AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: public sector

Announcing the Data Fabric Security on AWS solution

Announcing the Data Fabric Security on AWS solution

Amazon Web Services (AWS) developed the Data Fabric Security (DFS) on AWS solution to support the identity and access needs of a multi-organization system. With DFS on AWS, federal customers can accelerate joint interoperability, modernization, and data-driven decision making in the cloud by removing barriers that prevent systems and users from communicating while still strengthening security via Zero Trust principles.

Meeting mission goals by modernizing data architecture with AWS

Meeting mission goals by modernizing data architecture with AWS

In this blog post, learn key AWS concepts and services that can help agencies modernize their cloud and data architecture. First, learn two fundamental concepts that agencies need to examine regardless of their technical approach. Then, discover the AWS services that enable agencies to apply these concepts to meet mission needs.

Evaluating long-term value in migrating ERP and SIS applications to AWS

Evaluating long-term value in migrating ERP and SIS applications to AWS

Organizations can realize significant benefits when migrating their enterprise resource planning (ERP) and student information systems (SIS) to AWS, including reduced costs, fewer security incidents, and improved agility. Education institutions, though, face slightly different decision-making contexts when evaluating which cloud provider to use to host these applications. In this blog post, explore several considerations associated with your decision and the total value that you can realize over a medium and long-term horizon when you migrate ERP and SIS applications to AWS.

Generative AI in education: Building AI solutions using course lecture content

Generative AI in education: Building AI solutions using course lecture content

The education sector has gone through a transformative technological change in the last few years. First, the pandemic created a rise in e-learning solutions, as teachers and students adopted digital platforms for communicating, teaching and learning, and managing academic information. These solutions show that students all over the world can get quality education over the […]

StateRAMP on AWS

StateRAMP on AWS

What do AWS public sector customers need to know about the State Risk and Authorization Management Program (StateRAMP) and how can you use AWS to help meeting StateRAMP requirements? In this blog post, learn a quick recap on what StateRAMP is and how it differs from the similar Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). 

Maximizing satellite communications usage with Amazon Forecast

Maximizing satellite communications usage with Amazon Forecast

This walkthrough explores how to leverage Amazon Forecast to derive valuable business insights in satellite communications use-cases. Operations teams can quickly see accurate satellite capacity forecasts on a per beam basis. The benefits include lower cost via provisioning just the right amount of bandwidth, and a more streamlined customer experience since users will be less impacted by weather or surge events.

Continued innovation in CJIS compliance in both AWS GovCloud (US) and AWS US Commercial Regions

Continued innovation in CJIS compliance in both AWS GovCloud (US) and AWS US Commercial Regions

Justice and public safety agencies and their solution providers are building highly available, resilient, and secure applications on AWS at a rapid pace. As these solutions are built, AWS’s innovative features and security controls can help customers comply with the latest Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy updates, and align with CJIS compliance not only in AWS GovCloud (US), but also in AWS (US) Commercial regions. Customers can confidently deploy CJIS workloads in either AWS (US) Region, while maintaining access to simple and powerful cloud native tools to manage the full lifecycle of sensitive data.

Re-imagining the future of mobility on islands

Re-imagining the future of mobility on islands

Islands, like other communities, are working to create effective and sustainable transport linkages. But they are subject to unique challenges, as they are often highly dependent on external transport linkages. Technologies such as digital twins, artificial intelligence (AI), edge and cloud computing, and open data can help islands ameliorate these challenges.

Building high-throughput satellite data downlink architectures with AWS Ground Station WideBand DigIF and Amphinicy Blink SDR

Building high-throughput satellite data downlink architectures with AWS Ground Station WideBand DigIF and Amphinicy Blink SDR

This blog summarizes some of the benefits of cloud-based ground segment architectures, and demonstrates how users can build a proof-of-concept using AWS Ground Station’s capability to transport and deliver Wideband Digital Intermediate Frequency (DigIF) data, along with the software-defined radio Blink, built by the AWS Partner Amphinicy.

The power of collaboration accelerates public sector transformation in Iceland

In this blog post from the AWS Institute, learn how Digital Iceland’s decision to work with partners to access knowledge and capabilities underpinned successful service transformation, enabling them to digitize 20 services in just over three years.