AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Automate mortgage document fraud detection using an ML model and business-defined rules with Amazon Fraud Detector: Part 3

In the first post of this three-part series, we presented a solution that demonstrates how you can automate detecting document tampering and fraud at scale using AWS AI and machine learning (ML) services for a mortgage underwriting use case. In the second post, we discussed an approach to develop a deep learning-based computer vision model […]

Accenture creates a regulatory document authoring solution using AWS generative AI services

This post is co-written with Ilan Geller, Shuyu Yang and Richa Gupta from Accenture. Bringing innovative new pharmaceuticals drugs to market is a long and stringent process. Companies face complex regulations and extensive approval requirements from governing bodies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A key part of the submission process is authoring […]

Integrate QnABot on AWS with ServiceNow

Do your employees wait for hours on the telephone to open an IT ticket? Do they wait for an agent to triage an issue, which sometimes only requires restarting the computer? Providing excellent IT support is crucial for any organization, but legacy systems have relied heavily on human agents being available to intake reports and […]

Deploy large language models for a healthtech use case on Amazon SageMaker

In this post, we show how to develop an ML-driven solution using Amazon SageMaker for detecting adverse events using the publicly available Adverse Drug Reaction Dataset on Hugging Face. In this solution, we fine-tune a variety of models on Hugging Face that were pre-trained on medical data and use the BioBERT model, which was pre-trained on the Pubmed dataset and performs the best out of those tried.

Announcing support for Llama 2 and Mistral models and streaming responses in Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Launched in 2021, Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual, point-and-click service for building and deploying machine learning (ML) models without the need to write any code. Ready-to-use Foundation Models (FMs) available in SageMaker Canvas enable customers to use generative AI for tasks such as content generation and summarization. We are thrilled to announce the latest […]

Zoonotic spillover risk analysis dashboard

How is limiting risks of disease spillover from animals to humans using Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities

This is a guest post co-authored by Ajay K Gupta, Jean Felipe Teotonio and Paul A Churchyard from is a geospatial health risk analytics firm whose vision is that global health challenges are solvable through human ingenuity and the focused and accurate application of data analytics. In this post, we present one approach […]

Monitor embedding drift for LLMs deployed from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

One of the most useful application patterns for generative AI workloads is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). In the RAG pattern, we find pieces of reference content related to an input prompt by performing similarity searches on embeddings. Embeddings capture the information content in bodies of text, allowing natural language processing (NLP) models to work with […]

Designing generative AI workloads for resilience

Resilience plays a pivotal role in the development of any workload, and generative AI workloads are no different. There are unique considerations when engineering generative AI workloads through a resilience lens. Understanding and prioritizing resilience is crucial for generative AI workloads to meet organizational availability and business continuity requirements. In this post, we discuss the […]

Analyze security findings faster with no-code data preparation using generative AI and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Data is the foundation to capturing the maximum value from AI technology and solving business problems quickly. To unlock the potential of generative AI technologies, however, there’s a key prerequisite: your data needs to be appropriately prepared. In this post, we describe how use generative AI to update and scale your data pipeline using Amazon […]

Getting started with Amazon Titan Text Embeddings in Amazon Bedrock

Embeddings play a key role in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). Text embedding refers to the process of transforming text into numerical representations that reside in a high-dimensional vector space. This technique is achieved through the use of ML algorithms that enable the understanding of the meaning and context of data (semantic […]