AWS Marketplace

Category: Technical How-to

How to discover and use Open Data on AWS Data Exchange

How to discover and use Open Data on AWS Data Exchange

In this blog post, Jeff, Mike, and I will show you how to discover and use no-cost open data datasets on AWS Data Exchange. We will also show you how to enrich the open data with a paid dataset and how to import these datasets into Amazon SageMaker and do an analysis against them.

Improve security monitoring within your AWS environment with

Improve security monitoring within your AWS environment with

In this post, Mark and I will show you how to use to build a centralized observability strategy to enhance visibility into your AWS environment and increase your security posture.

Unified authorization AWS Styra Delcarative Authorization Service EKS

Unified authorization for AWS with Styra Declarative Authorization Service: EKS Edition

Implement EKS Guardrails with Open Policy Agent and Styra DAS How do AWS users control which people and machines can perform which actions within their custom applications and within the stack of development tools needed to build and run those applications? Take, for instance, Kubernetes: users of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) need comprehensive controls […]

CyberArk Identity as SSO for AWS Control Tower

CyberArk Identity as SSO for AWS Control Tower

Migrating to the AWS cloud has enabled many organizations to reduce costs, innovate faster, and deliver business results more effectively. As you expand your AWS infrastructure, you require multi-account governance strategies as well as implementation of best practices to your expanded environment. AWS Control Tower implements AWS best practices to establish a well-architected, multi-account baseline […]

Automate Tigera Calico Cloud and EKS clusters integration using AWS Control Tower

Automate Tigera Calico Cloud and EKS clusters integration using AWS Control Tower

Migrating to the cloud has enabled many organizations to reduce costs, innovate faster, and deliver business results more effectively. However, as businesses expand their cloud infrastructure, they must adopt robust monitoring strategies to keep an eye on operations, performance, reliability, security, and costs in their expanded environment. Having a multi-account strategy is a best practice […]

AWS CloudFormation template guidelines for AMI-based products in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace gives sellers the option to list to list AMI-based product with AWS CloudFormation templates. Sellers, as Consulting Partners (CP) and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), use the templates to define a cluster or distributed architecture for the product. Customers then deploy the solution by using CloudFormation templates, saving time and avoiding errors in the process. In this post, I’ll provide you with the CloudFormation template requirements for listing AMI-based products with CloudFormation templates in AWS Marketplace.

Make your software available for use in AWS GovCloud (US) via AWS Marketplace

Make your software available for use in AWS GovCloud (US) via AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a curated digital catalog that makes it easy for customers to find, test, buy, and deploy third-party software, data products, and services. It also enables software providers to shorten sales cycles using several different pricing models to make their software available for AWS users to buy on demand. You can also extend […]

Enhance digital security by automating certificate management with CLMaaS in AWS Marketplace

Enhance digital security by automating certificate management with CLMaaS in AWS Marketplace

Cryptography and digital certificates are the security backbone of modern digital enterprises. An automated certificate lifecycle management (CLM) solution helps you efficiently manage your certificates, and, in turn, bolster your security posture. Digital transformation, cloud migration, remote work, and Internet of Things (IoT) create growth opportunities for organizations. However, they also bring security challenges of […]

Automate multi-account storage integrations in AWS using Snowflake and AWS Control Tower

Automate multi-account storage integrations in AWS using Snowflake and AWS Control Tower

This implementation guide describes how AWS Marketplace customers can integrate AWS Control Tower with Snowflake. The AWS Control Tower integration with Snowflake enables Snowflake storage integrations with Amazon S3 to be automatically available for all newly added AWS accounts in an AWS Control Tower environment. Snowflake is a data warehouse built for the cloud. It […]

Network detection and response at scale with ExtraHop and AWS Control Tower

Network detection and response at scale with ExtraHop and AWS Control Tower

When customers are transitioning to the cloud, the network and security teams have a standard set of goals: build a secure, reliable, scalable network topology. They achieve these goals by creating multiple Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) instances across multiple AWS accounts to provide permissions boundaries and isolate workloads from each other. While robust, […]