AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Detect silent audio tracks in VOD content with AWS Elemental MediaConvert

Introduction In file-based video processing workflows, content providers often standardize on the mezzanine file format used to share content with their customers and partners. When sharing video-on-demand (VOD) content, produced mezzanine files often have same number of audio tracks regardless of how many are in the actual content. For example, MXF media assets may be […]

[Updated 11/27] Media & Entertainment guide to AWS re:Invent 2019

From December 2 to December 6, more than 60,000 attendees will spread out across six venues on the Las Vegas Strip, which promises to make re:Invent 2019 the biggest re:Invent yet. For M&E attendees looking to get the most out of their experience, follow the steps below: Register for re:Invent Take a look at all of the M&E […]

2020 Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory finds a rendering solution in AWS Thinkbox (plus some tips when creating dome projection content)

Author: Dawn Fidrick – Producer Contributors: Don Dixon – Art Director, Director, Chris Butler – Astronomical Artist, Gee Yeung – VFX Supervisor The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.  When Griffith Observatory and Friends Of The Observatory […]

This is my architecture videos in one place

Want an in-depth look at how the most innovative media companies are solving tough problems? Click here to check out all M&E-related This is My Architecture videos From advertising and streaming analytics, to rendering in the cloud, to broadcast playout, and everything in between, hear from AWS M&E subject matter experts and customers about how […]

Entertainment partners: Studio systems

This article originally appeared in FEED Magazine, Issue 13. The most powerful thing in Hollywood isn’t technology or talent. It’s payroll. “I know there’s a joke that there are no rocket scientists in Hollywood, but one of our co-founders was, in fact, a NASA rocket scientist,” says Ron Cogan, VP of Communications at industry payroll giant […]

Graham Media Group taps AWS Media services to build powerful media solutions for reporters and elevate the live stream experience

Reaching modern audiences with compelling, informative content can be challenging in the digital era, but Graham Media Group (GMG), a subsidiary of Graham Holdings Company, has managed to break through the noise by innovating the way its local stations deliver news coverage. As part of the company’s VIDEO 2020 total video transformation project, which aims […]

NGA introduces Microburst cloud pilot during Enterprise Challenge 2019

Concluding our updates from the 2019 Enterprise Challenge series of demonstrations, sponsored by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, or USD(I) and led by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), we can report that NGA’s Microburst cloud concept was successfully demonstrated to many government organizations. Supported by AWS Elemental and several Amazon Web Services technology partners, […]

AWS joins the Academy Software Foundation

Filmmaking is evolving at an incredible pace. The content created for features, episodics, and beyond is becoming increasingly complex. Sophisticated visual effects and animation tools have been used to realize the director’s vision at a level never been seen before, from replacing entire greenscreen backlots with stunning vistas or CG cityscapes, to waging epic superhero […]