AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: AWS CloudFormation

How to deliver performant GIS desktop applications with Amazon AppStream 2.0

Geospatial datasets are increasingly large, reaching terabyte and even petabyte scale, which can cause many challenges for geospatial analysts and educators–but Amazon AppStream 2.0 can provide some solutions. In this blog post, we walk through how to deploy QGIS, a no cost, open-source geospatial information system (GIS) application used by geospatial analysts, in Amazon AppStream 2.0. We also load an example dataset to demonstrate how desktop GIS application users can access large, cloud-hosted geospatial datasets with high performance by keeping the data and compute components together on the cloud, and streaming the desktop application instead of downloading the data itself.

How nonprofits can automate tax-exempt status across AWS accounts

Many nonprofits and other tax-exempt organizations need to make sure their tax status is correct across their Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. A new tax analyzer solution automatically detects the tax status of all AWS accounts across an organization. In this blog post, discover how this simple solution identifies which AWS accounts across an organization are paying sales tax, and learn how this solution can quickly remediate tax status by opening an AWS support case automatically.

Canada’s Federal Geospatial Platform supports decision-making using AWS

Data has become a new global currency in the digital age, thus the capacity to turn it into useful information is becoming increasingly important. Geospatial data is collected and used by the Canadian government to support goals such as economic growth, environmental management, and social well-being.

How to scale and optimize Moodle LMS on AWS

Moodle is an open-source learning management system (LMS). Moodle has more than 300 million users worldwide across both academic and enterprise organizations, and is the world’s most widely used learning platform. There are many ways to get started with Moodle on AWS. In this blog post, I focus on how to scale and optimize Moodle once you are already serving students. In this case, you may need to deal with migrating data from an existing platform and making sure the new environment caters to thousands of students, and still be cost-effective — we cover additional considerations in this walkthrough.

NHS Digital launches NHS login with AWS

NHS Digital launched NHS login, a serverless identity platform to facilitate access to a range of health and care apps for residents in England, with AWS, amongst other suppliers. Using the AWS Cloud, NHS Digital achieves scale, high availability, and security for citizens accessing these services, and helps users access NHS services quicker and more simply. NHS login is one of a number of services NHS Digital are hosting on the cloud as part of the UK government’s ‘Cloud First’ policy.

Leveraging Amazon Connect to enhance community and beneficiary services

With Amazon Connect, nonprofits are able to build a robust, scalable omnichannel cloud contact center to provide reliable, secure, and cost-effective services to their community, all without needing to provision any underlying infrastructure. In this blog, learn how to leverage AWS CloudFormation templates to quickly and simply set up Amazon Connect.

How to build secure data lakes to accelerate your nonprofit’s mission

Using data lakes, nonprofits can use data to influence strategy and inform decisions that produce value and impact. In this post, learn how to build a data lake, ingest data from a PostgreSQL server, give permissions to users to consume the data using AWS Lake Formation, and access and analyze the data using Amazon Athena.

How to accelerate CMMC compliance with the new AWS Compliant Framework

The AWS Compliant Framework is an automated solution designed to help customers reduce the time to setup an environment for running secure and scalable workloads while implementing an initial security baseline that meets US federal government standards. The solution was designed to address the requirements for deploying DoD CMMC and DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide compliant environments.

Performance Dashboard on AWS

New Performance Dashboard on AWS makes delivering open, responsive government simple

Data is at the heart of showing citizens how public services are working, and it enables the public sector to improve policy and operational delivery. Citizens expect accessible and useful services. The public sector aims to demonstrate success through data. To build trust in this relationship and promote accountability, public sector organizations need to communicate the data-driven performance of the services they provide. To help address these challenges, AWS is releasing Performance Dashboard on AWS. Performance Dashboard on AWS is a new open source solution to help you measure and share what’s important in one place and at minimal cost, and you can have the solution up and running in a matter of minutes.

Telehealth NLCHI

How NLCHI provides hybrid access to their EHR system through AWS PrivateLink

The Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (NLCHI) provides quality information to health professionals, the public, researchers, and health system decision makers. Through collaboration with the health system, NLCHI supports the development of data and technical standards, maintains key health databases, carries out analytics and evaluation, and supports health research. This post details how NLCHI is able to provide secure and scalable access to their on-premises provincial electronic health record (EHR) system, by trusted and authorized partners who run on AWS, through the use of AWS PrivateLink, Network Load Balancer, and AWS Site-to-Site VPN.