AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Direct-to-Consumer & Streaming

Clipping VOD content using manifest file time stamps

Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), a managed live streaming solution that lets users build interactive video experiences, has added HTTP live streaming (HLS) Program-Date-Time (PDT) tags and HLS byte range manifest files. The PDT provides precise presentation timestamps to allow time-synchronized tasks, while the byte range manifest allows detailed segmentation and selective loading of […]

M&E Symposium stage

Live again: Sharing experiences of cloud-native television

AWS Media & Entertainment Symposium 2023, Kings Place, London, 8th February After engaging with customers and partners exclusively online since 2019, it was incredibly rewarding to hold the annual AWS M&E Symposium in person in 2023. Over 300 customers and partners joined Amazon Web Services (AWS) in London for a day of knowledge sharing, trend […]

Combining dynamic ad insertion and A/B watermarking

For video service providers, delivering a personalized ad experience with A/B forensic watermarking can create interoperability challenges because both require dynamic manipulation of the manifest used for playback. In this blog post, we explore this potential conflict and recommend a system architecture that delivers a personalized ad experience along with A/B watermarking so that you […]

Create personalized user experiences with ThinkAnalytics and Amazon Personalize

This blog is co-authored by Nilay Naik from ThinkAnalytics and Kevin Yao from AWS. The ThinkAnalytics Think360 platform helps media, entertainment, news, and direct-to-consumer video providers use a data-driven approach to increase revenue and customer engagement. The platform integrates Amazon Personalize from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to allow a wide selection of personalized recommendation solutions […]

Live video streaming using Amazon S3

Introduction Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering the scalability, data availability, security, performance, and consistency required of a basic origin for live streaming video workflows. This post outlines best practices for configuration and resiliency when using AWS Elemental Live and AWS Elemental MediaLive to generate an HLS output group with […]

The WFA spotlights powerchair football talent via match live streams

When it comes to powerchair football, player and fan dedication runs deep. Established in France in 1970 and formed nationally in England in 2005 by the Wheelchair Football Association (WFA), powerchair football has become one of the fastest growing parasports, with more than a thousand UK players and many more globally. Individuals of all ages […]

New NFL ‘Expected Return Yards’ stat tackles hidden dynamics of punt and kickoff returns

National Football League (NFL) fans have all witnessed a returner getting tackled a nanosecond after receiving a punt or kickoff. Holding onto the ball, let alone gaining a chunk of yardage, is a huge win. And the odds of a return touchdown are rare. But that’s exactly why it’s a thrill to see a returner […]

How DAZN uses AWS Step Functions to orchestrate event-based video streaming at scale

This blog is co-authored by Russ Johnson at DAZN, and Corneliu Croitoru and Chris Fane at AWS. In this blog post, we explain how DAZN, a global sports entertainment platform, used AWS Step Functions from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a lightweight, modular, and extensible orchestrator to automate its live sports streaming events. This architecture lets […]

Watch now: HBO Max automates misconfiguration and vulnerability detection on AWS

As a premium streaming service for blockbuster movies, epic originals, and addictive series, HBO Max demands tight security to protect its content. While traditional security models tend to be reactive, the HBO Max security team built an automated process to prevent vulnerabilities and cloud misconfigurations from happening in the first place, allowing HBO developers to […]

A graph depicting bandwidth utilization within a statmux pool

System information data and remultiplexing using AWS Elemental Statmux

Introduction Statistical multiplexing (statmux) is an essential compression technology that allows for efficient, high-quality distribution of multiple video channels over a fixed-bandwidth medium such as satellite, cable, or over-the-air transmission. To learn more about the basics of statmux, refer to our previous blog post on the topic. For video distribution workflows, it is often necessary […]