AWS for Industries

Category: Amazon EventBridge

Geo-based real time marketing for Financial Services on AWS

Financial Services Institutions (FSIs) are looking for opportunities to exploit interoperability across a collaborative ecosystem to boost transactions through their channels, partners’ channels, and payment methods. From this post: “Forrester asserts that aggregators and intermediaries that create value across industries will become important agents in a diverse collaborative ecosystem. However, not all organizations have the […]

Figure 1: High Level Overview

How to solve the digital twin challenge using building blocks from MongoDB on AWS

In the first blog – Digital Twin Data Middleware with AWS and MongoDB – we discussed the business implications of the digital twin challenge and how MongoDB and AWS are well positioned to solve them. In this blog, we’ll dive into technical aspects of solving the digital twin challenge. That is, showing you how MongoDB […]

Assets leave supplier warehouse

How Retailers Can Reduce Inventory Shrinkage With Automated Asset Tracking With Calamp and AWS

The importance of asset tracking Every day, receives millions of shipments from suppliers. A purchase order from Amazon to a supplier typically includes a large quantity of shipping containers, or assets, that will be delivered to various Amazon warehouses at different times. To determine if items are lost or misplaced in the large, complicated […]

Fleet management solutions for connected farms

Overview The agricultural industry faces a significant challenge supplying a growing population with the healthiest and most ethical foods possible. The world’s population is expected to reach close to 10B people by 2050 and the arable land utilized to feed this population is on the decline. The farming industry has been functioning near peak efficiency […]

Industrial Personnel & Hazard Tracking with Amazon Location Service

Introduction Hot work is defined as any operation that could be an origin of ignition in an environment with flammable materials. According to the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB), hot work is one of the most common causes of worker death. It is also leading cause of industrial fires. A hot work […]

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How to Integrate Your Headless Commerce Retail Store With Commercetools—Part 2

In our previous post How to Integrate Your Headless Commerce Retail Store With Commercetools—Part 1, we walked you through the process to integrate an ecommerce store front end with a backend retail microservice from the commercetools solution using commercetools’s APIs. Built in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, commercetools provides a set of flexible REST […]

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How to Integrate Your Headless Commerce Retail Store With Commercetools – Part 1

In recent years, many retailers have adopted new, modern ecommerce strategies as a point of differentiation by creating unique shopping experiences that reduce friction and increase customer engagement. Headless commerce is one approach that has gained a lot of traction because the storefront technology is decoupled from the backend commerce functionality. With headless commerce, you […]


How to Integrate Your AWS Cloud-Native Dynamic Supply Chain Application With External Systems

In our previous blog, How to build a dynamic supply chain platform: a primer, we discussed how companies can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a dynamic supply chain that can proactively react to events and also provide complete visibility, communication, and data transfer. By collecting and analyzing near-real-time supply chain data, companies can […]

Auto-healing Persistent Virtual Network Functions on AWS

Introduction Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) is an architecture concept in the telecom industry to enforce state-of-the-art technologies onto servers, network devices, and storage, in order to virtualize Network Functions (NFs). These days, multiple service providers are conceiving their virtual NFs (VNFs) in AWS, and this trend is accelerating further with containerized NFs (CNFs) and 5G. […]

AWS Lambda Overview

FSI Services Spotlight: Featuring AWS Lambda

In this edition of Financial Services Industry (FSI) Services Spotlight monthly blog series, we highlight five key considerations for customers running workloads on AWS Lambda: achieving compliance, data protection, isolation of compute environments, audits with APIs, and access control/security. Across each area, we will examine specific guidance, suggested reference architectures, and technical code to help […]