AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon Cognito


Transforming Your Monolith to SaaS with AWS SaaS Boost

While the move to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model is appealing to many organizations, the time, effort, and investment that’s required to transition to a new multi-tenant architecture can represent a significant hurdle. To address this need for AWS Partners and customers, we have introduced AWS SaaS Boost, an open-source reference environment that provides developers with a low-friction way to transform existing applications into SaaS products.


How AWS Machine Learning Services Increase Medical Coding Accuracy and Efficiency

Medical coding helps providers maintain patient records and obtain reimbursement for services. Unfortunately, the process is complicated, time-consuming, and prone to error. Learn how ClearScale developed a solution that increases the efficiency and accuracy of the coding process. Powered by AWS Machine Learning, the application translates recorded medical appointment notes, and uses the information to generate more accurate medical codes.


How to Implement Object-Based Authorization in Serverless Applications Using Amazon Cognito

When building a complex web service such as a serverless application, sooner or later you must deal with permission control. Amazon Cognito is a powerful authentication and authorization service managed by AWS and is often combined with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to build secure serverless web services. Through the blueprint of an AWS Lambda authorizer, learn how to implement object-based authorization in serverless applications on AWS.


Using Amazon SQS in a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution

Modern applications often rely on queuing for service integrations, batch processing, or as part of workflow orchestration. Queues are key to adding scale and resiliency to your environment. This is especially true in software-as-a-service (SaaS) environments. Explore some of the common scenarios used when building SaaS solutions with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and learn how data isolation, scalability, and compliance requirements might influence the queuing model you select.


Supply Chain Tracking and Traceability with IoT-Enabled Blockchain on AWS

Many companies today are challenged to ensure the resiliency of their supply chain operations against the disruption of geopolitical events, climate-related disasters, public health crises, and more. Explore how Deloitte’s IoT-enabled blockchain solution for supply chain can help organizations create transparency and promote trust in their supply chain with a single source of truth for product quality and traceability.mThe solution is powered by AWS IoT and Amazon Managed Blockchain services.

How BriteCore Improved Security and Scalability by Migrating Insurance Workloads with AWS Landing Zone

BriteCore was originally designed as an on-premises data center-based monolith; a state-of-the-art core insurance solution. However, the business agility, cost savings, and increased security of the cloud made it clear the insurance industry had to migrate. Learn how BriteCore used AWS Landing Zone to deliver a modern administrative system for Property & Casualty insurance that could be more agile, scale better, and be more secure than on-premises infrastructure.


Transforming the Traveling Experience with Accenture 5G Smart Airport Assistant and Amazon AR/VR

The aviation industry has long been in the vanguard of digital disruption. An interactive navigation and operations solution developed by the Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG) can improve the airport experience of travelers, whether they are waiting for a flight or looking for a check-in area, food court, lounge, transportation, or customer service counter. Accenture’s smart airport assistant, called 5G-Connected Airport, uses facial recognition to help travelers pass quickly through security once they have registered.

Cloud Anything-9

Architecting Successful SaaS: Interacting with Your SaaS Customer’s Cloud Accounts

Explore several common AWS services and architectural patterns used by SaaS vendors to interact with their customers’ cloud accounts. Examples of SaaS products requiring some level of account interaction often fall into the categories of logging and monitoring, security, compliance, data analytics, DevOps, workflow management, and resource optimization. SaaS products, such as the ones in these categories, regularly interact with resources in the subscribing customer’s AWS account.


Developing Payment Card Industry Compliant Solutions on AWS to Protect Customer Data

Financial institutions possess and process data that are very sensitive and have immense business value. In recent years, regulations like open banking and data residency law have forced organizations to be even more adaptive to frequent challenges to systems storing and processing the data. Explore how Capgemini developed an application to address this customer challenge and learn how the approach helped worldwide credit card provider comply with PCI DSS security standards.

How Oil & Gas is Solving Technological Limitations of Complex Reservoir Simulation with CMG and AWS

Oil and gas companies are looking beyond “easy oil” to unlock resources from more complex reservoirs. To solve this growing challenge, organizations are turning to AWS to maximize computational capacities. Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) is an APN Technology Partner whose revolutionary cloud solution provides engineers with faster simulation runs, giving them time to focus on reservoir and project analysis.