AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Marketplace

How to Use Amazon Rekognition on Cloudinary to Auto-Tag Faces with Names

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Amazon Rekognition with the Cloudinary platform, and build an application that automatically tags people in images with names. This solution learns people’s faces from photos uploaded to a “training” folder in Cloudinary. In many cases, a single photo of someone is enough for Amazon Rekognition to learn and then, later on, identify and tag that person. This works in most photograph scenes and even pictures with many other people in them.

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Cloud Transformation is Not Just a Cheaper Alternative to a Data Center, But a Path to IT Innovation

While many are aware of the benefits of transitioning applications or workloads to the AWS Cloud, many IT decision makers (ITDM) are not familiar with the more transformative route a company takes when migrating its business to the cloud, or the factors that motivate leaders to choose this approach. Learn about the increasingly popular transformational route and dive deep on what motivates organizations to take this path.

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Building Serverless Data Pipelines on Amazon Redshift By Writing SQL with Datacoral

Amazon Redshift is a powerful yet affordable data warehouse, and while getting data out of Redshift is easy, getting data into and around Redshift can pose problems as the warehouse grows. Datacoral is a serverless data platform that manages metadata changes, data transformations, and orchestrating pipelines for data consumers. In this post, learn how to write Redshift SQL to represent data flow, and how serverless data pipelines get automatically generated for that data flow.


How the AWS Partner Network is Powering Startups Built on Amazon Web Services

Getting visibility with customers is critical to the success of any startup. With AWS, startups can build awareness and increase visibility through events, co-sponsored online and offline campaigns, case studies, and more. Startups can also drive new business and accelerate sales cycles through co-selling with AWS. And they can connect with opportunities at AWS customers, and better serve shared customers through collaboration with the AWS account team and access to PoC credits.

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How to Get the Global Scalability of AWS Storage at Local Speed with Nasuni

Being able to access files via standard file protocols from one or more locations is important to many organizations. With Nasuni, all data is stored on Amazon S3, enabling customers to have access to their data anywhere over standard file protocols using many of the NAS features they’re used to at local performance, without having to maintain full replicas of the data in each location. Nasuni also has a control plane running on AWS that enables functionality such as global file locking.


VMware Greenplum on AWS: Parallel Postgres for Enterprise Analytics at Scale

Are you thinking of deploying VMware Greenplum on the AWS Cloud? Many customers also want to shift the responsibility for infrastructure to AWS, considering the alternatives. With VMware Greenplum on AWS, deployments are completely automated and completes in less than an hour. VMware Greenplum is a commercial fully-featured MPP data warehouse platform powered by the open source VMware Greenplum Database. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes.

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Building a Simple Serverless WebSocket with Stackery and AWS

With the addition of WebSocket support in Amazon API Gateway, we set out to build an AWS CloudFormation template to get the simplest WebSocket version. What we built was backed by an AWS Lambda function that responds directly to the client who initiated the request. We learned quite a few things along the way, and even ended up with an easy solution in Stackery for managing and deploying one of these simple WebSockets.

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New AWS Co-Branding Guide Provides Best Practices for Joint Marketing with AWS

Exclusively for members of the APN, we have created the inaugural version of the AWS Co-Branding Guide. These guidelines detail how AWS brand marks should be used in co-branded assets, such as web banners and social media posts, as well as the different ways APN Partners can co-brand with AWS, all while maintaining your own brand voice. This guide is a must-read for APN Partners interested in growing their relationship with AWS customers.

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Running Applications on Amazon EKS Using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Spotinst Ocean

While implementing a microservices architecture, Kubernetes can be a powerful tool to manage containers. However, if you are just starting out in the Kubernetes ecosystem, it can be hard to get a hang of. This post helps you get started with Amazon EKS to set up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster, and introduces Spotinst Ocean to help manage Amazon EKS clusters and reduce costs by provisioning clusters on Amazon EC2 Spot instances.

Migrating Containerized Applications to Amazon EKS in Minutes Using XebiaLabs Blueprints

Amazon EKS provides a Kubernetes management infrastructure across Availability Zones so you don’t have to manage a control plane or replace unhealthy control plane nodes. AWS Competency Partner XebiaLabs supports infrastructure provisioning and application deployment for many of the most popular AWS services, including Amazon EKS. They recently introduced a feature called DevOps as Code, which makes it even easier to migrate applications to Amazon EKS infrastructure.