AWS for M&E Blog

Category: AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Creating dynamic MediaPackage origin mappings using Amazon CloudFront and AWS Lambda@Edge

Customers taking advantage of the elastic, on demand nature of the AWS Media Services have the ability to spin up and tear down live streaming pipelines on demand and on an event by event basis. Entire media pipelines can be deployed from a template, for a single live event. Once the event is complete the […]

Multi-language automatic captions and audio dubbing made possible for live events with AWS Media Services and SyncWords

This post was co-authored by Giovanni Galvez, VP of Business Development and Strategy, SyncWords. Introduction Adding captions to live streaming events is not something new to the industry. There are well-established workflows to add captions to video feeds by using specialized hardware encoders to embed the captions. These workflows can create challenges for live event […]

Three men on treadmills watching overhead televisions.

Atmosphere scales streaming service for businesses, unlocks new revenue potential with AWS

Where audiences dwell, advertisers follow. From restaurants and bars to gyms, medical offices, airports and beyond, ample opportunities exist for brands to reach consumers as they move through the day. Atmosphere is broadening access to these audiences in the US and internationally with its free ad-supported streaming service, built on cloud-based technologies from Amazon Web […]

How to delay live streaming using AWS Elemental MediaPackage

How to delay live streaming using AWS Elemental MediaPackage

The ability to introduce a delay into live or real-time streaming video is a critical function for many content providers. There are several reasons a content provider might want to introduce a time lag to a live stream broadcast. Time zone differences: Delaying a live stream can accommodate viewers in different time zones, serving those […]

Gain observability of live streaming workflows with AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a wide range of media services with which you can build live and on-demand video workflows. In this blog post, we discuss how users can gain observability by integrating scattered metrics and analyzing logs produced by AWS Media Services when configuring a live streaming workflow. Use metrics from Amazon CloudWatch, […]

Connect your on-premises multicast video network to the cloud with AWS Elemental MediaConnect Gateway

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched AWS Elemental MediaConnect Gateway, a new cloud-connected software application to transmit live video between on-premises multicast networks and AWS. Part of AWS Media Services, MediaConnect Gateway improves operations in hybrid environments, providing monitoring, security, and management of video feeds from the AWS Management Console. With MediaConnect Gateway, customers can […]

Back to basics: conditional access vs. digital rights management

In this blog, technologies used to protect content from unauthorized access in the direct-to-consumer (D2C) video delivery domain are discussed and presented in laymen’s terms. To start, let’s answer the question: Why is D2C content protection needed in the first place? Premium video content production is a complex and expensive process. Large budgets are dedicated […]

Optimizing video delivery and cache efficiency using CORS headers and Amazon CloudFront

Customers often ask how to achieve a high cache efficiency when streaming video to a wide range of devices at scale through a Content Delivery Network (CDN).  Specifically, when the client application is delivered from one endpoint (origin A), and the video content itself is delivered from a second endpoint (origin B). This type of […]

Learn about IoT integration and server-side ad insertion with AWS Media Services

Overview This blog helps Raspberry Pi enthusiasts who want to monetize exclusive, but simple-to-set-up, IoT video feeds using server-side ad insertion (SSAI) powered by AWS Media Services from Amazon Web Services (AWS). For example, an exotic dog breed kennel club that nurtures rare and magnificent dog species may choose to showcase its residents on a […]

Live stream highlights with AWS Media Services

Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), live stream broadcasting has become simpler than ever before. AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaPackage provide delivery of live streams or video on demand (VOD) assets to the end consumer. Sports and other live events demand extracting certain segments or golden moments from the live video and saving them […]