AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Storage

On-demand AWS tech talk: Tape-to-cloud migration walkthrough

ABSTRACT: Level 300 | Service How To Whether a content creator (like a studio) or a distributor (like a broadcaster), Media Asset Management is a core workload for Media & Entertainment companies. In this tech talk, learn from media-specialist AWS Solution Architects as they walk through the newly released content migration solution from AWS, incorporating […]

Automated way to create an AWS media services-centric CloudWatch Dashboard

An Amazon CloudWatch dashboard is a customizable home page in the CloudWatch console that monitors multiple resources in a single view. It can consist of a number of widgets, with each widget providing operational information about different resources monitored by the dashboard. For media workflows, CloudWatch dashboards can make it easy to view and monitor […]

Fox Digital Media Archive & Fox Media Services: Leveraging innovation in AWS to capitalize on an evolving media landscape

Guest post by Al Rundle (21st Century Fox, V.P. Media Applications & Engineering) and Jaime Valenzuela (21st Century Fox, Director of Software Development) Introduction: At 83 years, 20th Century Fox is one of the oldest movie and television studios.  With those 83 years comes a long history of leading and participating in Media and Entertainment […]

What’s in your S3 Bucket? Using machine learning to quickly visualize and understand your media files in S3

As organizations make their transition to the AWS cloud, they often find themselves asking the question “what’s in that AWS S3 bucket?”  In an environment where leadership teams expect fast answers from IT, how do you dissect an S3 bucket with ten terabytes and hundreds of thousands of audio files or documents without a way […]

Webcast on-demand: Integrating file services to power your media & entertainment workloads

The webinar Integrating File Services to Power Your Media & Entertainment Workloads is now available on-demand: Level 300 | Solutions Best Practices Media companies, driven by higher resolution and an increasing amount of content due to direct B2C delivery, are looking to cost-effectively leverage cloud compute scalability. Emerging use cases, such as Media Supply Chains, […]

Hybrid cloud editing with IPV curator and AWS

Guest post by Mark Stephens (Partner Solutions Architect, AWS Partner Program), James Varndell (Product Manager, IPV), and Rebecca Lindley (Product Marketing Associate, IPV). There’s no doubt that modern video content production workflows can be incredibly complicated. From storing a growing library of media, to managing projects with editors in different locations, to the demand for turning content […]

Transferring asset files, caching, and storage-to-render on AWS

INTRODUCTION One of the many goals of Deadline 10 is to ensure that customers can render on AWS as easily as possible. An essential part of moving to a hybrid or fully AWS-based rendering workflow is dealing with transferring asset files to AWS, and downloading resulting renders from AWS. Fortunately, customers can accomplish this job […]