AWS DevOps Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Solutions Design diagram explaining how the solution is structured

Serverless UI testing using Selenium, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, and AWS Developer Tools

Since the post Using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS Lambda for Serverless Automated UI Testing was published, things have evolved with Chrome headless and Firefox headless being supported natively. AWS Lambda now supports container images, AWS Step Functions has added support for Map state and its integration with Lambda, and AWS Fargate has enabled […]

CodePipeline with CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy stages.

Automated CI/CD pipeline for .NET Core Lambda functions using AWS extensions for dotnet CLI

The trend of building AWS Serverless applications using AWS Lambda is increasing at an ever-rapid pace. Common use cases for AWS Lambda include data processing, real-time file processing, and extract, transform, and load (ETL) for data processing, web backends, internet of things (IoT) backends, and mobile backends. Lambda natively supports languages such as Java, Go, […]

Architecture diagram showing an overview of how CI/CD metrics are extracted and transformed to create a dynamic QuickSight dashboard

Monitoring and management with Amazon QuickSight and Athena in your CI/CD pipeline

One of the many ways to monitor and manage required CI/CD metrics is to use Amazon QuickSight to build customized visualizations. Additionally, by applying Lean management to software delivery processes, organizations can improve delivery of features faster, pivot when needed, respond to compliance and security changes, and take advantage of instant feedback to improve the […]

Using AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS to Get File Change Notifications from AWS CodeCommit

Notifications are an important part of DevOps workflows. Although you can set them up from any stage in the CI or CD pipelines, in this blog post, I will show you how to integrate AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS to extend AWS CodeCommit. Specifically, the solution described in this post makes it possible for you to […]

Replicate AWS CodeCommit Repositories between Regions using AWS Fargate

Thanks to Raja Mani, AWS Solutions Architect, for this great blog. — In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps for setting up continuous replication of an AWS CodeCommit repository from one AWS region to another AWS region using a serverless architecture. CodeCommit is a fully-managed, highly scalable source control service that stores […]

Automatic Deployment to New Amazon EC2 On-Demand and Spot Instances Using AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon CloudWatch Events, and AWS Lambda

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates application deployments to your compute infrastructure, including fleets of Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy can automatically deploy the latest app version to any new EC2 instance launched due to a scaling event. However, if your servers are not part of the Auto Scaling group, it might be a […]

Using Custom Source Actions in AWS CodePipeline for Increased Visibility for Third-Party Source Control

Update: We’ve added webhook support to CodePipeline. See the architecture below for more details. In our previous post, Integrating Git with AWS CodePipeline, we demonstrated one way to integrate third-party Git repositories with AWS CodePipeline by using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon S3. That approach allows you to quickly integrate your Git repository […]

UI Testing at Scale with AWS Lambda

This is a guest blog post by Wes Couch and Kurt Waechter from the Blackboard Internal Product Development team about their experience using AWS Lambda. One year ago, one of our UI test suites took hours to run. Last month, it took 16 minutes. Today, it takes 39 seconds. Here’s how we did it. The […]

Using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS Lambda for Serverless Automated UI Testing

Testing the user interface of a web application is an important part of the development lifecycle. In this post, I’ll explain how to automate UI testing using serverless technologies, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS Lambda. I built a website for UI testing that is hosted in S3. I used Selenium to perform cross-browser […]