AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Government

AWS Raise the Bar on ransomware

Raising the bar on storage: How to improve your disaster recovery, ransomware prevention, and backup strategy

Data is an organization’s critical asset, which is why safeguarding it against ransomware attacks, natural disasters, emergencies, or technical failures is a top priority. Legacy data storage, such as tape, makes sharing and protecting data costly and time consuming. AWS released a series of educational webinars and whiteboarding videos that discuss how to raise the bar on data protection in the AWS Cloud.

Securing your AWS Cloud environments from ransomware

Securing your AWS Cloud environment from ransomware: New eBook available

Organizations around the world are making headlines after falling victim to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious code designed to gain unauthorized access to systems and data and encrypt that data to block access by legitimate users. A newly released eBook, “Securing your AWS environments from ransomware,” shares who is at risk and why ransomware is effective, whether to pay or not pay the ransom, and how customers can automatically inherit certain security controls by building on AWS.

man on computer filing for UI

Using the cloud to help labor, workforce, and human services agencies cope with increased demand for services

State government labor and workforce development agencies are wrestling with an unprecedented surge in demand for services. In one week, 6.6 million Americans filed for initial unemployment insurance (UI) claims, nearly double the previous week. Many states are straining to meet this increase for demand in services. The cloud can help labor and agencies quickly scale and shift to meet constituent needs.

artificial intelligence and machine learning

Exploring the future of AI and ML in the public sector

From accelerating genomics research to addressing the teacher shortage to improving commutes, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are fueling digital transformation in the government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare sectors. Austin Tanney, head of AI at Kainos, shared his ML learnings and where he sees the technology going.


Supporting healthcare with technology in response to COVID-19

Cloud-based technology is supporting healthcare organisations and governments in response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. Healthcare providers and professionals, governments, and patients around the world are facing an unprecedented challenge. Here are some of the ways that these health-focused organisations use cloud-based technology to help improve patient services and outcomes.

FINRA This is my architecture video

Using advanced analytics to accelerate problem solving in the public sector

Organizations across the globe are using advanced analytics and data science to predict and make decisions. They are finding ways to use their vast and diverse data stores to predict the best place to put their next retail store, what products to recommend to customers, how many employees they need for peak hours of operation, and how long a piece of machinery has until it needs maintenance. Public sector organizations in government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare are looking to use data to advance their missions too. Learn how.

US Census 2020 mailer

Be counted: April 1 is Census Day

April 1 is Census Day 2020: the day everyone in the United States is counted. Household respondents to the U.S. Census are asked to count every individual living in their household as of Census Day. From representation in Congress to funding for local schools, roads, and emergency services, important decisions are made by the government based on census data, impacting those services for the next decade.

Our Public Sector Partners in action: Healthcare, data visualization, and remote work

AWS is grateful for our AWS Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partners that have stepped up to support customers during this rapidly changing and dynamic global health situation. I thought I’d share a few examples of how our innovative and agile APN Partners are collaborating with public sector organizations around the world. I hope this list gives you some ideas of ways in which our partner community can support you during this time. Here are just a few examples: