AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Cloud Development Kit


Nordcloud’s Automated Solution for Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using AWS Panorama

In computer vision applications, the transmission of video data to the cloud for analysis can result in added delays due to various contributing factors such as queuing, propagation, and network latency. Learn how the Nordcloud team, in collaboration with AWS, has designed a “Computer Vision at the Edge” solution based on AWS Panorama. It caters to organizations seeking low-latency decision making without the burden of managing complex technology.

Best Practices from Innovative Solutions for Migrating Databases in AWS Amplify Deployments

Learn how to implement database software development lifecycle (SDLC) automation when leveraging the AWS Amplify framework to quickly create a three-tier web application following cloud engineering best practices. This approach from AWS Premier Partner Innovative Solutions leverages the AWS Code suite coupled with the Amplify CLI to integrate database migrations against an Aurora Serverless V1 PostgreSQL cluster with deployment of an Amplify project.

Create Dynamic Serverless Applications with Neo4j Graph Database and AWS Lambda

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a framework that provides an automated and repeatable way of handling cloud infrastructure. Learn how to use the AWS CDK to build an AWS Lambda function in Java that connects to Neo4j. The framework described here can be used to build dynamic serverless applications where the frontend scales based on system demand. This makes it possible to easily get value from your connected graph data in front end applications.


How Cognizant Built a Virtual Life Insurance Sales Environment on Unqork’s Codeless Platform

In the post-pandemic era, however, consumers are increasingly less likely to interact with agents in traditional ways. By following the creed of “intuition engineered” while partnering with Unqork and AWS, Cognizant developed a new consumer interaction model to life. Learn how the Cognizant eApp Collaboration Solution, built on Unqork’s codeless development platform using AWS serverless architecture, brings increased engagement and productivity to the virtual new business experience.


Fully Automated Athonet 4G/5G Core Management and Orchestration on AWS

Many AWS customers want an easy way to deploy, configure, manage, and upgrade mobile private networks that scale easily based on demand. Learn how to take advantage of Athonet’s fully automated 4G/5G professional-grade solutions on AWS to accelerate business outcomes. By combining the cloud-native capabilities of Athonet Core network functions with AWS services, you can demonstrate the deployment of Athonet Core on AWS in a matter of minutes.


Managing Cybersecurity Risks with the Next Generation of Managed Security Services  

Both AWS and Deloitte understand that a customer’s cloud journey is different and have their own set of requirements. This is why Deloitte’s Cyber CMS solution provides a wide range of options for businesses to choose from to create the right package for them. Learn how Cyber CMS can help organizations become more trustworthy, resilient, and secure through proactive management of cyber risks.


Superior Integrated Systems (SIS) Developed a Data-as-a-Service Platform with AWS and AllCloud

Superior Integrated Systems (SIS), an integrator of custom-built test equipment and data acquisition systems, launched new services during the pandemic to help their customers satisfy specific product test requirements. Learn how AllCloud supported SIS to build a proof of concept, developing the architecture for the desired data-as-a service platform using AWS Control Tower and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

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Agile Transformation of an Automotive Dealer Application for Scalability and Availability with AWS

There is a growing need for automotive dealers to adopt innovative technology to transition into the digital era smoothly, as customers are leaning towards secure, cloud-native solutions with modern features that are backed by superior support. Learn how Tech Mahindra transformed a monolithic application into a resilient and reliable solution to support expanding dealer networks. To build this cloud-native transformation approach, Tech Mahindra used AWS and a microservices-based API-first architecture.


Simplifying Kubernetes Observability with Amazon EKS Blueprints

Understanding the performance of your Amazon EKS clusters and applications is critical, but without the proper tools identifying problems can be difficult. You need the ability to detect, analyze, and resolve them as fast as possible. New Relic’s EKS Blueprints add-on for the Amazon EKS Blueprints framework is built on the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and simplifies deploying Kubernetes observability components from New Relic to your EKS clusters, using programming concepts you’re already familiar with.


How Wipro-Nuage Helps Silicon Companies Migrate Design Workloads to AWS Cost Efficiently

Silicon design companies require huge compute and storage needs to run their electronic design automation (EDA) workloads. Learn about the business and process challenges of silicon design companies and how Nuage, Wipro’s smart orchestrator solution built on AWS, can help accelerate silicon design and time to market. Nuage can do this through prediction and optimization by leveraging the near infinite compute, storage, and other resources available on AWS.