AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Software


Enhancing Availability and Amazon EC2 Spot Utilization of Databricks Workloads on AWS

Databricks fleet instances were developed for large Databricks workloads on AWS to improve cluster provisioning process, increase Amazon EC2 Spot utilization, and drive overall cost optimization. Learn how customers can launch clusters using Spot instances using diversified node types. This increases a cluster’s chances of getting EC2 Spot instances which in turn further reduces costs. Maximizing availability and EC2 Spot utilization is key to running cost-optimized Databricks workloads on AWS.


Simplifying Management of Amazon EKS Environments with Automated Fleet Operations from Rafay

Enterprises typically manage sets of Amazon EKS clusters as a fleet, and depending on how the enterprise is structured and operates the fleet could consist of groups of EKS clusters for development, test, and production. Explore the key features of fleet operations and how Automated Fleet Operations from Rafay Systems can help customers improve operational efficiency, governance, and high availability of EKS clusters.


Knowlarity’s Cloud Communications Platform Provides Customer Conversation Analytics Built on AWS

Knowlarity’s Cloud Call Center is a SaaS solution on AWS that enhances customer experience by enabling real-time conversations and personalized interactions. It reduces communication costs, increases efficiency and productivity, and provides analytics and real-time performance insights. Knowlarity provides this functionality to leading brands globally across different verticals and processes 10 billion messages every month.


Leveraging SingleStoreDB Cloud Private Connectivity Using AWS PrivateLink

Data security is a critical concern for both businesses and individuals. With the increasing volume of data being generated and stored in the cloud, it’s more important than ever to protect sensitive information. Learn how SingleStoreDB Cloud on AWS provides private connectivity using AWS PrivateLink integration. SingleStoreDB Cloud automatically manages data across a three-tiered storage architecture comprised of memory, persistent cache, and storage.

CallRail Paves the Way for Further Cloud Modernization by Migrating to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Customers who move to managed databases innovate faster, spending more time building new applications and less time managing infrastructure. Learn how Ippon assisted CallRail’s successful migration from self-managed PostgreSQL to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. This migration alleviated the strain caused by substantial workloads on the database and unblocked cost savings by eliminating manual database maintenance and management.

Accelerating Enterprise Simulations on AWS with Fastone Compute Cloud-Enterprise Edition

Enterprises require considerable computational resources and storage capacity to successfully accomplish simulation tasks. An increasing number of simulations and calculations necessitate the real-time processing of substantial volumes of information, particularly in the CAE and CFD industries. Learn how to use the Fastone Compute Cloud-Enterprise Edition (Fastone FCC-E) to more efficiently handle large-scale CAE/CFD computations and simulations, while reliably leveraging AWS resources.


New AWS Partner Program Launches and Updates Announced at re:Invent 2023

Thank you for joining us in Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent 2023. We hope you enjoyed all of the educational content and big announcements. If you missed anything or just want to recap, we have rounded up the most relevant launches and program updates available for the AWS Partner and AWS Marketplace communities, including the AWS Partner Keynote with Ruba Borno, which showcased how AWS is improving the partner experience to guide partners to higher-value opportunities and longer-term success.

More Value, Greater Profitability: 10 Enhancements to the AWS Partner Experience

This post covers 10 enhancements we’re rolling out across our AWS Partner programs and services to drive partners to new heights of productivity and profitability. Announced at AWS re:Invent 2023, these enhancements are aimed at providing you more relevant and prescriptive guidance, where you need it, in a consistent and predictable manner. Learn how we’re ensuring that AWS Marketplace and partner programs provide demonstrated pathways to success—helping you drive greater customer value and profitability.


Channel Partner Momentum on AWS Marketplace Drives Innovation and Digital Transformation for Customers

We have seen more and more customers procuring third-party software and professional services through trusted Channel Partners on AWS Marketplace. This, in turn, has led to Channel Partners accelerating business opportunities through AWS Marketplace. This post walks through the benefits Channel Partners like Presidio are realizing from AWS Marketplace, and highlights innovations that are leading to more momentum for all Channel Partners.

Achieve Faster Growth and Scale with AWS Built-in Competency Partner Solutions

AWS built-in partner solutions integrate automatically with AWS foundational services to simplify and streamline the deployment experience. Available in AWS Marketplace, AWS built-in partner solutions are designed to automate, configure, and scale across multi-account environments following AWS best practices. This helps customers achieve business goals for faster growth and scale, all while increasing security posture by leveraging cloud foundational domains.