AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Industries


Insurity Provides Next-Generation Predictive Analytics for Insurers on AWS

Insurity Analytics provides continuous access to insights on the health of an insurer’s portfolio through data visualization tools and a streamlined, adaptive user experience. It enables insurers to identify trends and patterns, such as high- and low-performing policies, and deliver insights into predicted pricing benefits. Learn how Insurity Analytics prioritizes security, redundancy, and resiliency of its end users.


Expediting Healthcare Interoperability with Redox and AWS

For customers in the United States, patients must have access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) information in their medical records beginning April 5, 2021. While most health systems have one EHR in place, others who have undergone mergers may have several EHR solutions. All of this contributes to the challenge of achieving healthcare interoperability. This post shows how Redox, an AWS Partner and EHR integration platform, accelerates healthcare interoperability for customers.


How to Use AWS Transfer Family to Replace and Scale SFTP Servers

In the financial services domain, it’s a common architecture pattern to find shared services file servers that act as SFTP file server or FTP server. Because these financial applications are not always API driven, data exchange using flat files remains the standard way to share information between applications, even when some of them have been migrated to AWS. Learn how DXC Technology addressed migrating this type of server using AWS Transfer Family, Amazon S3, and Amazon EFS.


Integrating and Analyzing ESG Data on AWS Using CSRHub and Amazon QuickSight

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are increasingly important for financial institutions as they look to assess portfolio risk, meet investment mandates, align with customer values, and report on the sustainability of their portfolios. Working closely with CSRHub, a data provider on AWS Data Exchange, learn how AWS has produced a demonstration to illustrate how customers can analyze company-level ESG scoring data with Amazon QuickSight.


Delivering 4K Live Streaming with Automated Provisioning Using AWS Media Services

Until now, 4K media service has been adopted by only a few providers and was limited in use from the lack of sufficient infrastructure and network services. However, with advances in telecommunications and devices ushering in the 5G era, the barriers to using 4K have been brought down. Learn how MegazoneCloud helps broadcasters implement high-quality live streaming services, with AWS Media Services driving new customer experience in an agile, automated, and cost-effective manner.

Tape Ark Unlocks Dark Data on AWS with Tape-to-Cloud Migration

Oil and gas operators face significant challenges accessing the subsurface data they have created and saved on tape media. Being able to perform tape migration at scale is highly complex and resource intensive, but it’s essential for oil and gas companies that want to understand their collection so they can unlock the true value of their data. Tape Ark is powered by AWS and uniquely capable of undertaking mass migrations at large scale.


How to Build and Deploy a Contact Tracing Solution with AWS IoT Core and SafeTrack Lite

As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, institutions are working tirelessly to ensure they are prepared. Contact tracing is a complex problem to solve, and CareBand’s SafeTrack is a solution. This post covers how to get started partnering with CareBand’s technology and building a solution using AWS that collects data from SafeTrack wearables and integrates that with AWS IoT. The solution will generate a report of all the individuals who have been exposed to a detected case of COVID-19.


Ridgeline Leverages AWS SaaS Factory to Launch Enterprise Platform for Investment Managers

The AWS SaaS Factory team had the chance to work with Ridgeline, a privately funded fintech startup determined to modernize investment management software, and help build their purpose-built enterprise platform on AWS. We speak with Chris Petrunik, Director of Engineering at Ridgeline, to learn how their platform works and what advice they have for other businesses building SaaS solutions on AWS.

How Pr3vent Uses Machine Learning on AWS to Combat Preventable Vision Loss in Infants

Scaling doctors’ expertise through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) provides an affordable and accurate solution, giving millions of infants equal access to eye screening. Learn how Pr3vent, a medical AI company founded by ophthalmologists, teamed up with AWS Machine Learning Competency Partner Provectus to develop an advanced disease screening solution powered by deep learning that detects pathology and signs of possible abnormalities in the retinas of newborns.


How Capgemini Simplifies Pandemic Management with AWS Machine Learning Services

In a global pandemic, it can be hard for medical practitioners and patients to get connected and treated. Continually being on top of patients’ progress is also a challenge, along with scarcity of doctors who themselves are affected by the pandemic. Learn about a reference architecture from Capgemini that uses AWS machine learning services to enable doctors and patients to interact with the least amount of physical contact, while also improving efficiency in treatment management, tracking, and auditing.