AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Management Console

Data Tokenization with Amazon Athena and Protegrity

Data security has always been an important consideration for organizations when complying with data protection regulations. Protegrity, an AWS ISV Partner and global leader in data security, has released a serverless User Defined Function (UDF) that adds external data tokenization capabilities to the Amazon Athena platform. Learn how customers can use the Protection Athena Protector UDF to tokenize or detokenize data at scale.


How Capgemini Uses AWS IoT to Monitor Farmland Through Agricultural Insights

Current methods to increase farming yields include the application of chemical fertilizers and the widespread use of pesticides. Capgemini believes in sustainable IT solutions and developed “Smart Hub Cropping” which checks precipitation in the farming fields, combines weather data from the government, and analyzes agricultural data to provide farmers with actionable insights and automation of the irrigation process. All of this is aligned to the most needed farmer experience of higher crop yield.


Simplifying Sign-In for AWS Managed Services with OneLogin, AWS Single Sign-On, and AWS IAM

OneLogin, an AWS Security Competency Partner, provides an identity platform for secure, scalable, and smart experiences that connects people to technology. Learn about all of the integrations available between OneLogin and AWS. Through these integrations, OneLogin enables you to seamlessly authenticate into AWS managed services across various domains, including analytics, compute, serverless, security, management and governance, and more.


Automated Cloud Governance Using the Superwerker on AWS Quick Start

Managing a cloud infrastructure consisting of multiple AWS accounts is an important but also complex topic for Well-Architected cloud environments. The superwerker on AWS Quick Start provides an automation of what consultants charged with building a platform and landing zone would build for a customer. As an individual consulting solution, this typically involves a mix of consulting and hands-on click ops, as well as building some automation in the customer’s preferred infrastructure provisioning tooling.


Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in React Using Auth0 and AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that can be used, together or on their own, to help frontend web and mobile developers build scalable full stack applications. With Amplify, you can configure app backends and connect your app in minutes, deploy static web apps in a few clicks, and easily manage app content outside the AWS Management Console. Learn how to add multi-factor authentication to a React Single-Page Application (SPA) using Auth0 and AWS Amplify.

VMware Cloud on AWS-dark

AWS Direct Connect Integration with VMware Cloud on AWS

With hybrid implementations, we see a design pattern where customers configure connectivity to allow communication between on-premises and VMware Cloud on AWS networks. Customers use various methods such us a VPN and/or AWS Direct Connect to implement hybrid cloud connectivity. Learn how to leverage Direct Connect to establish hybrid connectivity between on-premises VMware infrastructure and VMware Cloud on AWS.


How AWS Partners Can Get Started with AWS Outposts – By Knowing What it’s Not

In speaking with AWS Partners of all sizes and areas of expertise, it’s clear there is a growing need for getting more robust, more powerful AWS technology to the edge, in more clever ways than before. AWS Outposts is a service that allows customers to run a subset of AWS services—on fully managed AWS hardware—located in their own data center, remote office, production plant, or virtually anywhere they want them to be. The art of the possible, as cliché as it can sometimes be, really does start there.

Top Recommendations for Working with IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 3: Permissions Boundaries and Conditions

This is our third blog post celebrating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)‘s 10th anniversary. Explore two powerful ways that you can limit access to AWS by setting the boundaries and conditionally provide access to resources in IAM policies. Permissions boundaries can be used for situations like granting someone limited permissions management abilities, while conditions enable you to specify when a policy statement is enforced.


Using AWS CloudFormation Modules to Improve Enterprise Security

Dive deep on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and how the principle of least privilege can be best achieved when using AWS CloudFormation, and more specifically CloudFormation Modules, to provision resources on AWS. CloudFormation Modules are a way to package resource configurations for inclusion across stack templates, in a transparent, manageable, and repeatable way.

IAM 10th Anniversary: Top Recommendations for Working with IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 1

This year marks the 10th anniversary of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), which is essential in securing your applications and your AWS environment as a whole. To help you get the most out of this critical AWS service, we are excited to share a blog series featuring top recommendations for using IAM from AWS Heroes and APN Ambassadors, who will share recommendations which are driven from personal experiences using a service that’s foundational for the security of AWS customers.