AWS Big Data Blog

Category: AWS Glue

Making ETL easier with AWS Glue Studio

AWS Glue Studio is an easy-to-use graphical interface that speeds up the process of authoring, running, and monitoring extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in AWS Glue. The visual interface allows those who don’t know Apache Spark to design jobs without coding experience and accelerates the process for those who do. AWS Glue Studio was […]

Building an AWS Glue ETL pipeline locally without an AWS account

This blog was last reviewed May, 2022. If you’re new to AWS Glue and looking to understand its transformation capabilities without incurring an added expense, or if you’re simply wondering if AWS Glue ETL is the right tool for your use case and want a holistic view of AWS Glue ETL functions, then please continue […]

How Aruba Networks built a cost analysis solution using AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight

February 2023 Update: Console access to the AWS Data Pipeline service will be removed on April 30, 2023. On this date, you will no longer be able to access AWS Data Pipeline though the console. You will continue to have access to AWS Data Pipeline through the command line interface and API. Please note that […]

Optimize Python ETL by extending Pandas with AWS Data Wrangler

April 2024: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Developing extract, transform, and load (ETL) data pipelines is one of the most time-consuming steps to keep data lakes, data warehouses, and databases up to date and ready to provide business insights. You can categorize these pipelines into distributed and non-distributed, and the choice of one or […]

Stream Twitter data into Amazon Redshift using Amazon MSK and AWS Glue streaming ETL

This post demonstrates how customers, system integrator (SI) partners, and developers can use the serverless streaming ETL capabilities of AWS Glue with Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (Amazon MSK) to stream data to a data warehouse such as Amazon Redshift. We also show you how to view Twitter streaming data on Amazon QuickSight via Amazon Redshift.

How Wind Mobility built a serverless data architecture

We parse through millions of scooter and user events generated daily (over 300 events per second) to extract actionable insight. We selected AWS Glue to perform this task. Our primary ETL job reads the newly added raw event data from Amazon S3, processes it using Apache Spark, and writes the results to our Amazon Redshift data warehouse. AWS Glue plays a critical role in our ability to scale on demand. After careful evaluation and testing, we concluded that AWS Glue ETL jobs meet all our needs and free us from procuring and managing infrastructure.

Process data with varying data ingestion frequencies using AWS Glue job bookmarks

We often have data processing requirements in which we need to merge multiple datasets with varying data ingestion frequencies. Some of these datasets are ingested one time in full, received infrequently, and always used in their entirety, whereas other datasets are incremental, received at certain intervals, and joined with the full datasets to generate output. To address this requirement, this post demonstrates how to build an extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipeline using AWS Glue.

Extend your Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse to your Data Lake

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, cloud-native data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence tools. Many companies today are using Amazon Redshift to analyze data and perform various transformations on the data. However, as data continues to grow and become […]

Build an end to end, automated inventory forecasting capability with AWS Lake Formation and Amazon Forecast

This post demonstrates how you can automate the data extraction, transformation, and use of Forecast for the use case of a retailer that requires recurring replenishment of inventory. You achieve this by using AWS Lake Formation to build a secure data lake and ingest data into it, orchestrate the data transformation using an AWS Glue workflow, and visualize the forecast results in Amazon QuickSight.