AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)


Uncover Malicious Activity and Protect Amazon EKS Workloads from Network-Based Threats Using Calico Cloud

With Amazon EKS, developers can easily deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications across a cluster of machines. As EKS environments grow and support critical business operations, securing these environments becomes increasingly important. Learn how Tigera’s Calico Cloud provides an active security platform with full-stack observability for containers and Kubernetes, and how to uncover malicious activity and protect your workloads in EKS using Calico Cloud.

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Sphere and Amazon Lookout for Vision’s XR and AI Integration

Sphere and Amazon Lookout for Vision are revolutionizing the way that high-value equipment and machines are assembled, maintained, and operated. By combining extended reality (XR) with AI, the integration gives manufacturing customers a cutting-edge tool to uncover process issues, identify missing components, detect damaged parts, and more. Explore use cases in which the enhanced training procedures and advanced analytics afforded by Sphere and Amazon Lookout for Vision can be applied to real-world scenarios.


eGain Cobrowse Provides Collaborative, Real-Time Support for Amazon Connect Contact Centers

Customers expect contact center agents to provide them with guided digital support and collaboration when they fill out an online form or perform complex transactions on the website. Explore a deployment scenario where Amazon Connect, integrated with Salesforce Service Cloud, powers the voice interactions while eGain’s Cobrowse console allows agents to offer cobrowsing capabilities to agents. Get details about the functionality provided by this integrated solution and the deployment steps for setting it up.


How DXC Migrated Db2 Database on AS400 to a Cloud-Native Architecture

Due to the legacy nature and and high maintenance cost of its legacy AS400 application running in an on-premises data center, a large global oil and gas company decided to move to the cloud as part of its application modernization to reduce cost and improve productivity. Learn how DXC Technology can help migrate workloads to AWS in large-scale environments and bridge the gap in migrating applications across traditional, private cloud, and AWS environments.

Simple and Flexible SaaS Entitlement Management with LaunchDarkly

Being able to support varying tenant configurations is a common requirement for SaaS providers. Learn how LaunchDarkly creates varied tenant experiences with entitlement flags and how to model entitlements as feature flags, targeted to tiers to give tenants access to specific features. We’ll also dive into ways you can use the LaunchDarkly feature for flagging deployments/releases, doing progressive rollouts, or running experimentation—all important release practices for SaaS providers.


Unlocking Actionable Insights with Sisense and Amazon Redshift Serverless

Sisense Fusion Embed and Amazon Redshift Serverless provide customers with an integrated and seamless AI-powered data analytics experiences combined with predictive intelligence, natural language querying, and more. Together, these solutions enable data-driven decisions and deliver business insights at the point of decision making. Explore the benefits and synergy of these two powerful data solutions and how they can help organizations turn data into actionable insights.

Strategies for Successful Oracle Database Migration with VMware Cloud on AWS

Organizations running Oracle Database on vSphere environments are looking for migration paths for the database and the best path for them. In this post, explore database migration paths to AWS from on-premises vSphere environments and the benefit of integrating VMware Cloud on AWS with AWS Cloud Databases. We’ll also discuss how each migration path helps customers streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall business agility.

Automating Cloud Cost Optimization with nOps nSwitch and Amazon EventBridge

Optimizing environments for cost, however, is often an activity that happens only in response to unexpected growth of charges in the bill. nOps nSwitch makes this process easy, allowing both engineering and finance teams to explore, identify, and automate optimization opportunities. Learn how nOps’ integration with Amazon EventBridge helps customers to pause, reconfigure, and right-size a broad variety of popular AWS services so they can tune for the most optimal cost while maintaining reliability and security.


Modernizing Data Platforms, Accelerating Innovation, and Unlocking Business Value with Data Mesh on AWS

To sustain innovation and drive business value, organizations are realizing the importance of decentralization of data products using a data mesh architectural design approach. Experts from AWS and IBM explain how to set the right balance of business ownership using data mesh to modernize data platform and accelerate innovation. We’ll also describe referenceable techniques to build data mesh solutions using AWS native services including Amazon DataZone, AWS Lake Formation, and AWS Glue.

Streamlined Resource Management with the Infosys Automated Self-Service Landing Zone Solution for AWS

Infosys has crafted an automated self-service landing zone solution for AWS which employs AWS Control Tower to generate the customer’s organization unit structure and set up individual accounts. It uses the infrastructure as code tools from Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and Ansible for service configuration. The landing zone provides a pre-configured and secure environment, functioning as a springboard for organizations to manage their AWS resources effectively.