AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Get started quickly with AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia using AWS Neuron DLAMI and AWS Neuron DLC

Starting with the AWS Neuron 2.18 release, you can now launch Neuron DLAMIs (AWS Deep Learning AMIs) and Neuron DLCs (AWS Deep Learning Containers) with the latest released Neuron packages on the same day as the Neuron SDK release. When a Neuron SDK is released, you’ll now be notified of the support for Neuron DLAMIs […]

Detect email phishing attempts using Amazon Comprehend

Phishing is the process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity using email, telephone or text messages. There are many types of phishing based on the mode of communication and targeted victims. In an Email phishing attempt, an email is sent as […]

Prioritizing employee well-being: An innovative approach with generative AI and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, employee mental health has become a crucial aspect that organizations can no longer overlook. Many companies recognize that their greatest asset lies in their dedicated workforce, and each employee plays a vital role in collective success. As such, promoting employee well-being by creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment is […]

Dynamic video content moderation and policy evaluation using AWS generative AI services

Organizations across media and entertainment, advertising, social media, education, and other sectors require efficient solutions to extract information from videos and apply flexible evaluations based on their policies. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has unlocked fresh opportunities for these use cases. In this post, we introduce the Media Analysis and Policy Evaluation solution, which uses AWS […]

Accelerate Mixtral 8x7B pre-training with expert parallelism on Amazon SageMaker

Mixture of Experts (MoE) architectures for large language models (LLMs) have recently gained popularity due to their ability to increase model capacity and computational efficiency compared to fully dense models. By utilizing sparse expert subnetworks that process different subsets of tokens, MoE models can effectively increase the number of parameters while requiring less computation per […]

Accelerate NLP inference with ONNX Runtime on AWS Graviton processors

ONNX is an open source machine learning (ML) framework that provides interoperability across a wide range of frameworks, operating systems, and hardware platforms. ONNX Runtime is the runtime engine used for model inference and training with ONNX. AWS Graviton3 processors are optimized for ML workloads, including support for bfloat16, Scalable Vector Extension (SVE), and Matrix […]

Revolutionize Customer Satisfaction with tailored reward models for your business on Amazon SageMaker

As more powerful large language models (LLMs) are used to perform a variety of tasks with greater accuracy, the number of applications and services that are being built with generative artificial intelligence (AI) is also growing. With great power comes responsibility, and organizations want to make sure that these LLMs produce responses that align with […]

Fine-tune and deploy language models with Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Amazon Bedrock

Imagine harnessing the power of advanced language models to understand and respond to your customers’ inquiries. Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service providing access to such models, makes this possible. Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on domain-specific data supercharges tasks like answering product questions or generating relevant content. In this post, we show how Amazon […]

Improving inclusion and accessibility through automated document translation with an open source app using Amazon Translate

Organizations often offer support in multiple languages, saying “contact us for translations.” However, customers who don’t speak the predominant language often don’t know that translations are available or how to request them. This can lead to poor customer experience and lost business. A better approach is proactively providing information in multiple languages so customers can […]

Build private and secure enterprise generative AI apps with Amazon Q Business and AWS IAM Identity Center

As of April 30, 2024 Amazon Q Business is generally available. Amazon Q Business is a conversational assistant powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI) that enhances workforce productivity by answering questions and completing tasks based on information in your enterprise systems. Your employees can access enterprise content securely and privately using web applications built with […]