AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Build an AI-powered virtual agent for Genesys Cloud using QnABot and Amazon Lex

The rise of artificial intelligence technologies enables organizations to adopt and improve self-service capabilities in contact center operations to create a more proactive, timely, and effective customer experience. Voice bots, or conversational interactive voice response systems (IVR), use natural language processing (NLP) to understand customers’ questions and provide relevant answers. Businesses can automate responses to […]

Enable intelligent decision-making with Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Amazon QuickSight

Every company, regardless of its size, wants to deliver the best products and services to its customers. To achieve this, companies want to understand industry trends and customer behavior, and optimize internal processes and data analyses on a routine basis. This is a crucial component of a company’s success. A very prominent part of the […]

Use ADFS OIDC as the IdP for an Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth private workforce

To train a machine learning (ML) model, you need a large, high-quality, labeled dataset. Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth helps you build high-quality training datasets for your ML models. With Ground Truth, you can use workers from either Amazon Mechanical Turk, a vendor company of your choosing, or an internal, private workforce to enable you to […]

Create a batch recommendation pipeline using Amazon Personalize with no code

With personalized content more likely to drive customer engagement, businesses continuously seek to provide tailored content based on their customer’s profile and behavior. Recommendation systems in particular seek to predict the preference an end-user would give to an item. Some common use cases include product recommendations on online retail stores, personalizing newsletters, generating music playlist […]

Explore Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler capabilities with sample datasets

Data preparation is the process of collecting, cleaning, and transforming raw data to make it suitable for insight extraction through machine learning (ML) and analytics. Data preparation is crucial for ML and analytics pipelines. Your model and insights will only be as reliable as the data you use for training them. Flawed data will produce […]

Visualize your Amazon Lookout for Metrics anomaly results with Amazon QuickSight

One of the challenges encountered by teams using Amazon Lookout for Metrics is quickly and efficiently connecting it to data visualization. The anomalies are presented individually on the Lookout for Metrics console, each with their own graph, making it difficult to view the set as a whole. An automated, integrated solution is needed for deeper […]

AWS architecture

Scale YOLOv5 inference with Amazon SageMaker endpoints and AWS Lambda

After data scientists carefully come up with a satisfying machine learning (ML) model, the model must be deployed to be easily accessible for inference by other members of the organization. However, deploying models at scale with optimized cost and compute efficiencies can be a daunting and cumbersome task. Amazon SageMaker endpoints provide an easily scalable […]

Feature Group Update workflow

Simplify iterative machine learning model development by adding features to existing feature groups in Amazon SageMaker Feature Store

Feature engineering is one of the most challenging aspects of the machine learning (ML) lifecycle and a phase where the most amount of time is spent—data scientists and ML engineers spend 60–70% of their time on feature engineering. AWS introduced Amazon SageMaker Feature Store during AWS re:Invent 2020, which is a purpose-built, fully managed, centralized […]

CITM solution overivew

Build taxonomy-based contextual targeting using AWS Media Intelligence and Hugging Face BERT

As new data privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, 2017) have come into effect, customers are under increased pressure to monetize media assets while abiding by the new rules. Monetizing media while respecting privacy regulations requires the ability to automatically extract granular metadata from assets like text, images, video, and audio files at […]

Build a news-based real-time alert system with Twitter, Amazon SageMaker, and Hugging Face

Today, social media is a huge source of news. Users rely on platforms like Facebook and Twitter to consume news. For certain industries such as insurance companies, first respondents, law enforcement, and government agencies, being able to quickly process news about relevant events occurring can help them take action while these events are still unfolding. […]