    Starting today, Amazon EC2 Is4gen and Im4gn instances, the latest generation storage-optimized instances, are available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (London) Regions. Is4gen and Im4gn instances are built on the AWS Nitro System and are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. They feature up to 30TB of storage with the new AWS Nitro SSDs that are custom-designed by AWS to maximize the storage performance of I/O intensive workloads such as SQL/NoSQL databases, search engines, distributed file systems and data analytics which continuously read and write from the SSDs in a sustained manner. AWS Nitro SSDs enable up to 60% lower latency and up to 75% reduced latency variability in Im4gn and Is4gen instances compared to the third generation of storage optimized instances. These instances maximize the number of transactions processed per second (TPS) for I/O intensive workloads such as relational databases (e.g. MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), and NoSQL databases (KeyDB, ScyllaDB, Cassandra) which have medium-large size data sets and can benefit from high compute performance and high network throughput. They are also an ideal fit for search engines, and data analytics workloads that require very fast access to data sets on local storage.

  • Amazon Timestream is now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS regions

    Posted On: Aug 5, 2022

    You can now use Amazon Timestream in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS regions. Amazon Timestream is a serverless, fully managed, time series database for IoT, edge, and operational applications that can scale to process trillions of time series events per day up to 1,000 times faster than relational databases, and at as low as 1/10th the cost.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Evidently adds support for creating target customer segments for feature launches and experiments

    Posted On: Aug 5, 2022

    Amazon CloudWatch Evidently introduces a new feature that allows customers to define target audience (segment) for experiments or launches using customer defined criteria. For example, customers can choose to run an experiment or launch a feature on a custom segment of Chrome browser users, early adopters of their service or users in a certain geographic region. When launching new features or experiments, customers can configure it to include multiple segments and each segment can be configured to serve one or more variants of the feature, monitor key metrics such as page load times and conversions, then safely dial up traffic for general use.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches API-based domain allow listing for developers to scale embedded analytics across different applications

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    Amazon QuickSight now supports API-based allow listing of domains where QuickSight data visualizations can be embedded. With this new capability, developers can scale their embedded analytics offerings including visuals, dashboards, QuickSight Q (natural language querying), and authoring experience across different applications for their different customers quickly. All of this is done without any infrastructure setup or management, while scaling to millions of users. For further details, visit the blog and the documentation.

  • AWS Data Exchange increases the asset size limit to 100GB

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    Third-party data providers on AWS Data Exchange can now import Amazon S3 assets up to 100GB in size, an increase from the former limit of 10GB. The increased asset size unlocks new use cases in Healthcare and Life Sciences, Financial Services, and Retail among other industries, because providers can now license genomics data, high volume financial data, and satellite imagery, which are often stored as assets that exceed 10GB.

  • Amazon ElastiCache now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g, M6g, R6g instances in the Europe (Paris, Milan) regions and R6gd instances in the Europe (Paris) region

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    Amazon ElastiCache now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g, M6g and R6g node types in the Europe (Paris) and Europe (Milan) regions. Customers choose Amazon ElastiCache for workloads that require blazing-fast performance with sub-millisecond latency and high throughput. Now, with Graviton2 T4g, M6g and R6g instances, customers can enjoy up to a 45% price/performance improvement over previous generation instances.

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL supports new minor versions 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, 11.16, and 10.21

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL now supports PostgreSQL minor versions 14.3, 13.7, 12.11, 11.16, and 10.21. We recommend you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of PostgreSQL, and to benefit from the bug fixes, performance improvements, and new functionality added by the PostgreSQL community. Please refer to the PostgreSQL community announcement for more details about the release.

  • AWS Lambda announces tiered pricing

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    AWS Lambda now provides tiered pricing for monthly Lambda function duration i.e. GB-Seconds of usage. The two additional pricing tiers provide discounts on your aggregate monthly on-demand function duration. Tiered pricing takes effect in the monthly billing cycle starting on Aug 1st, 2022.

  • Amazon Keyspaces is now available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra), a scalable, highly available, and fully managed Cassandra-compatible database service, is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • AWS IoT Core launches a new device provisioning console experience

    Posted On: Aug 4, 2022

    AWS IoT Core now offers a new device provisioning console experience that enables customers a more intuitive way to select the best provisioning option for their IoT solution. You can now more easily navigate the device provisioning scenarios and follow a simple flow to create a provisioning template and configure permissions for a single or many devices. The updated user interface also gives you access to documentation, product information, and resources to assist you in choosing, creating, and managing your device provisioning flows in the same place.

  • Amazon Connect schedule adherence, now available in preview.

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    Amazon Connect now includes the ability to report on agent schedule adherence, adding to the existing forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling capabilities already in preview. With schedule adherence, you can measure how closely agents follow their planned schedule, providing insights that help you take action to improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction. For example, if agents were busier than expected, supervisors can use Amazon Connect schedule adherence to identify agents who forgot to take their breaks and remind them do so in the future to maintain performance and avoid burn out.

