AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Building a Predictive Maintenance Solution Using AWS AutoML and No-Code Tools

Learn how equipment operators can build a predictive maintenance solution using AutoML and no-code tools powered by AWS. This type of solution delivers significant gains to large-scale industrial systems and mission-critical applications where the costs associated with machine failure or unplanned downtime can be high. The design of this solution is based on the experience of Grid Dynamics with manufacturing clients.


Best Practices from Blue Sentry Cloud for Scaling Amazon EKS Networking with Ipv6 VPC CNI

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Amazon EKS support for IPv6 to scale containerized applications on Kubernetes goes beyond the limits of IPv4 address space. Learn how Blue Sentry Cloud solved scaling challenges using IPv6 on Amazon EKS. Blue Sentry Cloud is an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner and Managed Services Provider (MSP) that specializes in complex enterprise cloud initiatives.


Automate Istio-Enabled Amazon EKS Cluster Deployment with Tetrate’s EKS Blueprints Add-On

Istio and Envoy have become key technologies in the modern application stack, especially for enterprises adopting Zero Trust security standards for microservices applications. Using standardized tooling from AWS and Tetrate, it’s easier than ever to fully integrate Amazon EKS and Istio into modern, declarative IaC deployment processes. Learn how to use EKS Blueprints with Tetrate’s Istio add-on to stand up fully bootstrapped clusters.


Teradata Vantage Real-Time API Integration with Amazon SageMaker Endpoints

Teradata has expanded its collaboration with AWS by adding integration capabilities for Teradata Vantage, the data platform for enterprise analytics and AWS cloud services. Vantage, with its NOS read/write connector to Amazon S3 data, already provides data integration with S3 data and Vantage enterprise data. Now, Teradata introduces an API integration with Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Forecast. This enables business users to drive outcomes with real-time analytics.


Engaging Salesforce Customers with Bidirectional SMS Using AWS

Salesforce Event Relays enable bidirectional event flows between Salesforce and AWS through Amazon EventBridge. This opens up opportunities to build event-driven, near real-time applications, responding to feedback and outside triggers as they happen. In this post, we use the bidirectional integration to pass events from Salesforce to AWS to send SMS messages, and notify you when a user responds to your message. This is an event-driven architecture, leveraging Custom Platform Events in Salesforce.


Provisioning and Managing VMware Cloud on AWS Using vRealize Orchestrator

VMware vRealize Orchestrator is a part of VMware’s vRealize Suite and tied in closely with VMware vRealize Automation. This post highlights how you can use vRealize Orchestrator to deploy and manage VMware Cloud on AWS environments. It shows a method of automating VMware Cloud on AWS and helps admins get started using vRO to manage VMware Cloud on AWS environments. The sample code can be found in this GitHub page and follows the VMware Cloud on AWS API guide from VMware.

Flipboard Teams with Mactores to Modernize a High Volume HBase Data Platform to Fully-Managed Amazon EMR

Take an in-depth view of the cloud migration and data platform modernization process for Flipboard, which engaged Mactores Cognition for a thorough assessment of the self-managed platform and help migrating existing data workloads to a fully managed Amazon EMR serverless big data platform. The process streamlined Flipboard’s distributed database capabilities, allowing the social media platform to support user spikes at scale, maximize throughput performance, and prepare to expand the user base exponentially.

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Multi-Tenant Customer Routing for Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift with Heimdall Data

Learn how the Heimdall Database Proxy can be configured to provide customer query routing for Amazon RDS for Postgres, although any SQL database type including Amazon Redshift can be supported. This provides a single Heimdall Proxy endpoint to access data for multiple customers from multiple databases, transparently. Heimdall Data provides functionality needed to support many complex database environments, and solves many of the challenges in scaling database access.


Graph Feature Engineering with Neo4j and Amazon SageMaker

Featurization is one of the most difficult problems in machine learning. Learn how graph features engineered in Neo4j can be used in a supervised learning model trained with Amazon SageMaker. These novel graph features can improve model performance beyond what’s possible with more traditional approaches. Together, these components offer a graph platform that can be used to understand graph data and operationalize graph use cases.


Integrating ReadMe with Amazon API Gateway to Keep Your Developer Hub Up to Date

The modern API lifecycle does not end once your CI/CD pipeline pushes a deployment to production and the API becomes available to clients. They still have to access documentation, try out different parts of the API, or get notifications about changes. API developer portals have become standard for businesses offering APIs to their partners and end users. Learn how to integrate with Amazon API Gateway to make sure your documentation is up to date and gets changed every time you change the API.