AWS DevOps Blog

Anomaly Detection in AWS Lambda using Amazon DevOps Guru’s ML-powered insights

Critical business applications are monitored in order to prevent anomalies from negatively impacting their operational performance and availability. Amazon DevOps Guru is a Machine Learning (ML) powered solution that aids operations by detecting anomalous behavior and providing insights and recommendations for how to address the root cause before it impacts the customer. This post demonstrates how Amazon […]

Generate DevOps Guru Proactive Insights in ECS using Container Insights

Generating DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Amazon ECS

Monitoring is fundamental to operating an application in production, since we can only operate what we can measure and alert on. As an application evolves, or the environment grows more complex, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain monitoring thresholds for each component, and to validate that they’re still set to an effective value. We not […]

Parallel and dynamic SaaS deployments with AWS CDK Pipelines

Software as a Service (SaaS) is an increasingly popular business model for independent software vendors (ISVs), including benefits such as a pay-as-you-go pricing model, scalability, and availability. SaaS services can be built by using numerous architectural models. The silo model provides each tenant with dedicated resources and a shared-nothing architecture. Silo deployments also provide isolation […]

Code Guru

Detect Python and Java code security vulnerabilities with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

with Aaron Friedman (Principal PM-T for xGuru services) Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that uses machine learning and automated reasoning to catch hard to find defects and security vulnerabilities in application code. The purpose of this blog is to show how new CodeGuru Reviewer features help improve the security posture of your Python applications […]

AWS ControlTower Account Vending integration and ChatOps bot architecture

AWS Control Tower Account vending through Amazon Lex ChatBot

In this blog post you will learn about a multi-environment solution that uses a cloud native CICD pipeline to build, test, and deploy a Serverless ChatOps bot that integrates with AWS Control Tower Account Factory for AWS account vending. This solution can be used and integrated with any of your favourite request portal or channel […]

Automated security and compliance remediation at HDI

with Dr. Malte Polley (HDI Systeme AG – Cloud Solutions Architect) At HDI, one of the biggest European insurance group companies, we use AWS to build new services and capabilities and delight our customers. Working in the financial services industry, the company has to comply with numerous regulatory requirements in the areas of data protection […]

Align with best practices while creating infrastructure using CDK Aspects

Organizations implement compliance rules for cloud infrastructure to ensure that they run the applications according to their best practices. They utilize AWS Config to determine overall compliance against the configurations specified in their internal guidelines. This is determined after the creation of cloud resources in their AWS account. This post will demonstrate how to use […]

Target cross-platform Go builds with AWS CodeBuild Batch builds

Many different operating systems and architectures could end up as the destination for our applications. By using a AWS CodeBuild batch build, we can run builds for a Go application targeted at multiple platforms concurrently. Cross-compiling Go binaries for different platforms is as simple as setting two environment variables $GOOS and $GOARCH, regardless of the […]

Simulated location data with Amazon Location Service

Modern location-based applications require the processing and storage of real-world assets in real-time. The recent release of Amazon Location Service and its Tracker feature makes it possible to quickly and easily build these applications on the AWS platform. Tracking real-world assets is important, but at some point when working with Location Services you will need to […]

Building an InnerSource ecosystem using AWS DevOps tools

InnerSource is the term for the emerging practice of organizations adopting the open source methodology, albeit to develop proprietary software. This blog discusses the building of a model InnerSource ecosystem that leverages multiple AWS services, such as CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeArtifact, and CodeGuru, along with other AWS services and open source tools.