AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Availability Zones

How Ensono Delivered Guinness World Records’ Award-Winning Migration of Windows Workloads to AWS

Many organizations are cautious about moving to the cloud, or are fighting against gravity by staying on-premises. To keep up with their community’s needs, Guinness World Records has had to reimagine their IT architecture. Learn how Ensono helped Guinness World Records move all-in on AWS over a period of 10 months, and explore how Ensono continues to help them innovate using advanced AWS services.

How Insider Learned to Scale a Production Grade Elasticsearch Cluster on AWS

Insider, an AWS Competency Partner, has been using Elasticsearch for a long time and is satisfied with its performance and features. They had a couple of issues when scaling up its usage, however, but they fixed them by making changes on configurations, architecture, and hardware. Follow along as Insider’s team realizes that fixing symptoms without understanding the root cause may lead to worse scenarios, and how they learned the hard way the importance of identifying the real issue as soon as possible.

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10 Best Practices to Help Partners Build AWS Quick Starts for Customers

AWS Partners in the AWS Quick Start program can help their customers automate the deployment of their solutions, increasing customer engagements and improving the customer experience. The AWS Quick Start team has had considerable experience working with a variety of partner products, and has identified best practices to follow when developing a Quick Start and common missteps to avoid. By following these steps, you can efficiently and effectively develop Quick Starts using the AWS platform.


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.

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How to Deploy Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service on VMware Cloud on AWS

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops secures the delivery of Windows, Linux, Web, or SaaS applications and desktops to any device. Running Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on VMware Cloud on AWS lets you use the same management tools and desktop images as on your on-premises VMware vSphere environment. You can easily extend your Citrix workload to the cloud and take advantage of AWS on-demand delivery, global footprint, elasticity, and scalability to meet your business objectives.

Minimizing the PCI Compliance Burden Using Containerization, Microservices, and AWS

Leveraging cloud-based microservices is not a solution that works for everyone or every application, but it’s one more point in favor of transitioning legacy applications to microservices. If you’re already looking to re-architect, consider it an opportunity to spin out regulated data into separate containers. From there, it’s not much more effort to move those containers to AWS. Learn how AWS technologies can help organizations reduce their Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance burden.

How BriteCore Improved Security and Scalability by Migrating Insurance Workloads with AWS Landing Zone

BriteCore was originally designed as an on-premises data center-based monolith; a state-of-the-art core insurance solution. However, the business agility, cost savings, and increased security of the cloud made it clear the insurance industry had to migrate. Learn how BriteCore used AWS Landing Zone to deliver a modern administrative system for Property & Casualty insurance that could be more agile, scale better, and be more secure than on-premises infrastructure.


Using Shift-Left to Find Vulnerabilities Before Deployment with Trend Micro Template Scanner

Shift-Left is increasingly being employed within DevOps organizations to ensure companies minimize risk early in their infrastructure as code (IaC) deployment cycle. This post explains how to combine two of the technologies that make Shift-Left possible. The first is AWS CloudFormation, which represents IaC, and the second is Trend Micro’s Template Scanner, which checks your IaC to make sure it conforms to the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Configuring AWS Resources to Enable a Remote Workforce on Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Businesses around the world are starting to adapt to a remote workforce on a large scale faster than ever. Remote working is becoming the new normal, or at least a must-have capability. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops is a solution that gives your workforce fast and secure access to company resources from any location at any time. This post shows you how to determine the best and least expensive infrastructure for running Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop on AWS.

How TIBCO Leverages AWS for its COVID-19 Analytics App

TIBCO Software has launched an analytics app to track the spread and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in real-time, over local regions worldwide. The goal of this analytics app is to enable organizations to assess the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business fabric, using sound data science and data management principles, in the context of real-time operations. Learn some of key capabilities of the app and how it was developed on AWS.