AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

WhiteSource_AWS Solutions

How to Bake Open Source Security into Your AWS CodeBuild Pipeline

Managing open source vulnerabilities can be challenging, especially at scale in a fast-moving continuous integration pipeline. Developers and DevOps professionals depend on CI pipeline tools like AWS CodeBuild to help them develop and test software at a breakneck pace, pushing out new software with greater efficiency and flexibility. In this post, learn how to integrate WhiteSource into CodeBuild pipeline to fuse open source security into existing build processes without having to compromise on speed or agility.

MachineMetrics_AWS Solutions

Reinventing the Internet of Things (IoT) Platform for Discrete Manufacturers

The term Industry 4.0 encompasses a promise of a new industrial revolution—for the industrial sector, one that marries advanced manufacturing techniques with the Internet of Things to create systems that are not only interconnected, but communicate, analyze, and use information to drive further intelligent action back in the physical world. Today is the internet moment for manufacturing, and with it comes the gold rush of providers ready to enable the industry’s digital transformation.

How to Use Nubeva with Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring to Gain Decrypted Visibility of Your Network Traffic

AWS has added a new feature to Amazon VPC called traffic mirroring, which is like a virtual network tap that gives you direct access to the network packets flowing through your virtual private cloud. Nubeva Technologies built a solution that directly integrates with Amazon VPC traffic mirroring to provide an out-of-band decryption solution, giving customers a surgical approach to capture and analyze network traffic on AWS.

Reltio_AWS Solutions

Leveraging Multi-Model Architecture to Deliver Rich Customer Relationship Profiles with Reltio Cloud

Building a true Customer 360 requires gaining a comprehensive view of customer behavior and preferences by aggregating data from all of these sources, and more. With a single source of truth, a true Customer 360 delivers complete a real-time customer view to all parts of the organization—sales, marketing, service, support, etc. This consistent and contextual insight can help enterprises delight customers with personalized experience and timely offers through each touch point in the customer journey.

HashiCorp_AWS Solutions

How to Secure Enterprise Cloud Environments with AWS and HashiCorp

Security isn’t always top of mind for developers because it can slow down software releases. HashiCorp Vault helps eliminate much of the security burden developers experience while trying to comply with security team requirements. Vault was built to address the difficult task of passing sensitive data to users and applications without it being compromised. Within Vault, all transactions are token-based, which limits potential malicious activity, and provides greater visibility into whom and what is accessing that information.


VMware Greenplum on AWS: Parallel Postgres for Enterprise Analytics at Scale

Are you thinking of deploying VMware Greenplum on the AWS Cloud? Many customers also want to shift the responsibility for infrastructure to AWS, considering the alternatives. With VMware Greenplum on AWS, deployments are completely automated and completes in less than an hour. VMware Greenplum is a commercial fully-featured MPP data warehouse platform powered by the open source VMware Greenplum Database. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes.

Amazon Forecast-1

Introducing Amazon Forecast and a Look into the Future of Time Series Prediction

Time series forecasting is a common customer need. Amazon Forecast accelerates this and is based on the same technology used at This new service massively reduces the effort required to automate data updating and model retraining, and it manages this while retaining the granularity of control that data scientists will appreciate and utilize. This post explores the use of this new service for energy consumption forecasting.

Panoply_AWS Solutions-1

Shifting Away from Legacy Data Systems Helps Companies Tap into Their Most Vital Resource

Have you ever noticed that when businesses talk about data, they often use metaphors having to do with water? In the same way plumbing makes modern life possible, a well-maintained data infrastructure is a crucial foundation on which the health of a business depends. Examine how replacing an inflexible, legacy data system with a cloud data warehousing solution can open the “floodgates” to new opportunities and modernize the approach to data management.

APN TechDive 2019-1

Partners Can Now Register for the APN TechDive Virtual Conference

Join us for APN TechDive 2019, a virtual conference for members of the APN Partner community. On October 16, 2019, we will host a full day of technical sessions exclusively for APN Partners, as well as live Q&A with AWS experts, and a virtual AWS GameDay event to test your organization’s AWS knowledge and skills. Don’t miss this chance to learn about AWS services and apply your knowledge in a real AWS environment. We’ll see you there!

AWS Co-Branding Guide-1

New AWS Co-Branding Guide Provides Best Practices for Joint Marketing with AWS

Exclusively for members of the APN, we have created the inaugural version of the AWS Co-Branding Guide. These guidelines detail how AWS brand marks should be used in co-branded assets, such as web banners and social media posts, as well as the different ways APN Partners can co-brand with AWS, all while maintaining your own brand voice. This guide is a must-read for APN Partners interested in growing their relationship with AWS customers.