AWS for M&E Blog

Category: AWS Elemental Link

Watch now: Innovate, enhance, and secure OTT and B2B video delivery featuring PBS

The world of content contribution and distribution is changing, and AWS is helping people solve the latest challenges. Whether the use case is one-to-many or many-to-one, AWS provides solutions custom built for media content. This session explores two use cases, one highlighting multisite contribution feeding centralized distribution and another focused on highly secure centralized contribution […]

Delivering a reliable live video stream using AWS Elemental Link and Amazon IVS

Working remotely has become more common, so many customers are looking for easy-to-setup and cost-efficient ways to deliver a reliable live video stream to their customers, colleagues, and business partners. For example, an auctioneer may want to stream their auctions for online bidding or a teacher may need to deliver remote lectures with live Q&A. For […]

Spiritland Productions livestreams dynamic sonic concerts with AWS and Dolby technology

The popularity of live music festivals and concerts has swelled in recent years, with the UK leading the charts for a country with the most music festivals. The artistry, visual spectacle, and energy of the crowd remain a draw, but with COVID-19, the live concert industry came to a halt, with large gatherings no longer […]

Professional photo of an AWS Elemental Link device in a production studio

Unbox and start streaming live video with AWS Elemental Link

Did you order and receive a new AWS Elemental Link device and now wonder what comes next? Do you want to learn how easy is it to create an AWS account, order a Link device, and start streaming live video to the cloud? Or, do you simply enjoy watching other people unbox new technology and […]

How transformed live event streaming with AWS Elemental Link

Authored by Brian Lisi, CEO, iOiO. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. iOiO provides automated solutions for creating end-to-end video workflows by productizing the power of AWS Media Services and cloud scalability. With over 12 years […]

How-to: Stream your live video to social media sites using AWS Elemental Link

Many types of customers need a configuration-free, cost-efficient way to deliver a live stream to social media platforms. For example, a religious organization that wants to stream their weekly video services to YouTube. Or a gaming event may need to make their live event available to their audience on Twitch. Even some local broadcast news […]