AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Media Services

Snapshot of Kevin Bohem, racing driver, in the #90 CrowdStrike Racing Mercedes-AMG GT3 at Spa Francorchamps.

SRO Motorsports goes virtual with AWS Media Services

With most professional sports currently on pause, leagues and fans alike know that there is no substitute for the physical interaction between participants. However, there is a notable exception: professional motorsport. Esport racers use game controls that closely simulate the controls in an actual car. In fact, professional race car drivers have been playing simulated […]

Case Study: Genflix Transforms OTT service with CloudCover and AWS

When Genflix, Indonesia’s first over-the-top video service, migrated its video-on-demand workflow to Amazon Web Services, speed, scale, and cost were top priorities. In this case study, learn how CloudCover, an APN Advanced Consulting Partner, helped Genflix transform its platform and its user experience with an end-to-end media workflow built on an array of cloud services, […]

Future-proofing TV services with the agility and flexibility of the cloud

Authored by Inna Zagrebelny, Senior Manager, Product Marketing at Kaltura. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. During the past few years there’s been an ongoing conversation in the media and entertainment industry about the multiple […]

A shot from the live stream of Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon Web Services, delivering the 2019 re:Invent keynote address in Las Vegas.

How AWS live streams re:Invent

AWS re:Invent is the largest event of the year for Amazon Web Services and the keynote addresses are the centerpieces of the week-long event. Live streams from re:Invent command a large viewership from around the world and are the highlight of the year for the AWS Event Technology Team. In this blog post, we describe […]

Virtual workstations on AWS powered by NVIDIA Quadro technology

Remote digital content creation and collaboration Studios, departments, and freelancers that create digital content for film, episodic entertainment, and commercials are faced with the challenge of keeping production going with teams that now find themselves working remotely…without sacrificing the quality you expect to deliver to your clients. Cloud-based virtual workstations on AWS allow you to […]

Sentech distributing media content globally

Sentech provides broadcast transmission services for all television and radio stations in South Africa. Using AWS services, including AWS Media Services, Sentech delivers live and on-demand video to hundreds of domestic and international customers. Watch their customer success story and learn how AWS helped Sentech drastically reduce the time and cost required to test new […]

Creating a secure video-on-demand (VOD) platform using AWS

Video has become the primary means of Information sharing and learning. Customers are investing in innovative solutions to tap into the e-learning and video space. Video content is their IP and needs to be protected and securely delivered. Online video is a powerful technology that every industry, from businesses to educational institutions to government agencies, is […]

Virtual hackathon delivers real-world video workflows on AWS

Hackathons give organizations an opportunity to focus engineering resources on solving sticky challenges or driving bursts of innovation. These exercises can be a valuable part of a tech team’s toolkit, as AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Consulting Partner Metal Toad demonstrated. On May 6, Metal Toad launched a virtual hackathon to develop fully functional video […]

Sample video frame extracted from Big Buck Bunny. Pixels tend to be surrounded by other pixels of similar color - for example, in the sky, blue pixels are surrounded by other blue pixels, and white pixels are surrounded by other white pixels in the cloud. Encoders exploit this property to compress images using spatial compression.

Back to basics: GOPs explained

Sometimes in their daily lives, video engineers forget that not everybody understands the alphabet-soup of three letter acronyms (TLAs) that get used regularly in our industry. In this Back to Basics series of blog posts, I revisit core and fundamental concepts in video compression and delivery and attempt to explain them in accessible, easy to […]

AWS Insights highlights APN partner launch announcements

Today, thousands of media professionals are tuning into the AWS Insights Online Conference, a virtual event featuring strategies and solutions for M&E workloads across multiple keynotes and three session tracks. As a part of this in-depth learning event, the AWS Partner Network (APN) team covers 27 recent launches and API/SDK integrations made by APN media partners across […]