AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Industries

New NFL ‘Expected Return Yards’ stat tackles hidden dynamics of punt and kickoff returns

National Football League (NFL) fans have all witnessed a returner getting tackled a nanosecond after receiving a punt or kickoff. Holding onto the ball, let alone gaining a chunk of yardage, is a huge win. And the odds of a return touchdown are rare. But that’s exactly why it’s a thrill to see a returner […]

Run scalable radio processing using Ross RSAP on AWS

This blog is co-authored by Rafal Kulczycki, Software Developer at Ross Video and Dilip Sant, AWS. Radio broadcasters continuously seek options to improve operations, build resilient networks, and operate in a high-performance, redundant infrastructure. This all comes at high cost, for both hardware and ongoing maintenance. When a customer of mine recently asked how Amazon […]

Flexible client preview with AWS Cloud Digital Interface

As high-performance, real-time post production workflows such as color grading and finishing migrate to the cloud, the ability to view reference quality video on appropriate local display devices is critical. In addition, as teams become more and more comfortable working at a distance, creative decision makers still expect to have a real-time, high-quality view to […]

How DAZN uses AWS Step Functions to orchestrate event-based video streaming at scale

This blog is co-authored by Russ Johnson at DAZN, and Corneliu Croitoru and Chris Fane at AWS. In this blog post, we explain how DAZN, a global sports entertainment platform, used AWS Step Functions from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a lightweight, modular, and extensible orchestrator to automate its live sports streaming events. This architecture lets […]

Watch now: HBO Max automates misconfiguration and vulnerability detection on AWS

As a premium streaming service for blockbuster movies, epic originals, and addictive series, HBO Max demands tight security to protect its content. While traditional security models tend to be reactive, the HBO Max security team built an automated process to prevent vulnerabilities and cloud misconfigurations from happening in the first place, allowing HBO developers to […]

A graph depicting bandwidth utilization within a statmux pool

System information data and remultiplexing using AWS Elemental Statmux

Introduction Statistical multiplexing (statmux) is an essential compression technology that allows for efficient, high-quality distribution of multiple video channels over a fixed-bandwidth medium such as satellite, cable, or over-the-air transmission. To learn more about the basics of statmux, refer to our previous blog post on the topic. For video distribution workflows, it is often necessary […]

Securing production workflows in AWS: Aligning to the MovieLabs Common Security Architecture for Production (CSAP)

In the previous blog in the series, Building a strong identity foundation: Aligning to the MovieLabs Common Security Architecture for Production (CSAP), we discussed the importance of building a strong identity foundation in Amazon Web Services (AWS). We did this by demonstrating how AWS services map to core components in the MovieLabs CSAP through a […]

Personalizing sports content with CloudFront Functions

Introduction Each day, we are presented with information that is personalized to us. This comes in the form of advertisements, social media content, entertainment, and more. This personalization helps us to meet consumer demand and influence consumer behavior. From the perspective of sports franchises, there is yet unmet demand to deliver personalized content to both […]

French national volleyball league transforms its streaming service using solution from AWS Partner Kinow

France’s professional volleyball league, the Ligue Nationale de Volley (LNV), recognized that it needed to respond to changes in how its fans consume media. The internet provides access to an increasing number of delivery channels beyond traditional broadcast television and cable subscriptions, giving more options to viewers. To improve engagement with fans and other stakeholders, […]

Rooter enhances live stream experiences with Amazon IVS

India’s largest game streaming and esports platform adds HD capabilities, lowers latency to deliver stand-out content and improve monetization As the platform of choice for India’s most popular gaming and esports live streamers, Rooter has experienced significant growth in the past two years, from 100,000 two years back to more than 1 million in 2022. […]