AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Advanced (300)


Warming Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS Lambda to Improve Application Availability

The legacy nature of its Windows application was a challenge faced by a rail manufacturer while migrating to AWS was. Refactoring the application to leverage AWS cloud-native features was not a viable option in this case, as the vendor had stopped their software maintenance and support. Learn how IBM leveraged AWS to improve the application’s long startup time by implementing a warming functionality using AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager.


Preventing Malware in Serverless Web Applications with SophosLabs Intelix

Building web applications in a serverless environment has brought many advantages, but with every big shift there are certain practices such as malware protection that need to be reinvented. Organizations need a solution that’s easy to query from web application via API with no infrastructure required. Learn how SophosLabs Intelix offers a suite of APIs which provide specific, actionable intelligence about files.


AI-Driven Analytics on AWS Using Tableau and Amazon SageMaker

Organizations that have foresight into their business have a competitive advantage. Advanced analytics that enable foresight have historically required scarce resources to develop predictive models using techniques like machine learning. Traditionally, this is a difficult endeavor, but recent progress in ML automation has made democratization of ML a possibility. Learn about the value of augmenting analytics with ML through the Amazon SageMaker for Tableau Quick Start.


Managing SAP HANA Database Backups on AWS with Syntax CxLink Backup

A top priority for customers running SAP workloads on AWS is to regularly back up their databases to recover them in case of failure. Regarding where to ship the backups, Amazon S3 is a cost-effective, highly durable, and reliable storage service. Dive deep on one of the SAP-certified third-party backup solutions: Emory Cloud Backup, developed by Syntax. Emory Cloud Backup allows you to manage and store SAP databases backups—like SAP HANA, Oracle, and SAP ASE (Sybase)—directly on Amazon S3.


How Onica’s Elastic Engineering Team Automated Disaster Recovery for Amazon RDS Instances

As organizations move to AWS, ensuring you have an effective disaster recovery (DR) strategy in place to manage outages is paramount. Through defining a common understanding of RTO and RPO requirements, organizations can adequately design for DR solutions. Learn how Onica’s Elastic Engineering team co-created a solution with a client that leverages serverless architecture and enables an automated backup and restore for Amazon RDS instances.


Deploying IBM Mainframe z/OS on AWS with IBM ZD&T

With an increased pace of innovation and demand for faster development and testing cycles, customers with mainframes want to adopt DevOps practices for their z/OS environments. To facilitate these practices, IBM offers the IBM Z Development and Test (ZD&T), a hardware emulation solution that allows regular z/OS software to run on the x86 platform by emulating the IBM Z instruction set, IO, and other devices. Learn how to create your own IBM ZD&T and z/OS environment on AWS.

Cloud Anything-13

Building a Third-Party SaaS Metering and Billing Integration on AWS

When moving to a SaaS model, companies need more flexible billing constructs that allow them to support a range of billing strategies and models. Learn how SaaS providers can create a billing integration experience that captures metering data and publishes it to a third-party billing system. We’ll also review common SaaS billing models and introduce a sample billing implementation that provides a working example of how you can approach building a strategy for integrating with SaaS billing providers.


Identify and Eliminate Risks on AWS IAM and Secure Data Stores Using Sonrai Dig

With the move to cloud, there has been a paradigm shift in how we protect our most valuable asset—data. Learn the importance of building a complete and accurate risk profile, which consists of your identity and data relationships. You’ll also learn how it’s critical to protect the sensitive, private, and confidential data. Sonrai Dig graphically maps all of your identities and determines their effective permissions, allowing you to get to least privilege across your entire AWS environment.


How to Use AWS Transfer Family to Replace and Scale SFTP Servers

In the financial services domain, it’s a common architecture pattern to find shared services file servers that act as SFTP file server or FTP server. Because these financial applications are not always API driven, data exchange using flat files remains the standard way to share information between applications, even when some of them have been migrated to AWS. Learn how DXC Technology addressed migrating this type of server using AWS Transfer Family, Amazon S3, and Amazon EFS.

Cloud Anything-9

Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using Amazon EKS

As more organizations make the move to a SaaS delivery model, many are choosing Amazon EKS as the target for their solutions. The programming model, cost efficiency, security, deployment, and operational attributes of Amazon EKS represent a compelling model for SaaS providers. Walk through the key architectural elements of a sample architecture, and learn how to isolate tenants within an EKS cluster, automate tenant onboarding, manage tenant identities, and support routing of tenant workloads.