AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Compute


Transforming the Customer Experience at Speed and Scale with AWS and Braze

Braze is a comprehensive customer engagement platform built on AWS that helps brands bring modern, stream processing, and data-science frameworks to their engagement strategies. When a minute can make or break a customer experience, brands need a tool that allows them to make virtually instantaneous and meaningful connections with every one of their customers. Learn about recent campaigns from Burger King, Overstock, and BlaBlaCar and the technology that made them possible.


How to Visualize and Monitor Your AWS Container Fleet with Datadog

To fully leverage the versatility and scalability of containers, you need a monitoring solution capable of providing clarity into a highly dynamic environment comprising thousands (or even tens of thousands) of ephemeral containers. Learn how Datadog provides visibility into dynamic, ephemeral container workloads running on Amazon EKS, a service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes clusters.


Monitoring Microservice-Based Cloud Applications Using Distributed Tracing

As application complexity increases, the debugging process in production environments gets more complicated as well. AWS understands this challenge and includes tracing tools in its cloud services. For instance, AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. Epsagon specializes in automated tracing for cloud microservices, providing automated end-to-end tracing across not distributed AWS services.

Managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Systems on AWS with Red Hat Insights

Red Hat Insights helps you manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Systems on AWS by analyzing physical, virtual, container, and hybrid private and public cloud environments, comparing them to more than 1,000 rules. These rules identify potential threats that could lead to business disruptions. Insights scans your environments daily, summarizes any identified risks in its dashboard, and provides remediation steps for those risks.

Leveling Up Your Alerting Workflow with Thundra’s Deep Instrumentation Capabilities

Serverless architectures allow application teams to build applications quickly without worrying about any of the underlying servers. Thundra’s cloud-native observability and security tool helps you test, debug, monitor, troubleshoot, and secure AWS Lambda functions, containers deployed by services like AWS Fargate, and their environments composed of managed or unmanaged services. Walk through a sample alerting scenario and learn how Thundra helps pinpoint and resolve the problem.

Cutting Costs with AWS Lambda for Highly Scalable Image Processing

Learn how APN Partner Toptal applied a horizontally scalable solution for a customer’s image upload processing. This type of serverless solution can reduce the strain on API servers and eliminate the need for running separate servers to handle spikes without crashing. A serverless computing model with AWS Lambda is a natural fit for utility classes of tasks, such as preparing and sending transactional emails and push notifications.

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Listing Serverless Applications with Your Amazon Machine Images on AWS Marketplace

By using serverless applications alongside existing Amazon Machine Images, ISVs can provide customers with solutions that are easier to use, more elastic, and more scalable. AWS Marketplace recently announced a feature that enables sellers to publish solutions comprised of AMIs and serverless applications that customers can deploy AWS CloudFormation. This makes it easier for customers to deploy software solutions, rather than ISVs packaging AWS Lambda code into an AMI or referencing their own Amazon S3 bucket.


Monitoring Kubernetes Environments with AWS and New Relic’s Cluster Explorer

Kubernetes provides development teams with the tools and capabilities they need to deliver real customer value in far shorter time than more traditional architectures. Operating Kubernetes environments at scale, however, becomes more complex and requires special focus on monitoring for performance and health. Explore the challenges of monitoring Kubernetes environments at scale, and learn how to implement monitoring with the New Relic Cluster Explorer that’s included with the Kubernetes integration.


Identifying and Resolving Application Performance in Hybrid Environments with NETSCOUT

By using NETSCOUT’s Application Management Solution available in AWS Marketplace, Forte Data Solutions was able to quickly resolve latency issues of web-based statistical applications. NETSCOUT helped the customer gain visibility into load, latency, errors, and dependencies of their application, quickly identify the root cause of latency issues, fix them, and thus eliminate hundreds of redundant daily CloudWatch Alarms.


Microsoft SQL Standard Clustering Across AWS Availability Zones with Zadara Storage as a Service

With Zadara offering Storage-as-a-Service across Availability Zones, the platform’s centralized storage services release the ability to connect multiple Microsoft (MSSQL) servers in a standard Windows Server Failover Cluster model to a single set of shared storage volumes. This removes the need for MSSQL Enterprise Edition licensing and the doubling up of Amazon EBS disk for Amazon EC2 instances. In this post, explore the use of high availability MSSQL Standard Clustering on AWS with Zadara.