  • Amazon CloudWatch metrics increases throughput by 150x

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    Amazon CloudWatch custom metrics now supports a 50x higher capacity allowing you to send up to 1,000 metrics per call at a 3x faster default call rate and specify 3x more dimensions (up to 30) per metric. Customers rely on CloudWatch custom metrics to capture application-specific data that complements the automatic metrics provided by CloudWatch based on the AWS services you are using. With these improvements, customers can send the same volume of data with fewer API requests, leading to reduced costs.

  • AWS Comprehend lowers annotation limits for training custom entity recognition models

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    Amazon Comprehend is making it easier for customers to get started with custom entity recognition by reducing the annotation requirements for training their models. Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that provides APIs to extract key phrases, contextual entities, events, and sentiment from text. Entities refer to things in your document such as people, places, organizations, credit card numbers, and so on. Custom entity recognition (CER) in Amazon Comprehend enables you to train models with entities unique to your business in just a few easy steps. You can identify almost any kind of entity, simply by providing a sufficient number of details to train your model effectively.

  • AWS Compute Optimizer is now available in 5 additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    We’re excited to announce the general availability of AWS Compute Optimizer in 5 additional regions — Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Middle East (Bahrain), Africa (Cape Town), and Europe (Milan).

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now includes advanced log and application analytics

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    Amazon OpenSearch Service, with the availability of OpenSearch 1.3., now gives customers the ability to organize their logs, traces and visualizations in an application-centric view. Customers can also benefit from enhanced log monitoring support with live tailing of logs, the ability to see surrounding log data, and the ability to do powerful ad-hoc analysis of unformatted log data at query time.  

  • AWS Lookout for Metrics announcing increased quota from 50K to 500K metrics

    Posted On: Aug 3, 2022

    Amazon Lookout for Metrics uses machine learning (ML) to automatically monitor the metrics critical to your businesses with greater speed and accuracy than traditional methods used for anomaly detection. The service makes it easier to diagnose the root cause of anomalies such as unexpected dips in revenue, high rates of abandoned shopping carts, spikes in payment transaction failures, increases in new user sign-ups, and many more.

  • AWS Secrets Manager connections now support the latest hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    Connections to AWS Secrets Manager now support hybrid post-quantum key establishment using Kyber for transport layer security (TLS) from Round 3 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) selection process. This allows you to measure the potential performance impact of the post-quantum algorithm. You can also benefit from the longer-term confidentiality afforded by hybrid post-quantum TLS.

  • AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET now provides automated refactoring recommendations

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET simplifies the process of refactoring older monolithic applications into smaller code projects to build a microservices-based architecture. Modernize and transform your applications with an assistive tool that analyzes source code and runtime metrics to create a visual representation of your application and its dependencies. With Microservice Extractor providing automated recommendations, developers get guided experience to refactor legacy applications. Instead of the developer needing to identify and group classes in source code manually for extraction, Microservice Extractor now identifies common extraction candidates using heuristics-based techniques, and highlights those in visualization. These recommendations can be used as is or used as a starting point to extract microservices off of monolithic codebase. Thus, automated recommendations from Microservice Extractor helps to speed up refactoring large applications even if the developer is unfamiliar with the codebase.

  • AWS Training and Certification announces AWS Skill Builder subscriptions

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS Training and Certification announces AWS Skill Builder subscriptions to help learners and organizations advance cloud skills with exclusive, self-paced, digital training. According to the Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report, 76% of IT decision-makers report an IT skills gap, up from 31% in 2016. Gartner predicts global public cloud spending will grow 22% in 2022, from $396 billion to $482 billion. This demand creates cloud career opportunities for learners, and AWS Training and Certification can support their journey. To help close the IT skills gap, we have expanded our Skill Builder free offering of 500+ self-paced training courses to also offer Individual and Team subscriptions that provide hands-on, real-world learning content, created by AWS experts. 

  • Now in Preview - Amazon WorkSpaces Integration with SAML 2.0

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    We are happy to announce the preview of Amazon WorkSpaces integration with SAML 2.0. WorkSpaces is a fully managed desktop virtualization service for Windows and Linux that enables you to access resources from any supported device. As an administrator, you can now enable SAML 2.0 authentication on your WorkSpaces directory to control end user access to desktops by using your SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP).

  • Announcing Amazon Pinpoint toll-free number registration workflow

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    Today we added features to the AWS console to help users register their toll-free numbers. In an effort to curb spam SMS and calling, United States toll-free numbers now must be registered with carriers. A new workflow will now enable Amazon Pinpoint users to submit a toll-free number registration directly from the AWS console in a few easy steps.

