AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Data Science & Analytics for Media

Transformation journeys: Creating and delivering amazing content experiences in the cloud at IBC 2022

As the worldwide demand for content continues to grow, leading broadcasters and content creators are redefining their workflows with the power of the cloud. Visit Amazon Web Services (AWS) on stand 5.C80 at IBC 2022 and join AWS special sessions at the IBC Showcase Theater on Saturday, September 10, where we’ll cover everything from broadcast to […]

AWS Partner TrackIt uses Amazon OpenSearch service to help Visual Data streamline media delivery

Television studios, movie distributors, and other entertainment companies face significant challenges with data sprawl. There might be multiple storage systems located all over the world that contain elements needed for editorials in order to meet distribution requirements, such as subtitles, language dubs, and curated video for network standards and practices. Individual companies format files differently, […]

Live content moderation using machine learning

Managing live channels requires humans to monitor streams for unexpected content. It is particularly important to detect harmful content quickly and take appropriate measures for moderation. This guide describes the steps you can take to implement an automatic solution to extract, store, analyze, and sort images from your live channel using cloud services from Amazon […]

Integrating the Content Localization on AWS solution into your media creation and distribution workflow

Content creators and distributors seeking to deliver video content to worldwide customers have more options than ever before. However, even as tools and services for simplifying the distribution of video streams have become more readily available, the process of localizing content to make it understandable to a worldwide multi-lingual audience remains a challenge for many […]

AWS is How: The Globe and Mail delivers personalized news content recommendations

In the information age, it seems like there’s an unending amount of digital media online. With millions of forums, blogs, and gossip sites permeating the internet, you want to be certain that the news sources you trust are relevant, reliable, and accurate. Since 1844, The Globe and Mail (The Globe) has covered business, politics, sports, […]

Actionable video on demand for audience engagement

As viewers shift from passively viewing into actively engaging with content during video playback, content providers can design and build interactive and actionable experiences for their audiences. Actionable video is context-aware and time-specific, allowing the viewer to respond to prompts about a person, place, or object while watching and interacting with video as it plays. […]

Case study: Second Spectrum reduces Kubernetes hosting costs using AWS load balancing services

Second Spectrum provides artificial intelligence–driven tracking technology to modernize the way people engage with live sports broadcasts, including those of the National Basketball Association (NBA), Major League Soccer (MLS), and the Premier League (EPL). As a startup, Second Spectrum seeks to quickly experiment with new tool offerings and push the most viable ones into production. […]

AWS Partner TrackIt streamlines the content curation process with AI Video Reviewer

Authored by Brad Winett, President and Partner at TrackIt. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. As the availability and demand for media content continues to explode, companies that deal with large volumes of media assets […]

AWS at NAB 2022 demos and presentation videos now available on demand

During the NAB Show 2022, Amazon Web Services showcased purpose-built solutions for media and entertainment (M&E) as well as technology-forward topics in its dedicated theater. Now, you can see many of these demonstrations and presentations on demand, which highlight the transformative power of the cloud across five solution areas for M&E: content production; media supply […]

Part 2: Contextualized viewer engagement and monetization for live OTT events

This is the second in a series of blog posts about contextualized viewer engagement and monetization for live over-the-top (OTT) events. This post describes in technical terms how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to drive contextualization and deeper viewer engagement for live event streams. Click here to read the first post in the series. […]