AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Success


How AWS Machine Learning Services Increase Medical Coding Accuracy and Efficiency

Medical coding helps providers maintain patient records and obtain reimbursement for services. Unfortunately, the process is complicated, time-consuming, and prone to error. Learn how ClearScale developed a solution that increases the efficiency and accuracy of the coding process. Powered by AWS Machine Learning, the application translates recorded medical appointment notes, and uses the information to generate more accurate medical codes.

How Provectus and GoCheck Kids Built ML Infrastructure for Improved Usability During Vision Screening

For businesses like GoCheck Kids, machine learning infrastructure is vital. The company has developed a next-generation, ML-driven pediatric vision screening platform that enables healthcare practitioners to screen for vision risks in children in a fast and easy way by utilizing GoCheck Kids’ smartphone app. Learn how GoCheck Kids teamed up with Provectus to build a secure, auditable, and reproducible ML infrastructure on AWS to ensure its solution is powered by highly accurate image classification model.


Making Cloud Transformation Simpler and Faster with SnapStart

Knowing what customers have in their IT estate is important when beginning strategic transformation initiatives, consolidating data centers, migrating workloads, or modernizing data platforms. Explore the cloud migration journey of one of Insight’s clients to understand how they used SnapStart and various technologies to make the migration process more efficient. SnapStart helps organizations identify and map IT environments spanning cloud, edge, and both on-premises and off-premises data centers.


Virtusa and InterSystems Join Forces to Enhance Patient Data Integration

Data interoperability empowers the healthcare system to move away from the outdated transaction model of fee-for-services and prescription volume. Learn how Virtusa’s vLife solution provides a secure platform that supports a variety of use cases. By offering services across abstracted and virtualized platform layers, developers can use vLife to more easily deploy solutions that meet the unique requirements of their specific situation.


Transforming Eat-In Restaurant Margarita’s to a Successful Delivery, Carry-Out Business Using Amazon Connect

Due to lockdown restrictions, the global COVID-19 pandemic brought an unprecedented challenge to small, eat-in restaurants. Learn how Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant, a family-owned eat-in based in Justin, Texas, teamed up with BizCloud Experts to implement an Amazon Connect contact center solution that transformed restaurant staff into Amazon Connect agents. Within 48 hours, Margarita’s was handling its carry out and delivery business much more efficiently.


Using Dremio for Fast and Easy Analysis of Amazon S3 Data

Although many SQL engines allow tools to query Amazon S3 data, organizations face multiple challenges, including high latency and infrastructure costs. Learn how Dremio empowers analysts and data scientists to analyze data in S3 directly at interactive speed, without having to physically copy data into other systems or create extracts, cubes, and/or aggregation tables. Dremio’s unique architecture enables faster and more reliable query performance than traditional SQL engines.


Preparing Your Ecommerce Website for the Holiday Traffic Spike Using AWS and Moovweb XDN

With Moovweb XDN and AWS, retailers can avoid costly slowdowns and maximize revenue potential during the holiday season. Once a product is requested, Mooweb’s CDN-as-JavaScript caches the JSON data at the edge, so it loads instantly. As visitor levels rise, so does cache hit rates for data at the edge, resulting in a faster experience. This enables ecommerce companies to deliver a lightning-fast experience that squeezes the maximum possible conversions out of every visit this holiday season.


Interactive Scientific Visualization on AWS with NVIDIA IndeX SDK

Scientific visualization is critical to understand complex phenomena modeled using high performance computing simulations. However, it has been challenging to do this effectively due to the inability to visualize, explore, and analyze large volumes of data and lack of collaborative workflow solutions. NVIDIA IndeX on AWS addresses each of these problems by providing a scientific visualization solution for massive datasets, thus opening the doors for discovery.


Migrating E-Commerce Sites to SaaS Using A/B Testing and AWS Edge Services

Modern e-commerce websites face challenges in website versioning, system uptime, continuous deployments, and A/B testing. Migrating a full e-commerce solution is not a trivial project, and doing so while maintaining two versions of the website in production makes it more challenging on many levels. Leveraging AWS edge services, you can increase business agility by not only improving the migration experience, but also by employing A/B testing to validate business decisions faster.


CloudZero Simplifies Kubernetes Cost Tracking with Support of AWS SaaS Factory

With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, CloudZero launched a new capability for companies with investments in containerized workloads orchestrated with Kubernetes in the AWS environment. With this new capability, software providers can understand the exact container costs breakdown and how they roll up to products, features, and teams along with their other AWS services. Hear from Tim Buntel, Chief Product Officer at CloudZero, who shares some insights about their recent launch.