AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Success Stories


AI for Data Analytics (AIDA) Partner Solutions Will Empower Business Experts with Predictive Analytics

We are excited to introduce AI for data analytics (AIDA) partner solutions which embed predictive analytics into mainstream analytics workspaces. These AI/ML solutions from AWS Partners have interfaces and integrations that help bring predictive analytics into the normal workflow of business experts. AWS AIDA includes partner solutions from Amplitude, Anaplan, Causality Link, Domo, Exasol, InterWorks, Pegasystems, Provectus, Qlik, Snowflake, Tableau, TIBCO, and Workato.


Federated Access to AWS Single Sign-On with CyberArk Workforce Identity

AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is where you create or connect your workforce identities in AWS once and manage access centrally across your AWS Organization. Learn about the new integration with CyberArk Workforce Identity to provide simplified access management and provisioning to AWS. With this integration, you can have a single point of truth for all enterprise identities and enforce consistent management of users, groups, permissions, and access policies while reducing redundancies and errors.


Enabling Security and Compliance in an AWS-Based Big Data Analytics Platform Using Cattle Server Automation and IaC

This post describes a solution created by IBM during the migration of a big data and analytics platform for one of the top 10 banks worldwide. The primary drivers were cost efficiency, business agility, and performance. The “pet to cattle” concept was applied to this solution to transform the legacy high availability disaster recovery solution to a more robust and cost-effective cattle-based solution through the use of AWS-native services.


How an AWS Lambda Function Can Be Integrated with Box Webhooks

There are multiple use cases where applications running on AWS may require a Lambda function to process the file stored in Box storage before it’s sent to the next stage for further processing. This post explains how a Lambda function can be invoked on the upload of a file in a Box folder using a webhook. With the help of a Box webhook and Amazon API Gateway, users can invoke a Lambda function on file upload operation and download the file to Amazon S3.


How Verisk Argus Migrated Petabytes of SQL Server Data to AWS

Verisk provides data analytic insights to customers in insurance, energy and specialized markets, and financial services. Learn how a joint team from AWS and Verisk Argus migrated petabytes of SQL Server data from on-premises to Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier using AWS Snowball Edge and the Amazon EMR custom Spark ingestion framework. Through this migration framework, Verisk Argus is positioned to save millions of dollars by moving to AWS from their data center.


Building a Serverless Stream Analytics Platform with Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and MongoDB Realm

A serverless architecture strategy reduces complexity and provides more flexibility in adopting the features and non-functional requirements needed to support market agility. In this post, walk through an example of an IoT use case and build a serverless scalable platform using Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink, and MongoDB Realm. You’ll learn how easy it is to develop mobile and desktop applications on top of the data platform for different personas.


Solving the Challenge of Customer Verification and Security with Digital Onboarding

Customer onboarding remains a challenging and time-consuming process for most banks. Both digital and traditional processes are often overly complex, resulting in lower conversion rates and higher cost of acquisition. To overcome these challenges, numerous financial institutions have started customer onboarding online. In this post, walk through the use case of one of the largest financial institutes of Europe for whom Infostretch provided a substantial breakthrough to onboard the customers digitally.


Managing the Evolution of an Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse Using a Declarative Deployment Pipeline

Enterprise data warehouses are complex and consist of database objects that need to be modified to reflect the changing needs of business, data analytics, and machine learning teams. In this post, learn about an approach to managing the evolution of enterprise-scale data warehouses based on the experience of Deloitte’s Data and AI global practice teams. The declarative tool developed by Deloitte that can automatically generate DDL statements to align Amazon Redshift’s state to an approved baseline configuration.


Network Transformation with AWS and Valtix for Workload Segmentation and Compliance

As a multi-cloud network security platform, Valtix enables teams to meet the most stringent security requirements in a cloud-first and simple way. Learn about the transformation of network security use case leveraging Valtix for segmentation of workloads and to help meet compliance requirements. We’ll also walk through an example of how to enforce consistent security across tens and hundreds of VPCs spanning multiple regions and AWS accounts.


Data and Analytics Partners Scale Their Business with AWS Partner Differentiation Programs

In the data and analytics world, many customers have learned how expert AWS Partners can help them rethink and modernize their data architectures, or migrate and manage data warehouses, data-driven applications, and governed data lakes on AWS. To set your data and analytics business apart, it’s important to leverage the AWS Partner Network (APN) and our various differentiation programs. Whether you are just beginning to build or expand your AWS-based business, we offer programs to help you succeed.