AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Public Sector Partners

Innovative internet safety solutions keep students connected and secure online

For school systems across the U.S., making sure students have a secure environment to use the internet is not only the right thing to do— it’s the law. When the Kentucky Department of Education switched to 100 percent remote learning, they turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Lightspeed Systems to keep students safe and engaged in online learning at home.

tax forms with calculator on table top

Taxes, governments, and great experiences using the cloud

Information technology and cloud services can be enablers for modernization of these business processes and tax systems, and improved constituent experience. For public administrators, these tools can also shorten the window between the enactment of a new law and its timely and successful implementation. Here’s how governments are addressing some major challenges using the AWS Cloud.

Get help building your public sector business with APN Navigate

Now available for organizations and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partners interested in expanding into the public sector: the APN Navigate Program. The APN Navigate Program expanded to offer dedicated tracks to help new and existing AWS Partners build a successful public sector practice. Called Public Sector Foundations, these tracks are open to all registered AWS Partners with the goal of helping them do business in the public sector and define their specialty to accelerate their route to market with AWS.

Analyze controlled unclassified data with SAS Viya EKS on AWS GovCloud (US)

SAS Viya is a highly available, cloud-native analytics platform. The latest version of SAS Viya on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) allows customers to receive all of Kubernetes’ advantages without the trouble of maintaining their own Kubernetes infrastructure. Plus, customers also inherit AWS compliance controls, which can accelerate the journey to achieving FedRAMP authority to operate (ATO) in AWS US Regions. In this post, we show the key components of the SAS Viya architecture along with its core features to help customers on their journey to the cloud.

group sits collaborating at a table with a laptop

Announcing the AWS Public Sector Startup Ramp

AWS announced the launch of AWS Public Sector Startup Ramp in India, a new program to help early stage public sector focused technology startups build solutions on AWS. AWS Startup Ramp is an acceleration program for startups that are building innovative solutions for public sector customers worldwide, including but not limited to customers in national and local government, space and defense, and healthcare.

AWS Clean Energy Accelerator

Announcing the 10 finalists for the inaugural AWS Clean Energy Accelerator program

We are happy to announce the selection of the 10 finalists and participants in the inaugural AWS Clean Energy Accelerator program. These ten companies were selected by a panel from AWS and Freshwater Advisors, from 218 applications received from 38 countries around the world. The applicants ranged from pre-revenue to $50M in annual revenue and from 1 to more than 500 employees.

Library and Archives Canada helps better preserve Canadian history by embracing the cloud

Canada’s history is rich, but not without its scars. The need for documentation and analysis has never been greater. Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is the custodian of Canada’s distant past and recent history—and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping expand its reach.

Governments create cloud-enabled constituent engagement systems to solve challenges and innovate communities

A constituent engagement system helps governments communicate, listen, and respond to informational, service, and transactional requests from their communities. Governments across the US are embracing the cloud to optimize constituent engagement systems and improve the experience, reduce and eliminate friction for both enterprise employees and their customers, and manage first contact burdens on staffed, centralized intake points to liberate resources for higher priority initiatives.

two students walking away from camera through a campus common area

Getting students back to the classroom and student athletes back on the field

According to a recent study conducted by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), less than half of all US students are back in the classroom full time a full year after the start of the pandemic. As schools look to safely bring students back onsite the fall, with cloud technology, schools can manage their large populations through robust reporting of test results with meaningful statistics around clusters of students who live, learn and play together while meeting state reporting guidelines for point of care testing.

The power of positive disruption: four ways cloud-based learning is transforming the global classroom

The surge in cloud-based online learning is “positive disruption,” said Melissa Loble, chief customer experience officer at Instructure, the maker of Canvas. She believes online learning has transformed the classroom on a global scale—in many ways for the better. Read four ways that Canvas and other cloud-based learning platforms have disrupted the educational landscape, both for traditional colleges and universities and global programs.