AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Database


Microsoft SQL Standard Clustering Across AWS Availability Zones with Zadara Storage as a Service

With Zadara offering Storage-as-a-Service across Availability Zones, the platform’s centralized storage services release the ability to connect multiple Microsoft (MSSQL) servers in a standard Windows Server Failover Cluster model to a single set of shared storage volumes. This removes the need for MSSQL Enterprise Edition licensing and the doubling up of Amazon EBS disk for Amazon EC2 instances. In this post, explore the use of high availability MSSQL Standard Clustering on AWS with Zadara.


AWS Service Ready Helps Customers Find Validated Products That Integrate with AWS Services

Before making a purchasing decision, AWS customers tell us they want to know if a tool or application will integrate with AWS services running in their cloud environment. To meet this need for customers, we are excited to introduce AWS Service Ready. This program identifies and validates products from APN Technology Partners that integrate with specific AWS services, and recommends these products to customers.


How to Enable Mainframe Data Analytics on AWS Using BMC AMI Cloud Analytics

Mainframe proprietary storage solutions such as VTLs hold valuable data locked in a platform with complex tools. This can lead to higher compute and storage costs, and make it harder to retain existing employees or train new ones. When mainframe data is stored in a cloud storage service, however, it can be accessed by a rich ecosystem of applications and analytics tools. BMC AMI Cloud Analytics enables mainframe customers to backup and archive directly to AWS.

VMware Cloud on AWS_blue

How to Migrate Oracle Workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS

Some Oracle workloads, such as Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) or WebLogic application clusters, have specific networking and storage requirements, which can be met with VMware Cloud on AWS. This post details the various considerations and migration options users have for Oracle workloads. Specifically, we examine in-depth how to migrate an Oracle database from an on-premises environment to AWS using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).

TDS_AWS Solutions

Creating a Migration Factory Using TransitionManager and CloudEndure Migration

As AWS adoption continues to grow, the need for highly reliable workload migrations at an accelerated pace is paramount. This is particularly true for enterprises turning to AWS to host mission-critical and legacy applications. Organizations need a solution that expedites the migration process, without introducing further risk. TDS TransitionManager with CloudEndure Migration is an AWS solution that accelerates cloud migration projects while reducing risk through automated processes.

Datacoral_AWS Solutions

Building Serverless Data Pipelines on Amazon Redshift By Writing SQL with Datacoral

Amazon Redshift is a powerful yet affordable data warehouse, and while getting data out of Redshift is easy, getting data into and around Redshift can pose problems as the warehouse grows. Datacoral is a serverless data platform that manages metadata changes, data transformations, and orchestrating pipelines for data consumers. In this post, learn how to write Redshift SQL to represent data flow, and how serverless data pipelines get automatically generated for that data flow.


Using the Heimdall Proxy to Split Reads and Writes for Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Horizontally scaling a SQL database involves separating the write-master from read-only servers. This allows the write server to perform dedicated write operations rather than processing redundant read queries. However, writing to one node and reading from another can result in inconsistent data due to synchronization delays. Heimdall Data offers a database proxy to help developers and architects achieve optimal scale from their Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora environment without any application changes.


VMware Greenplum on AWS: Parallel Postgres for Enterprise Analytics at Scale

Are you thinking of deploying VMware Greenplum on the AWS Cloud? Many customers also want to shift the responsibility for infrastructure to AWS, considering the alternatives. With VMware Greenplum on AWS, deployments are completely automated and completes in less than an hour. VMware Greenplum is a commercial fully-featured MPP data warehouse platform powered by the open source VMware Greenplum Database. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes.

SnapLogic_AWS Solutions

Migrating Data Warehouse Workloads from On-Premises Databases to Amazon Redshift with SnapLogic

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, easy-to-use data warehouse solution built on massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture and columnar storage. SnapLogic is an easy-to-learn data integration tool that allows business analysts and integration specialists to accomplish data ingestion from various sources into Redshift. The SnapLogic Redshift Bulk Load Snap (pre-built connector) is part of the SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform and enables loading large volumes of data rapidly into Redshift all at once.

Cognizant_AWS Solutions

Accelerating Data Warehouse Migration to Amazon Redshift Using Cognizant Intelligent Data Works

Many organizations are looking to migrate existing, on-premises enterprise data warehouse systems to cloud-based data warehouse systems such as Amazon Redshift. Here, we discuss how Cognizant’s Intelligent Migration Workbench (IMW) can be used to accelerate the data warehouse migrations while converting Oracle PL/SQL and Tetradata BTEQ scripts. IMW makes it easy to move mission critical proprietary code to AWS, giving customers competitive edge through faster time to market.