AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon Textract


Automating the Know Your Customer Process Using Capgemini’s AI-Powered Solution on AWS

Financial institutions use “Know Your Customer” (KYC) as the process of identifying and verifying a customer’s identity prior to providing any financial service. Learn how Capgemini’s KYC solution helps institutions automate identity documents validation, extraction of information present in them, and forgery detection using AI. It provides customers an extensible automated solution for validating government-issued documents, while reducing the overall time and manual intervention required to onboard customers.

Leveraging Data Reply DocExMachina for Customizing Intelligent Document Processing with AWS

Intelligent document processing (IDP) falls under the intelligent process automation of business tasks, and specifically involves extracting value from documents in an automated manner. Learn how customers can leverage Data Reply’s end-to-end IDP pipeline solution called DocExMachina, which is based on Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend. We’ll show how to make this pipeline document agnostic and customizable on AWS.

Revolutionizing User Experience on Claim Submissions Using WhatsApp Chatbots

Chatbot technology is rapidly revolutionizing customer experiences, providing businesses with a way to offer immediate and curated responses without allocating additional manpower and resources. For insurance companies, learn how using social media like WhatsApp in conjunction with Amazon Textract can make the claim process more streamlined and efficient, benefiting both customers as well as claim processing agencies. The objective is to simplify the claim process for any kind of expense.


Making Accounts Payable Simpler and Faster with Amazon Textract-Based X·CELERATE Invoice

Learn how AWS and Xoriant are working together to offer a service that assists any firm with their invoicing needs through X·CELERATE Invoice and Amazon Textract. This post covers the key steps of this system and how the collaboration between AWS and Xoriant is building better invoicing solutions for companies dealing with hundreds, if not thousands, of invoices each month. Learn why automated invoice processing (AIP) is important and how AWS and Xoriant are fueling innovation in AIP.


Enabling Digital Automation in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) for Public Sector Partners and Customers Using AWS AI

Learn about the AWS AI services stack for government agencies and partners to develop intelligent automation solutions to extract information from digitalized paper documents. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is a solution that enables extraction and processing of specific data elements from documents using AI and machine learning techniques. AWS services that add AI/ML intelligence to IDP solutions include Amazon Textract, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Augmented AI, and Amazon Kendra.


Automating Customer Onboarding with Lumiq’s Drishti Document AI and Amazon Textract

Innovations in AI technologies are yielding novel approaches to automation that fit the Indian market. Lumiq is spearheading such efforts and leveraging deep domain knowledge of the industry and machine learning to help create solutions for the future, today. Learn how Lumiq’s Drishti Document AI, an intelligent document parsing solution built on Amazon Textract, helps optimize and accelerate customer onboarding journeys.


Improving Data Extraction Processes Using Amazon Textract and Idexcel

Manually extracting data from multiple sources is repetitive, error-prone, and can create a bottleneck in the business process. Idexcel built a solution based on Amazon Textract that improves the accuracy of the data extraction process, reduces processing time, and boosts productivity to increase operational efficiencies. Learn how this approach can solidify your competitive edge, help you respond faster to market opportunities, and increase operational efficiency.