AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Media Services

An image of two screens: a phone on the left displaying a view of three participants publishing to a stage, and a browser window on the right showing a composite of the stage being broadcasted to an IVS channel. An arrow connects the two screens, pointing from a "Start Streaming" button on the phone screen to the browser window.

Add multiple hosts to live streams with Amazon IVS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), a managed live streaming solution that enables developers to build interactive video experiences, in 2020. Developers now use Amazon IVS to build apps across many verticals including social networking, ecommerce, and fitness. Collaborative live streaming has emerged as a key trend since the Amazon […]

Quick turnaround of live broadcast media for VOD

Introduction Monetizing content with commercials is an essential way for broadcasters to increase revenue. Broadcast content is segmented with markers defining advertising breaks and ad windows. These ad markers are used to insert commercials for display to viewers. After an initial live broadcast, recorded content can be further monetized by using previously aired commercials or […]

How to improve user engagement with real-time AR effects using BytePlus Effects and Amazon IVS

This blog post was co-authored by Chen Xiaoyu, ML Solution Director at BytePlus, Hao Chen at AWS, and Tian Shi at AWS. According to Sandvine’s Global Internet Phenomena Report, video content accounted for more than 65% of all internet traffic in 2022. This number is up 24% from 2021 and is set to increase with […]

ITN advances live cloud-based content production and delivery with AWS

The stakes run high when producing and delivering daily news for UK media stalwarts like Independent Television News (ITV), Channel 4, and Channel 5, making technological innovation a priority at Independent Television News (ITN). The award-winning production company services these clients, among others, in bringing live news and events, documentaries, sports matches, and other digital […]

Venera Technologies automates QC advances in the cloud

This blog post is co-authored by Brian Kenworthy and Jason Dvorkin at AWS, and Fereidoon Khosravi at Venera. Quality control (QC) checks have always been a critical step in media supply chain workloads. Today, with the shift to cloud-based workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the QC process has evolved from on-premises desktop software to […]

How the PGA TOUR is changing the media asset management game

Managing a media archive is no easy feat. Hollywood studios have spent years managing large archives containing feature films, episodic television, and, in some cases, animated content. When you consider content that appears beyond the screen, such as promotional materials to support the next blockbuster, the volume of content grows. A similar challenge holds true […]

Clipping VOD content using manifest file time stamps

Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), a managed live streaming solution that lets users build interactive video experiences, has added HTTP live streaming (HLS) Program-Date-Time (PDT) tags and HLS byte range manifest files. The PDT provides precise presentation timestamps to allow time-synchronized tasks, while the byte range manifest allows detailed segmentation and selective loading of […]

M&E Symposium stage

Live again: Sharing experiences of cloud-native television

AWS Media & Entertainment Symposium 2023, Kings Place, London, 8th February After engaging with customers and partners exclusively online since 2019, it was incredibly rewarding to hold the annual AWS M&E Symposium in person in 2023. Over 300 customers and partners joined Amazon Web Services (AWS) in London for a day of knowledge sharing, trend […]

Combining dynamic ad insertion and A/B watermarking

For video service providers, delivering a personalized ad experience with A/B forensic watermarking can create interoperability challenges because both require dynamic manipulation of the manifest used for playback. In this blog post, we explore this potential conflict and recommend a system architecture that delivers a personalized ad experience along with A/B watermarking so that you […]

Live stream highlights with AWS Media Services

Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), live stream broadcasting has become simpler than ever before. AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaPackage provide delivery of live streams or video on demand (VOD) assets to the end consumer. Sports and other live events demand extracting certain segments or golden moments from the live video and saving them […]