AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: The Next Smart


How Slalom and WordStream Used MLOps to Unify Machine Learning and DevOps on AWS 

Deploying AI solutions with ML models into production introduces new challenges. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) has been evolving rapidly as the industry learns to marry new ML technologies and practices with incumbent software delivery systems and processes. WordStream is a SaaS company using ML capabilities to help small and mid-sized businesses get the most out of their online advertising. Learn how Slalom developed ML architecture to help WordStream productionize their machine learning efforts.


In-Depth Strategies from Infosys to Help Customers Re-Platform Mainframes on AWS

Re-platforming is a popular mainframe modernization approach because it’s flexible and transparent to the user. Learn about the phased migration approach Infosys uses for re-platforming mainframe applications. We’ll provide an overview of each step and the corresponding Infosys tools and accelerators we use to ensure successful mainframe migrations, including Micro Focus Enterprise Server (MF-ES).


Automated Migration of Multi-Tier Applications to AWS at Scale Using Veritas Cloud Mobility

For many organizations, the amount of data they own and manage is growing at a very high rate, but so is the number of applications they’re responsible for. This growth, coupled with the heterogeneity of technology infrastructure, makes managing IT systems and applications more complex. Veritas solutions, including Veritas Cloud Mobility, help enterprises address information management challenges including backup and recovery, business continuity, software-defined storage, and information governance.

How to Monitor Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics from Dynatrace

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics monitors RESTful APIs, URLs, and website content endpoints via synthetic traffic. Dynatrace also offers powerful, integrated synthetic capabilities, but if you use both CloudWatch and Dynatrace you have to switch between their consoles to check status. Now, you can integrate CloudWatch Synthetics into Dynatrace and check for unexpected behavior across both platforms from a single dashboard in your Dynatrace account.


How TCS Cloud Exponence Monitors Security and Compliance Across AWS Accounts

The move to primarily cloud-based operations has pushed enterprises to prioritize digital security mechanisms and regulatory compliance controls to safeguard weaknesses and reduce effects of an attack. TCS Cloud Exponence is a multi-cloud operations solution with a focus on a range of critical security operations such as cloud perimeter monitoring, patch management, vulnerability assessment, compliance monitoring, alerting, and reporting.


Powering Enterprise Analytics at Scale Using Teradata Vantage on AWS

The amount and variety of existing and newly-generated data in today’s connected world is unparalleled. As this growth continues, so does the opportunity for organizations to extract real value from their data. Teradata Vantage is a modern analytics platform that combines open source and commercial analytic technologies. It can drive autonomous decision-making by helping you to operationalize insights, solve complex business problems, and enable descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.


Lower TCO and Increase Query Performance by Running Hive on Spark in Amazon EMR

Learn how Mactores helped Seagate Technology to use Apache Hive on Apache Spark for queries larger than 10TB, combined with the use of transient Amazon EMR clusters leveraging Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. It was imperative for Seagate to have systems in place to ensure the cost of collecting, storing, and processing data did not exceed their ROI. Moving to Hive on Spark enabled Seagate to continue processing petabytes of data at scale with significantly lower TCO.

Optimizing Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Usage with Qubole Data Platform

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances let you reduce costs by taking advantage of unused capacity. You can further reduce costs by using the policy-based automation in Qubole Data Platform to balance performance, cost, and SLA requirements anytime you use Spot Instances. Learn how the Qubole Data Platform optimizes your Spot usage, and how it applies policy-based automation to balance your performance, cost, and SLAs whenever you use Amazon EC2 Spot Instances.


How Slalom Uses AWS DeepRacer to Upskill its Workforce in Reinforcement Learning

AWS DeepRacer allows developers of all skill levels to get started with reinforcement learning, which is an advanced machine learning technique that learns very complex behaviors without requiring any labeled training data, and can make short-term decisions while optimizing for a longer term goal. Learn how Slalom created AWS DeepRacer experiences for its own workforce. The cars and tracks now regularly appear in at Slalom locations across the world as valuable internal learning events.


MachineMetrics Offers Free Remote Monitoring Solutions to Manufacturers Impacted by COVID-19

MachineMetrics, an AWS Industrial Software Competency Partner, is committed to supporting front-line workers on the manufacturing floor and in the medical field. By enabling mobile workers, industrial companies are better able to ensure the safety of their employees while continuing to serve their own customers. MachineMetrics is offering free access to its Industrial IoT platform to any manufacturer involved with the production of ventilator parts, test equipment, protective equipment, or COVID-19 treatment-related manufacturing.