AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Identity and Access Management


Identify and Eliminate Risks on AWS IAM and Secure Data Stores Using Sonrai Dig

With the move to cloud, there has been a paradigm shift in how we protect our most valuable asset—data. Learn the importance of building a complete and accurate risk profile, which consists of your identity and data relationships. You’ll also learn how it’s critical to protect the sensitive, private, and confidential data. Sonrai Dig graphically maps all of your identities and determines their effective permissions, allowing you to get to least privilege across your entire AWS environment.


How Indexima Uses Hyper Indexes and Machine Learning to Enable Instant Analytics on Amazon S3

Achieving “speed of thought” or instant analytics on large data sets is a key challenge for business intelligence platforms. Traditionally, data engineers would design and deliver an optimized, aggregated subset of the data to a data warehouse to drive the visualization. This can often take weeks of development and testing or incur significant infrastructure costs. Learn how Indexima uses machine learning and hyper indexes to automate this process and accelerate analytics by up to 1000x across a full data set on Amazon S3.

Archiving Amazon MSK Data to Amazon S3 with the S3 Kafka Connect Connector

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available, and secure Apache Kafka service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Kafka to process steaming data. Learn how to use the new open source Kafka Connect Connector (StreamReactor) from to query, transform, optimize, and archive data from Amazon MSK to Amazon S3. We’ll also demonstrate how to use Amazon Athena to query the partitioned parquet data directly from S3.


How to Use AWS Transfer Family to Replace and Scale SFTP Servers

In the financial services domain, it’s a common architecture pattern to find shared services file servers that act as SFTP file server or FTP server. Because these financial applications are not always API driven, data exchange using flat files remains the standard way to share information between applications, even when some of them have been migrated to AWS. Learn how DXC Technology addressed migrating this type of server using AWS Transfer Family, Amazon S3, and Amazon EFS.

Cloud Anything-9

Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using Amazon EKS

As more organizations make the move to a SaaS delivery model, many are choosing Amazon EKS as the target for their solutions. The programming model, cost efficiency, security, deployment, and operational attributes of Amazon EKS represent a compelling model for SaaS providers. Walk through the key architectural elements of a sample architecture, and learn how to isolate tenants within an EKS cluster, automate tenant onboarding, manage tenant identities, and support routing of tenant workloads.

How to Automate Cost and Performance Improvement Through gp3 Upgrades Using AWS Systems Manager

Automatically identifying and upgrading existing SSD volumes to take advantage of the new gp3 general purpose volumes for Amazon EBS can help organizations reduce storage costs. Learn how to upgrade your existing gp2 volumes, without interruption, to the next generation of general purpose SSD volumes using AWS Systems Manager. This a core component of nubeGo’s Cloud Managed Service (NCMS) which helps customers automate cost savings, security guardrails, and compliance requirements with minimal effort.


Cloud Posture and Threat Analytics with Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

As organizations continue to adopt AWS, their risk footprint increases from both an infrastructure and network perspective as it relates to compliance posturing, configuration risk, and network threats. Explore the integration between AWS and Secure Cloud Analytics, a SaaS-delivered Network Detection (NDR) offering from Cisco that monitors multi-cloud and hybrid environments for threats and policy violations and provides comprehensive visibility for any environment.

Computer Vision at Scale with Dask and PyTorch on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Saturn Cloud is a data science and machine learning platform for Python. Its multi-node, multi-GPU computing enables 100x faster workflows, reducing the time to business value. Saturn Cloud is compatible with the entire Python ecosystem and a variety of tools, which makes workflows customizable and the computing experience highly flexible for a range of setups and preferences. In a recent release, Saturn Cloud added Amazon EC2 Spot compatibility.


Storing Multi-Tenant SaaS Data in a Serverless Environment with Amazon Keyspaces

With Amazon Keyspaces, AWS has enabled SaaS providers to run their Apache Cassandra workloads using a fully managed, serverless offering. This option allows you to leverage the strengths of Cassandra while getting all of the scale, cost, reliability, and operational efficiency that comes with a managed model. Learn how Amazon Keyspaces can be used to store data in a multi-tenant architecture and review common models for partitioning each tenant’s data.


Exposing Private APIs Across AWS Accounts Only for Authorized Access Methods

Virtusa recently received a requirement to make an application programming interface (API) accessible across another AWS account. The API was an internal-only API hosted in a private subnet, and could be accessed only from within the network. The requirement also stipulated Virtusa make only a few read-only (Get) methods accessible, and not all the methods from the API. Learn how Virtusa addressed the customer’s challenge by designing a solution that uses Amazon API Gateway with IAM authentication.