AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Technical How-to

[Updated 3/15/2021] Inserting ad breaks into video content using Amazon Rekognition, AWS Elemental MediaConvert and AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Customers are often overwhelmed with the amount of undifferentiated heavy-lifting involved in preparing their media for monetization and streaming. The traditional ad insertion process is repetitive, error-prone, and time-consuming, and ads are inserted in a non-intrusive way so that the attention of the audience is not disturbed when presented with ad content. A cloud-based monetization […]

Protecting your video stream with Amazon CloudFront and serverless technologies – Part 2

Amazon CloudFront alongside media services and serverless technologies from AWS make it easy to protect your video stream from unauthorized viewing. In part one of this blog post, you learned how to set up Amazon Cognito, create an API to generate cookies and protect your stream from unauthorized access. In this post, we will provide […]

[Updated 1/4/2021]: Protecting your video stream with Amazon CloudFront and serverless technologies – Part 1

Amazon CloudFront alongside media services and serverless technologies from AWS make it easy to protect your video stream from unauthorized viewing. Whether it’s to ensure audiences have the right subscription to view the content, or that sensitive information can only be seen by permissioned viewers, there are many reasons content providers need to secure their […]

Introducing Private Channels for Amazon Interactive Video Service

Today, Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) introduced Playback Authorization, a new feature which enables developers to launch private channels secured by JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). With just a little development, you can set up private channels that enable you to easily build subscription based live streaming services. This is the first of a two-part blog […]

Creating dashboards and alarms for AWS Elemental MediaConvert using Amazon CloudWatch

Introduction If you are developing an automated video-on-demand workflow, you may at times need to monitor specific parts of the workflow pipeline. When it comes to the transcoding piece of the workflow, AWS Elemental MediaConvert is integrated with Amazon CloudWatch to provide metrics and events from the MediaConvert service. You can create simple CloudWatch dashboards […]

Getting started with AWS cloud video editing

In the first installment of Edit in the Cloud series, we covered the fundaments of enabling various editorial personas on AWS. Now it is time to get started and deploy the GitHub sample. This step-by-step guide details how to deploy an edit host, storage, and connectivity on AWS. This template allows users to build additional […]

Screenshot image of interface showing the quiz interface

Using Amazon Interactive Video Service timed metadata – Part 2

Introduction Before we begin This blog post is part two of a two-part series aiming to excite and enable developers to build and learn how to use the Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) Timed Metadata feature. You should complete the steps in part one of this series to successfully complete this tutorial. The third step […]

Screenshot of interface

Using Amazon Interactive Video Service timed metadata – Part 1

Introduction Before we begin This blog post is part one of a two-part series aiming to excite and enable developers to build and learn how to use the Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) Timed Metadata feature. In this walk-through tutorial, you will build a full end-to-end working demonstration of an Amazon IVS live stream […]

Professional photo of an AWS Elemental Link device in a production studio

Unbox and start streaming live video with AWS Elemental Link

Did you order and receive a new AWS Elemental Link device and now wonder what comes next? Do you want to learn how easy is it to create an AWS account, order a Link device, and start streaming live video to the cloud? Or, do you simply enjoy watching other people unbox new technology and […]

AWS Content Analysis Solution in action

How to rapidly prototype multimedia applications on AWS with the Media Insights Engine

AWS provides powerful services to analyze and transform videos, images, sounds, speech, and text; however, to use those services you have to use general purpose AWS APIs, like AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, Amazon S3, and more, as building blocks. My colleagues and I believe multimedia application developers are better served by an API purpose-built […]