AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Guest Post

Computer Vision at Scale with Dask and PyTorch on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Saturn Cloud is a data science and machine learning platform for Python. Its multi-node, multi-GPU computing enables 100x faster workflows, reducing the time to business value. Saturn Cloud is compatible with the entire Python ecosystem and a variety of tools, which makes workflows customizable and the computing experience highly flexible for a range of setups and preferences. In a recent release, Saturn Cloud added Amazon EC2 Spot compatibility.

Simplified Cloud Database Management Using Couchbase Cloud and AWS

Couchbase NoSQL database admins have been using AWS to host clusters for many years. Couchbase Cloud provides customers access to sophisticated management software that allows them to co-manage their NoSQL cloud database directly inside their AWS-powered infrastructure. Learn how Couchbase leverages the underlying cloud resources, and explore graphical examples of key features from the web-based control plane to demonstrate how easy it is to use.

Helping a Pharmaceutical Company Drive Business Insights Using ZS Accelerators on Amazon Redshift

With increasing data variety and volumes, it’s become increasingly necessary to ensure all of an organization’s workloads run in the most efficient manner to reduce overall turn-around time and TCO. Get an overview of the data and analytics platform ZS built to streamline and improve contracting analytics for a top life sciences company. Then, dive deep into the data architecture and learn how ZS evolved its data technology stack to get maximum performance.


Transitioning Mainframe Workloads into Agile Services with AWS and Micro Focus

Increasing the agility of mainframe workloads is critical for organizations processing core-business processes and data on mainframes. Together, AWS and Micro Focus can help you accelerate the transition to agile services with a tool-based evolutionary approach, avoiding the expensive, risky, and slow rip-and-replace approach. Learn about the overall approach to agility and detail the transitions and Micro Focus tools for transforming mainframe workloads into agile services on AWS.


Cazena’s Instant AWS Data Lake: Accelerating Time to Analytics from Months to Minutes

Given the breadth of use cases, data lakes need to be a complete analytical environment with a variety of analytical tools, engines, and languages supporting a variety of workloads. These include traditional analytics, business intelligence, streaming event and Internet of Things (IoT) processing, advanced machine learning, and artificial intelligence processing. Learn how Cazena builds and deploys a production ready data lake in minutes for customers.


Building a Single Source of Truth with a Data Hub from Semarchy

Organizations need a comprehensive data management solution that includes data quality, cleansing, de-duplication, and curation capabilities. After consolidating trusted golden records, they need to enforce governance requirements and track changes over time. Semarchy’s xDM platform is an innovation in multi-vector Main Data Management (MDM) that leverages smart algorithms and material design to simplify data stewardship, governance, and integration.

Tape Ark Unlocks Dark Data on AWS with Tape-to-Cloud Migration

Oil and gas operators face significant challenges accessing the subsurface data they have created and saved on tape media. Being able to perform tape migration at scale is highly complex and resource intensive, but it’s essential for oil and gas companies that want to understand their collection so they can unlock the true value of their data. Tape Ark is powered by AWS and uniquely capable of undertaking mass migrations at large scale.


How Tech Mahindra Approaches Cost Optimization and Governance Using AWS Native Services

Cloud cost governance ensures customers are availing all potential services, tools, and resources to continuously track, optimize, and control their overall cloud spend. Learn how Tech Mahindra achieved one customer’s goal of cloud finance using cost management best practices along with AWS native tools and techniques. Tech Mahindra worked closely with the customer’s IT, engineering, and finance teams to understand their existing cloud governance model and issues.


CoDetect: A Serverless AI-Powered Web App for Detecting Medical Conditions in CT Scans

DXC Technology created a serverless artificial intelligence-powered solution called CoDetect to help detect manifestations of COVID-19 (and other medical conditions) in CT scans. Learn about the AWS services DXC chose for this solution, and explore two functional use cases that demonstrate the benefits of DXC’s CoDetect design and implementation approach. CoDetect is a web-based app that allows end users to submit CT scan studies for an AI model analysis.


Automation of User Onboarding and Offboarding Workflows

A seamless employee experience requires the workflow of user onboarding and offboarding requires integration between HR systems, ITSM tools, cloud resources, identity and access control, and intelligent automation. To address these common needs, Relevance Lab worked closely with AWS to create an intelligent automation solution using RLCatalyst, ServiceNow, and Jira Service Desk. In this post, walk through the workflow and learn about this solution for automated user onboarding and offboarding.