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Tag: AWS Partner Success Stories


How ClearDATA Enforces Data Locality with AWS IAM Permission Boundaries

For healthcare organizations bound by regulations that require privacy, security, and compliance protections for sensitive healthcare data, ClearDATA provides the peace of mind of automation-forward technology and industry-leading, HITRUST-certified, healthcare-exclusive expertise. Learn how ClearDATA Comply uses the IAM permission boundary feature to automate restricting access to specific AWS regions.


Make Intelligent Business Decisions Faster and Accelerate SAP Cloud Transformation with AWS and Accenture

Running SAP on the cloud can help customers reduce total cost of ownership, increase agility, and create a competitive advantage out of SAP systems and data. To capitalize on these benefits, organizations need a cloud provider and migration partner that can help them migrate quickly and reliably. Learn how Accenture’s Cloud Migration Factory, Data Lake Accelerator, and Cloud Suite help customers more effectively achieve their SAP strategies on AWS.


Breaking Down High Performance Computing Barriers with Amazon FSx for Lustre

Popular in the HPC community and a range of industry verticals, Lustre is a powerful, open source, Linux-compatible, parallel file system. Amazon FSx for Lustre is a fully managed, scalable shared storage solution to power your compute workloads. Six Nines is deeply familiar with HPC storage pain points, and has helped customers address this very issue over the past five years. Dive deep with Six Nines’ FSx for Lustre experience, particularly the high availability, performance, and integration features of its latest releases.


How to Upgrade Large Windows 2008 R2 Workloads in Place

Upgrading legacy systems to the cloud can seem daunting and time-consuming, but with the right combination of AWS Systems Manager, AWS Directory Service, and a few simple AWS Lambda functions, you can upgrade from your outdated Windows environments flawlessly, seamlessly, and at scale. Learn how you can run an in-place upgrade of your Windows 2008 R2 production instances to Windows 2019 R2, and how to control instance tagging so you can orchestrate the root volume replacement process.


How Matillion Multiplies the Performance of Complex ETL Jobs with Amazon Redshift Materialized Views

Amazon Redshift recently announced support for materialized views, which lead to significantly faster query performance on repeatable query workloads. That, in turn, reduces the time to deliver the datasets you need to produce your business insights. Matillion ETL for Amazon Redshift provides comprehensive enterprise-grade features to simplify and speed up building and maintaining these pipelines.


Simplifying Routing Across Multiple AWS Regions with a Virtual Router Service

A virtual router service such as Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) routes traffic across AWS regions without forcing you to set up and maintain static routes. MCR is a virtual routing service maintained by Megaport. All you do is set up your AWS environment and forward its configuration to Megaport, which handles the rest. Megaport’s connectivity specialists can provide design and support worldwide to AWS users.


Accelerate Data Warehousing by Streaming Data with Confluent Cloud into Amazon Redshift

Built as a cloud-native service, Confluent Cloud offers developers a serverless experience with elastic scaling and pricing that charges only for what they stream. Confluent’s Kafka Connect Amazon Redshift Sink Connector exports Avro, JSON Schema, or Protobuf data from Apache Kafka topics to Amazon Redshift. The connector polls data from Kafka and writes this data to an Amazon Redshift database. Polling data is based on subscribed topics.


Migrating E-Commerce Sites to SaaS Using A/B Testing and AWS Edge Services

Modern e-commerce websites face challenges in website versioning, system uptime, continuous deployments, and A/B testing. Migrating a full e-commerce solution is not a trivial project, and doing so while maintaining two versions of the website in production makes it more challenging on many levels. Leveraging AWS edge services, you can increase business agility by not only improving the migration experience, but also by employing A/B testing to validate business decisions faster.


How to Turn Archive Data into Actionable Insights with Cohesity and AWS

A big challenge for enterprises is how to manage the growth of data in a cost-effective manner. CIOs are also looking for ways to get insights out of the data so their organizations can create actionable outcomes. Learn how the CloudArchive Direct feature of Cohesity’s DataPlatform with AWS analytics services to drive insights into customers’ NAS data. Cohesity is redefining data management to lower TCO while simplifying the way businesses manage and protect their data.


CloudZero Simplifies Kubernetes Cost Tracking with Support of AWS SaaS Factory

With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, CloudZero launched a new capability for companies with investments in containerized workloads orchestrated with Kubernetes in the AWS environment. With this new capability, software providers can understand the exact container costs breakdown and how they roll up to products, features, and teams along with their other AWS services. Hear from Tim Buntel, Chief Product Officer at CloudZero, who shares some insights about their recent launch.