AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon Machine Learning


AI for Data Analytics (AIDA) Partner Solutions Will Empower Business Experts with Predictive Analytics

We are excited to introduce AI for data analytics (AIDA) partner solutions which embed predictive analytics into mainstream analytics workspaces. These AI/ML solutions from AWS Partners have interfaces and integrations that help bring predictive analytics into the normal workflow of business experts. AWS AIDA includes partner solutions from Amplitude, Anaplan, Causality Link, Domo, Exasol, InterWorks, Pegasystems, Provectus, Qlik, Snowflake, Tableau, TIBCO, and Workato.

Leveraging Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Comprehend on Dataiku Data Science Platform

Dataiku orchestrates the entire machine learning lifecycle and makes it accessible to data scientists and analysts alike. With deep integration with AWS AI tools, Dataiku enables users to augment their analytics workflow with pretrained NLP and computer vision models. Learn how you can use Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Rekognition plugins on Dataiku Data Science Studio (DSS) to build a simple workflow of NLP and computer vision use cases, respectively.


How to Simplify Machine Learning with Amazon Redshift

Building effective machine learning models requires storing and managing historical data, but conventional databases can quickly become a nightmare to regulate. Queries start taking too long, for example, slowing down business decisions. Learn how to use Amazon Redshift ML and Query Editor V2 to create, train, and apply ML models to predict diabetes cases for a sample diabetes dataset. You can follow a similar approach to address other use cases such as customer churn prediction and fraud detection.


Optimize the Cost of Running DataRobot Models by Deploying and Monitoring on AWS Serverless

Operationalizing machine learning models can be a challenge due to lack of established ML architecture and its integration with the existing landscape. DataRobot integrates with AWS and provides the flexibility for a model trained in DataRobot to be deployed on AWS services with centralized model governance, management, and monitoring. Learn how the DataRobot AutoML platform orchestrates the complete model development and training lifecycle.


How Palantir Foundry Helps Customers Build and Deploy AI-Powered Decision-Making Applications

Leveraging data to make better decisions is critical for driving optimal business outcomes. Palantir empowers organizations to rapidly extract maximum value from one of their most valuable assets—their data. Palantir Foundry solves for the real-world application of AI, and not how it works in the lab. Effective AI is impossible without a trustworthy data foundation, a representation of an institution’s decisions, and the infrastructure to learn from every decision made.


How Deloitte’s Image Recognition Framework Leverages AWS Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

With exponential increases in the amount of visual data such as images and videos being generated, image analytics is fast becoming a major business driver for many organizations. The Deloitte Image Recognition Framework is a cloud-based image recognition platform leveraging machine learning to automatically distinguish between two images. It helps customers deploy image recognition and analytics solutions and customize it per their business requirements.


Digital Visual Inspection and Asset Integrity Management with Wipro’s InspectAI on AWS

Asset integrity management is a key activity for energy companies, and with recent advances in the field of machine learning, specifically computer vision, there are digital technologies that can enhance customers’ existing workflows and help plan preventative work. Learn how Wipro’s visual inspection and integrity management solution, InspectAI, can help customers deploy a cloud-based solution and transform their inspection process on AWS.


Accelerating Machine Learning Development with Data Science as a Service from Change Healthcare

There is broad acceptance that AI and ML will help improve health outcomes for patients, and make healthcare more affordable. Data Science as a Service (DSaaS) from Change Healthcare is a secure, managed, healthcare data science platform that customers can leverage the embedded datasets and load their own datasets to be linked to deliver transformative and compliant insights. Learn how Change Healthcare built DSaaS to address the needs of practitioners developing AI/ML algorithms.


Taming Machine Learning on AWS with MLOps: A Reference Architecture

Despite the investments and commitment from leadership, many organizations are yet to realize the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). How can data science and analytics teams tame complexity and live up to the expectations placed on them? MLOps provides some answers. Hear from AWS Premier Consulting Partner Reply how you can “glue” the various components of MLOps together to build an MLOps solution using AWS managed services.


Servicing Customers on Social Messenger Channels via Amazon Connect Chat

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center platform that helps enterprises provide superior customer service at a lower cost. TCS has built an adapter that can pick up the customer queries from social messenger channels and bring them into the web chat channel of Amazon Connect. This post describes the high-level architecture of the TCS solution, potential benefits, and ways to extend the solution to leverage other AWS services.