AWS Compute Blog

The Serverless LAMP stack

Introducing the new Serverless LAMP stack

Update : You can now find the supporting GitHub repository to this series. Part 2: Scaling relational databases Part 3: Replacing the web server Part 4: Building a serverless Laravel application Part 5: The CDK construct library for the serverless LAMP stack Part 6: From MVC to serverless microservices Additional: Building PHP Lambda functions with […]

Building for Cost optimization and Resilience for EKS with Spot Instances

This post is contributed by Chris Foote, Sr. EC2 Spot Specialist Solutions Architect Running your Kubernetes and containerized workloads on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances is a great way to save costs. Kubernetes is a popular open-source container management system that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. AWS makes it easy to run […]

cpu graphs

Proactively Monitoring System Performance on Amazon Lightsail Instances

This post is contributed by Mike Coleman, AWS Senior Developer Advocate – Lightsail I commonly hear from customers that they want to be able to proactively identify issues that could affect system performance before they become a problem. For instance, the ability to be alerted before an instance might become unresponsive to a burst in […]

Architecture diagram for the Step Functions Sample App (Stock Trader) quick start application template

Simplifying application orchestration with AWS Step Functions and AWS SAM

Modern software applications consist of multiple components distributed across many services. AWS Step Functions lets you define serverless workflows to orchestrate these services so you can build and update your apps quickly. Step Functions manages its own state and retries when there are errors, enabling you to focus on your business logic. Now, with support […]

Lambda scaling up as events queue grows

Building scalable serverless applications with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda

S3 and Lambda are two highly scalable AWS services that can be powerful when combined in serverless applications. In this post, I summarize many of the patterns shown across this series.

Migrating a SharePoint application using the AWS Server Migration Service

This post is contributed by Ashwini Rudra, Solutions Architect; Rajesh Rathod, Sr. Product Manager; Vivek Chawda, Senior Software Engineer, EC2 Enterprise Many AWS customers are migrating on-premises SharePoint workloads to AWS for greater reliability, faster performance, and lower costs. While planning the migration, customers are looking for tools and methodologies that reduce the time to […]

Running Web Applications on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

This post is contributed by Isaac Vallhonrat, Sr. EC2 Spot Specialist SA Amazon EC2 Spot Instances allow customers to save up to 90% compared to On-Demand pricing by leveraging spare EC2 capacity. Spot Instances are a perfect fit for fault tolerant workloads that are flexible to run on multiple instance types such as batch jobs, […]

Multiple buckets with multiple Lambda subscribers

Using dynamic Amazon S3 event handling with Amazon EventBridge

The standard S3 to Lambda integration enables developers to deploy code that responds to bucket- or object-based events. Using Amazon EventBridge, you can employ even more sophisticated routing and filtering of events between S3 and Lambda.

firewall test instance

Enhancing site security with new Lightsail firewall features

This post is contributed by Mike Coleman, AWS Senior Developer Advocate – Lightsail Amazon Lightsail provides an easy way to get started with AWS for many customers. The service balances ease of use, security, and flexibility. The Lightsail firewall now offers additional features to help customers secure their Lightsail instances. This update offers three new […]