AWS Big Data Blog

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Run Spark SQL on Amazon Athena Spark

At AWS re:Invent 2022, Amazon Athena launched support for Apache Spark. With this launch, Amazon Athena supports two open-source query engines: Apache Spark and Trino. Athena Spark allows you to build Apache Spark applications using a simplified notebook experience on the Athena console or through Athena APIs. Athena Spark notebooks support PySpark and notebook magics […]

Resolve private DNS hostnames for Amazon MSK Connect

Amazon MSK Connect is a feature of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) that offers a fully managed Apache Kafka Connect environment on AWS. With MSK Connect, you can deploy fully managed connectors built for Kafka Connect that move data into or pull data from popular data stores like Amazon S3 and Amazon […]

Migrate data from Azure Blob Storage to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue

In this post, we use Azure Blob Storage as an example and demonstrate how the new connector works, introduce the connector’s functions, and provide you with key steps to set it up. We provide you with prerequisites, share how to subscribe to this connector in AWS Marketplace, and describe how to create and run AWS Glue for Apache Spark jobs with it. Regarding the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Connector, we highlight any major differences in this post.

SmugMug’s durable search pipelines for Amazon OpenSearch Service

SmugMug operates two very large online photo platforms, SmugMug and Flickr, enabling more than 100 million customers to safely store, search, share, and sell tens of billions of photos. Customers uploading and searching through decades of photos helped turn search into critical infrastructure, growing steadily since SmugMug first used Amazon CloudSearch in 2012, followed by […]

Migrate Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics to Amazon Redshift using AWS SCT

In this post, we show how to migrate a data warehouse from Microsoft Azure Synapse to Redshift Serverless using AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) and AWS SCT data extraction agents. AWS SCT makes heterogeneous database migrations predictable by automatically converting the source database code and storage objects to a format compatible with the target database.

Run Apache Hive workloads using Spark SQL with Amazon EMR on EKS

Apache Hive is a distributed, fault-tolerant data warehouse system that enables analytics at a massive scale. Using Spark SQL to run Hive workloads provides not only the simplicity of SQL-like queries but also taps into the exceptional speed and performance provided by Spark. Spark SQL is an Apache Spark module for structured data processing. One […]

Unleash the power of Snapshot Management to take automated snapshots using Amazon OpenSearch Service

Snapshot Management helps you create point-in-time backups of your domain using OpenSearch Dashboards, including both data and configuration settings (for visualizations and dashboards). You can use these snapshots to restore your cluster to a specific state, recover from potential failures, and even clone environments for testing or development purposes. In this post, we share how to use Snapshot Management to take automated snapshots using OpenSearch Service.

Accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift – Part 7

In this post, we describe at a high-level how CDC tasks work in AWS SCT. Then we deep dive into an example of how to configure, start, and manage a CDC migration task. We look briefly at performance and how you can tune a CDC migration, and then conclude with some information about how you can get started on your own migration.

Orchestrate Amazon EMR Serverless jobs with AWS Step functions

Amazon EMR Serverless provides a serverless runtime environment that simplifies the operation of analytics applications that use the latest open source frameworks, such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. With EMR Serverless, you don’t have to configure, optimize, secure, or operate clusters to run applications with these frameworks. You can run analytics workloads at any scale with automatic […]