AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog


Double Your Speed-to-Data Quality with Elula’s Data Quality Checker and AWS Glue

Data quality is traditionally inconsistent and slow across teams and functions. Custom solutions are purpose-built, of varying quality, and rarely maintained. Elula developed a proprietary Data Quality Checker (DQC) powered by AWS Glue, and an Automated Data Assessment (ADA) user interface to accelerate the identification and prioritization of issues. Elula is an AWS Partner and leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) software to the financial services sector.


CHESA Launches Acorn Cloud with Support from AWS SaaS Factory

With support from AWS SaaS Factory, CHESA built and launched Acorn Cloud as a SaaS solution on AWS, allowing small and mid-size creative teams to create, edit, and deliver video content, while lowering the barrier of entry for access to collaboration tools as fully managed services. Hear from Lance Hukill, Chief Commercial Officer at CHESA, and about the value the new Acorn Cloud SaaS platform brings to customers.


How T-Systems Enabled AWS Config at Scale for Deutsche Telekom IT’s Landing Zone

Learn how T-Systems has enabled AWS Config at scale on Deutsche Telekom IT’s AWS landing zone, which is a brownfield environment with more than 600 AWS accounts. AWS Config is a governance and compliance service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your resources. The main motivator for Deutsche Telekom IT using AWS Config is that developing compliance checks using custom tools was time consuming, unscalable, and came with a large operational overhead.


Modernize Mainframe Workloads to AWS with Astadia Automated Refactoring

Legacy technologies such as COBOL, IDMS, Natural, Adabas, Assembler, IMS, and EGL, as well as their rapidly vanishing expertise, are becoming the number one burden for many mainframe customers. Learn how Astadia can help customers quickly and safely move entire mainframe applications to AWS. Astadia works with clients to modernize their IT investments to accelerate time to value, increase productivity, decrease risk, and optimize costs.


Big Data Analytics with Amazon EMR and Esri’s ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine

Data is growing in all aspects of our world; every vertical and technical domain is being pushed to the limit by growing data—geospatial is no exception. Learn about Esri’s ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine on Amazon EMR and how its geospatial capabilities can complement your current analytics workflows. GeoAnalytics seamlessly integrates with Amazon EMR and can be deployed with an Esri-provided bootstrap script at EMR cluster creation.


How to Mask Sensitive Data on AWS Using DataMasque

DataMasque is an AWS Partner that removes sensitive data from the databases and replaces it with realistic and functional masked values that enable effective development, testing, and analytics. This empowers AWS customers to do secure deployments in testing or non-production environments while mitigating the data breach security risks and allowing relevant teams to focus on development and testing of their applications without hinderance.


New ‘Powered by Amazon Redshift’ Program Helps AWS Partners Enable Customers with Analytics at Any Scale

AWS partners have asked us to do more to help them build analytics-driven applications, so we are excited to announce the launch of the ‘Powered by Amazon Redshift’ program. This program enables ISVs to build their applications using Amazon Redshift—our fully-managed cloud data warehouse service—and deliver fast, easy, and secure analytics at any scale available within their applications. With Amazon Redshift powering applications, ISVs can drive up to 3X price performance compared to any other cloud data warehouse.


10 Years of Success: AWS and Cloudsoft

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the AWS Partner Network (APN). To celebrate this important milestone, we’re launching a series of partner transformation stories—“10 Years of Success”—highlighting some of our AWS Partners who have been “all in” and grown with us over the past decade. Up first in our Q&A-style series is Cloudsoft, an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner that helps businesses securely migrate, run, and evolve applications in the cloud.

How to Use a CIS Hardened Image to Set Up an Amazon EC2 Mac Instance

Learn how to set up an Amazon EC2 Mac instance with a hardened image provided by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). This will help you to mitigate common threats like malware, denial of service, insufficient authorization, and overlapping trust boundary threats. CIS is an AWS Partner and community-driven nonprofit that aims to make the connected world a safer place for people, businesses, and governments.


Future Proof Cost Optimization with Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection and Amazon EC2 Spot

As part of its SaaS platform, Druva runs containerized applications with microservices architecture using Auto Scaling groups and Amazon Amazon ECS. Explore the cost optimization journey of Druva using Spot instances with Auto Scaling groups, challenges faced by them during this journey, and how attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) came to the rescue in addressing those challenges in optimizing costs.