AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog


Building Multi-Edge Data Architectures on AWS Wavelength and MongoDB

With the advent of high-speed 5G networks, enterprises have sought to deliver low-latency experiences across industrial Internet of Things IoT (IIoT), media and entertainment, automotive, and beyond. At the core of these low latency experiences is data. This post builds on an earlier demonstration of MongoDB Realm on AWS Wavelength by amplifying the existing architecture with new features, and shows how to use the AWS Load Balancer Controller to deploy an Application Load Balancer in front of the database.


5 Stages to Building a Successful Partner Practice with AWS

Over the years working with AWS Partners, we have learned that having a focused AWS practice helps partners be more successful in supporting our evolving mutual customer base. Learn how a dedicated AWS practice can be essential in getting the most out of your AWS Partner Network (APN) involvement, especially if your organization is on the Services Path. We’ll describe the five stages of a successful partner practice and offer insights into how to optimize your APN resources and benefits.


Automate SAML 2.0 Federation for AWS Organizations Using Azure Active Directory

Many enterprises want to streamline identity management by introducing a single identity provider for their multi-cloud approach. In this post, we’ll cover the integration of single sign-on with Azure Active Directory in the context of AWS Control Tower. Learn how Devoteam A Cloud recently led a migration project where it presented a client with two options for integrating SAML 2.0 federation into their AWS Organization using Azure AD.


Protecting Sensitive Data with Collibra Protect and AWS Lake Formation    

Ensuring the security and proper management of sensitive information is paramount, and Collibra Protect and AWS Lake Formation offer a powerful combination to address the growing challenges of enterprise data access governance. Learn how Collibra Protect, part of the Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, protects sensitive data and makes it available to specified groups of users. AWS Lake Formation is a fully managed serverless service that allows you to build clean and secure data lakes in days.

Cloud Anything-13

Introducing Industry Blueprints for Data & AI to Help AWS Partners Accelerate Solution Development

Designing industry blueprints is driven by the need to address various challenges in package development for industry solutions. AWS Industry Blueprints for Data & AI (Preview) is an open-source initiative from that offers a collection of building components, including code modules and solution accelerators, to facilitate the configuration and deployment of tailored components for various industry verticals’ turn-data-to-insights needs.

AWS Partner Analytics Dashboard: A 360-Degree View of Your AWS Business

As we transform the partner experience, we’re introducing the AWS Partner Analytics Dashboard. Accessible through AWS Partner Central, the dashboard provides partners with a 360-degree view of their AWS business, including opportunity pipeline, funding benefits, and pipeline. The dashboard provides transparency to the data needed to have high level strategic conversations, both internally and with AWS teams. This post explores the benefits, metrics, and high-level features of the Partner Analytics Dashboard.


Risk-Based, Fine-Grained Authorization with Transmit Security and Amazon Verified Permissions

Managing and securing account access can feel like navigating a complex landmine of risk. Learn how to take a risk score calculated by Transmit Security and use it as an input to an authorization decision made by Amazon Verified Permissions, which delivers a pre-built system that simplifies policy-based access control and is flexible enough to address the most advanced authorization requirements for custom applications. With granular policies, it’s highly effective for determining who has access to what.


Controlling Access to Amazon API Gateway with CyberArk Identity and Amazon Verified Permissions

SaaS applications and services secure access to their resources by adding logic to make decisions when handling a user request. These decisions can be based on user roles and attributes, request context, and more. In this post, learn how CyberArk Identity works seamlessly as the identity provider with Amazon Verified Permissions. A managed authorization service, Amazon Verified Permissions provides a scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service for custom apps.


Applying Fine-Grained Authorization to Legacy Apps with Strata Identity Orchestration and Amazon Verified Permissions

Achieving a zero-trust architecture is a top priority for many organizations, and a big part is externalizing authorization to ensure least privilege access for all applications. Amazon Verified Permissions is a fine-grained authorization service for developers building custom applications. Learn how Strata Identity’s Maverics Identity Orchestration platform allows you to simplify cloud migration and modernization projects by augmenting your datasets to ensure comprehensive policy enforcement.


Use Matillion Data Loader for Change Data Capture Loading to Amazon Redshift Serverless

With Amazon Redshift Serverless, users can run and scale analytics workloads seamlessly, paying only for the compute and storage resources they consume. Businesses often have a need to use change data capture (CDC) to quickly and easily load incremental data to data warehouses. Learn how to load data easily into Amazon Redshift Serverless using Matillion Data Loader, and see an example of CDC loading from PostgreSQL to Amazon Redshift Serverless as the destination.