AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Internet of Things

Wings for Life World Run uses AWS to scale when it matters most

The Wings for Life World Run is a global charity run that has raised funds to help find a cure for spinal cord injury since 2014. Every year, the event gives 100% of its entry fees and donations to research supported by Wings for Life, a not-for-profit foundation that supports spinal cord research. Participants can join the event worldwide at the same time, using the Wings for Life World Run App. To scale to meet the spike in demand to the Wings for Life World Run App and give real-time leaderboard updates for the global virtual race, Wings for Life World Run uses AWS.

The road to zero waste: Driving efficiencies in sustainability with cloud technology

The new four-part documentary series Climate Next from Amazon explores how governments and organizations around the world use cloud technology from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to drive innovation in response to our changing planet, create scalable solutions to address climate change, and empower communities to protect and preserve our planet. One episode of the series showcases how the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico uses cloud technology to create a more efficient waste and recycling management operation to divert waste from landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How to build smart cities with FIWARE Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS

Several smart cities use FIWARE, an open source framework supporting the development of smart solutions. FIWARE leverages sensing data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, then collects, stores, and analyzes data with an API call. One FIWARE component, Orion Context Broker, gathers context information from diverse sources such as mobile apps, IoT devices, and social networking services, and manages the lifecycle of this context information, from registrations, updates, queries, and subscriptions. In this blog post, we address building Orion Context Broker on AWS. Learn how to deploy Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and Docker Compose quickly.

Announcing the AWS IoT Rapid Adoption Assistance Initiative for Public Sector Partners

Education, government, and nonprofit organizations seek to deliver quality services to support their missions in increasingly dynamic and complex environments, all while facing common challenges, such as shortage of systems to collect and analyze data in real-time. To support public sector organizations on their missions and with the growth of Internet of Things (IoT), Amazon Web Service (AWS) is launching the AWS IoT Rapid Adoption Assistance Initiative for AWS Partners.

Transporting people and freight more efficiently with cloud-based technologies

Freight transportation companies and logistics service providers are being challenged by spikes in e-commerce volume. The need for real-time, dynamic re-adjustment of global supply chains has shortened planning cycles from weeks to hours, and requires faster IT workloads, quicker access to data, increased ability to innovate, and more. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and cloud technologies can help by bringing cost-effectiveness, scalability, elasticity, and agility to freight and people transportation systems.

Trends in IoT and beyond, powered by the cloud

We’re in the midst of the information age and the Internet of Things (IoT) is at the center. What is IoT? It describes the billions of devices around the world that are connected to the internet, devices that can capture and analyze data and then perform an action based on that analysis. Whether it is an emerging IoT device, an innovative solution pivot, or a tried-and-true IoT application, a few things remain constant: we can look to leading examples from smart cities and healthcare to understand current and future uses and securely deploying and managing devices is an absolute must.

tractors plowing a field at sunrise

Mission: Technology-enabled, sustainable agriculture

I grew up in a farming community in Kentucky, and understand how critical agriculture is to the development of a thriving and robust economy. So what can technology do to make farming and agriculture more sustainable and climate-resilient? How can we make sure crops are high quality and high yield? How do we make sure that we get them to market when they are fresh? How can we improve the way farmers interact with each other? Our customers are helping to answer these questions.

NYC connected digitally smart city

IDC MarketScape names AWS as a leader in IoT applications platforms for smart cities

AWS has been named a leader in worldwide applications platforms for smart cities according to the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide IoT Applications Platforms for Smart Cities 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment. The report assessed the market landscape on Internet of Things (IoT) applications platforms for enabling smart cities.

Colombia Zoo Hackathon 2020 winners who identified solutions to tackle deforestation and illegal logging using technology

Tackling deforestation in Colombia with IoT at the 2019 Zoo Hackathon

Despite its abundance of natural resources, Colombia has the fourth highest rate of deforestation worldwide. To help battle deforestation and illegal logging, Amazon Web Services (AWS), in collaboration with the United States Embassy in Colombia and Jorge Tadeo University (UTadeo), sponsored the Zoo Hackathon event in Bogota in November 2019.

NYC traffic in midtown

Improving your commute, a cloud at a time: Transportation in the age of technology

Our cities are becoming smarter and faster every day, and as the modern city evolves so does its transportation offerings. By migrating transportation services to the cloud, cities can evolve to meet constituents’ transportation needs. To meet a modern-day travelers’ expectations, the cloud drives innovation by providing real-time analytics and predictive modeling that can make transportation easier and faster.