  • Build AWS Config rules using AWS CloudFormation Guard

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS Config now supports an easier way to author custom AWS Config rules using AWS CloudFormation Guard (cfn-guard). With this release, users with limited programming experience can use Guard to define and review custom policies that check your resources have desired configurations. AWS Config rules are a way of creating and implementing compliance policies against resource configurations. Currently, AWS Config offers both managed rules, which AWS builds and maintains to meet common compliance use cases, and custom rules, which users create to meet their specific compliance needs. Guard is an open source tool offering policy-as-code, such that users can define policies to validate JSON- or YAML-formatted data using a domain-specific language (DSL).

  • Announcing the availability of license included Microsoft Visual Studio Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) on Amazon EC2

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS now offers fully-compliant, Amazon-provided licenses for Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). These AMIs are now available on the Amazon EC2 console and on AWS Marketplace, to launch instances on-demand without any long-term licensing commitments. Amazon EC2 provides a broad choice of instances and you not only have the flexibility of paying for what your end users use, you can also provide the capacity and right hardware to your end-users. For enterprises that employ large teams of contractors, you can easily provision standardized development machines managed by your IT with no compromises on security and compliance. 

  • AWS Amplify Flutter announces web and desktop support (Developer Preview) for Authentication

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS Amplify is announcing a developer preview to expand Flutter support to web and desktop, starting with the Authentication category. With this release, developers can use Amplify to create new Flutter apps that support web and desktop in addition to mobile platforms. Developers can also extend existing mobile Amplify Flutter projects to support web and desktop. 

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports April 2022 patch set update (PSU) for 12.1 and release updates (RU) for 19c & 21c

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports the April 2022 Patch Set Update (PSU) for Oracle Database 12.1 and Release Updates (RU) for Oracle Database 19c and 21c.

  • VM Import/Export now supports Windows 11

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    VM Import/Export now supports migration of virtual machines that use Windows 11 operating system on AWS and launch instances using the imported images on EC2 Dedicated Hosts, and EC2 Dedicated Instances.

  • AWS Security Hub now supports cross-Region aggregation of findings in AWS GovCloud (US)

    Posted On: Aug 2, 2022

    AWS Security Hub now allows you to designate an aggregation Region in AWS GovCloud (US) and link some or all regions to that aggregation region. This gives you a centralized view of all your security findings across your accounts and linked regions. After you link a region to the aggregation region, your findings are continuously synchronized between the regions. Any update to a finding in a linked region is replicated to the aggregation region, and any update to a finding in the aggregation region is replicated to the linked region where the finding originated.

  • Bottlerocket is now available in Amazon Web Services China Regions

    Posted On: Aug 1, 2022

    Bottlerocket, a Linux-based operating system designed to run container workloads, is now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

  • Amazon Connect launches historical actuals in the forecasting UI

    Posted On: Aug 1, 2022

    Amazon Connect now enables contact center managers to view historical contact volumes and average handling time (AHT) in the forecasting UI. This new feature is part of Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling (preview) that helps contact center managers predict contact volumes and AHT, determine optimal staffing levels, and plan agent schedules to ensure they have the right agents at the right time. The ability to view historical contact volumes in the forecasting UI provides a quick way for contact center managers to identify any abnormality within forecasts and actuals.

  • Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports enforcing SSL/TLS connections

    Posted On: Aug 1, 2022

    Amazon RDS for MySQL supports encrypted SSL/TLS connections to the database instances. Starting today, you can enforce SSL/TLS client connections to your RDS for MySQL database instance for enhanced transport layer security. To enforce SSL/TLS, simply enable the require_secure_transport parameter (disabled by default) through the Amazon RDS Management Console, the AWS CLI or the API. When the require_secure_transport parameter is enabled, a database client will be able to connect to the RDS for MySQL instance only if it can establish an encrypted connection. To learn more about enforcing encrypted client connections using require_secure_transport parameter, please refer to the Amazon RDS User Guide.

  • AWS Support launches a new AWS Support Center console domain

    Posted On: Aug 1, 2022

    AWS Support launches a new AWS Support Center console URL https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/. Using this new URL ensures you can always contact AWS Support via the AWS Support Center Console, which is built using the latest architecture standards for high availability and region redundancy.

  • Amazon QuickSight launches new base maps for geospatial visualizations

    Posted On: Aug 1, 2022

    QuickSight Authors can now customize the look and feel of their maps by changing to any of the new base maps supported by Amazon QuickSight.

    • Streets - Authors can now add location details with streets base map. This base map emphasizes legible styling for highways, major roads, minor roads, railways, water features, cities, parks, landmarks, building footprints, and administrative boundaries.
    • Dark gray canvas - Authors can now choose between light (existing base) and dark (new) gray canvas letting them align maps to the overall style of the dashboard. With minimal colors, labels, and features, dark gray canvas base map is designed to draw attention to your data.
    • Imagery - Authors can choose to add more visual context to their map by choosing the Imagery base map. The satellite view of the world will help authors increase the understanding of the location data.