AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Machine Learning

Governments create cloud-enabled constituent engagement systems to solve challenges and innovate communities

A constituent engagement system helps governments communicate, listen, and respond to informational, service, and transactional requests from their communities. Governments across the US are embracing the cloud to optimize constituent engagement systems and improve the experience, reduce and eliminate friction for both enterprise employees and their customers, and manage first contact burdens on staffed, centralized intake points to liberate resources for higher priority initiatives.

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How cloud can help agencies enhance security, save costs, and improve mission delivery through the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF)

With a new round of funding, the US federal government has the opportunity to advance the largest government-wide technology modernization program in a generation. As part of the American Rescue Plan that was signed into law in March, federal agencies are eligible to modernize their mission delivery with additional money available in the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF). Cloud computing offers a variety of solutions agencies can consider for TMF projects.

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Improving pandemic response, citizen services, and assessing beehive health: The latest from AWS Cloud Innovation Centers

Cloud Innovation Centers (CICs) powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) aim to empower public sector organizations to quickly create and test new ideas using Amazon’s innovation methodology. With the CIC program, students and researchers, along with AWS teams, focus on solving real-life societal challenges facing the public sector. Learn more about some of the digital solutions on challenges the CIC team published over the last quarter such as working to prevent opioid overdose, discovering new coronaviruses, and using machine learning to monitor beehive health.

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Modernizing mission critical transportation technologies in the cloud

In state and local government transportation, infrastructure owners like departments of transportation, traffic agencies, tolling authorities, public transit agencies, airports, and seaports, all strive to operate more efficiently. They’re working to deliver safe, dependable, and equitable transportation experiences to citizens, regardless of how, when, or where they travel. Forward thinking public agencies are turning to a new breed of solutions provider—one not tied to a legacy framework that cannot address current traveler needs. They work with system integrators, independent software vendors, and consultants to innovate using AWS to improve traffic safety, construction project management, analytics and reporting, and secure identification.

USAF F-16 Thunderbirds Flying Above the Clouds

Bringing cloud capability to the Air Force at the “speed of mission need”

AWS recently participated in a technical demonstration, known as “On-Ramp 4,” to test edge computing capabilities for the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). ABMS is the Air Force’s contribution to the DoD’s Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) vision. Under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with ABMS, AWS tested the ability to successfully integrate and deploy a tactical edge node solution leveraging highly resilient network connectivity and communications.

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Supporting people with hearing loss through cloud-enabled solutions

In 2021, one in six Australians—almost four million people—have hearing loss, ranging from mild to profound. The statistic is part of the larger global picture reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) that approximately 466 million people live with hearing loss; of these, 34 million are children. In addition, 1.1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to noise in recreational settings and through personal audio devices. AWS offers services that will help organizations build end-to-end solutions with accessibility in mind and improve day-to-day activities such as social interactions, clinical consultations, live media, and public service announcements.

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Balanced budgets and enhanced constituent services: ERP beyond infrastructure in state and local governments

State and local governments (SLGs) are constantly looking for ways to improve the lives and well-being of their constituents. They strive for increased efficiencies in delivering existing government services or potential new services such as those related to assistance with food, health, education, affordable housing, weatherization, and more. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, along with ancillary business systems that support performance-based budgeting, play a key role in providing data insights. The balancing act between tight budgets and enablement of government services is enabled by fiscal health, sound policies, and data insights. ERP systems deployed on the cloud can help with the capabilities and technology tools that governments need to derive efficiencies with existing services and deploy new services.

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Using AI to rethink document automation and extract insights

The maturing of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought ready-made services that organizations can use, not only to automate data entry work but also to apply intelligence into the business process. Using modern AI capabilities on AWS, organizations can transform approaches to document management. This allows public sector organizations to save time (enabling faster throughput especially during higher volume paperwork times), so they can help get constituents their services faster, and focus on the most valuable work of the high-touch or high-need cases. Document automation helps reduce human entry error and provide backup services in case of natural disaster.

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Using machine learning to help nonprofits with fundraising activities

Nonprofits can leverage the cloud to reduce the burden associated with their fundraising activities. With machine learning (ML), nonprofits can identify individuals who are more likely to engage and donate to their cause to support their mission. Read more to learn exactly how you can put these solutions into action and leverage ML to help your nonprofit with fundraising efforts. In this post, discover how to use Amazon Personalize to build a ML model that supports a wide-range of personalization experiences—without prior machine learning experience.

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BrainGuide uses cloud technology to empower people with knowledge and resources for brain health

Alzheimer’s, a progressive brain disease that gradually deteriorates memories and thinking skills, is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, according to nonprofit UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2). To help address the immense need for brain health information and insights, UsA2 recently launched BrainGuide working with AWS and Biogen. BrainGuide is a first-of-its-kind platform that empowers people with knowledge and resources to take the best next steps in managing their own or a loved one’s brain health.